True Love for the Holy Prophet

Book Description

Recently there has been an international conspiracy against Islam and its Holy Founder the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). To use vulgar language, obscene descriptions, distortion of the teachings of Islam and the noble character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, negative propaganda, blasphemous criticism of the most Noble of the Prophets, and Islam - all this is done in the name of free speech and western civilized values. The Imam and the Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V delivered his Friday Sermon on September 21, 2012 at Baitul-Futuh Mosque in Morden, Surrey UK in response to the film "Innocence of Muslims" and the publication of cartoons in France depicting the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In this Sermon His Holiness set out what our response as Ahmadi Muslims must be. In this booklet we are presenting the English translation of this Sermon for the guidance of every one.

The Blessed Model of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and the Caricatures

Book Description

Shock waves of indignation ran across the Muslim world following the recent publication of offensive and crude caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in some parts of Europe. The un-informed, as ever, misled by the mullah gave in to public display of rage and rampant chaos ensued. Midst this confusion of an undeniably distressing time for all Muslims, spoke the voice of reason, calm and peace, precisely in line with the teachings of the 'prince of peace' himself, the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This was the voice of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his Helper) that unfolded the reality of the Islamic ways and means to respond to injustice; calling for peace, reasoning, endeavour to enlighten the world with the power of the pen and ultimately to always put one's trust in sincere prayers. He delivered a series of five faith-inspiring and enlightening Friday Sermons on the subject that are a beckon of light for anyone in this often perplexing world that we live in. These Friday Sermons are being presented in this booklet.

Muhammad the Liberator of Women

Book Description

Throughout history, women have been powerless and weak. Before the Holy Prophet Muhammad's arrival, a woman was regarded as man's slave and property, and no religion or nation could offer the woman rights and freedom. When their husbands died, they were forced to marry relatives or sold for money. There was no law that could protect them. Prophet Muhammad proclaimed in the name of God that men and women are equal. He declared that a man does not own his wife. He may not sell or force her into slavery. The teaching of the Holy Prophet raised the status of women as being not only equal to men, but also gave them freedom for social, physical and spiritual development. This book is about women's rights and freedom in Islam and shows that Holy Prophet Muhammad was indeed the liberator of women.

Allah The Exalted

Book Description

As the reviver of true Islamic teachings, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) portrayed to the world the God of Islam; a God Who speaks and exists. Allah is the name of the One, Supreme-Being also known as God in other faiths. Throughout this book, Hazrat Ahmad(as) details the nature of Allah and how one can establish a living connection with him, leading toward the certainty of His existence. He describes Allah’s attributes and what they mean for us, as humans and believers. Hazrat Ahmad(as), through divine signs and proof from the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith proved that Allah talks today as he spoke before. This book answers many questions about Allah – leading toward a better and enlightened understanding of the Creator, ultimately helping us toward better worship of Allah. This book also highlights the deep love Hazrat Ahmad(as) had for Allah.

The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets - Volume I

Book Description

The fascinating book not only highlights the various aspects of the life of Holy Prophet but also presents the prominent events and episodes in the history of Islam with solid historical testimonies.

The Boyfriend App

Book Description

Weeks before Valentine's, seventeen-year-old Kate Lapuz goes through her first ever breakup, but soon she stumbles upon a mysterious new app called My Dream Boyfriend, an AI chatbot that has the ability to understand human feelings. Casually, she participates in the app's trial run but finds herself immersed in the empathic conversations with her customizable virtual boyfriend, Ecto. In a society both connected and alienated by technology, Kate suspects an actual secret admirer is behind Ecto. Could it be the work of the techie student council president Dion or has Kate really found her soulmate in bits of computer code? She decides to get to the bottom of the cutting-edge app. Her search for Ecto's real identity leads Kate to prom, where absolute knowledge comes with a very steep price.

Lives of the Companions (RA) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Book Description

The following short book discusses some lessons from the Lives of the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, other than the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs of Islam: Abu Bakkar Siddique, Umar Ibn Khattab, Uthman Ibn Affan and Ali Ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with them, whose lives have been discussed in separate books. Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind.

Muhammad the Greatest

Book Description

"And most certainly, thou (O Muhammad) are of most sublime and exalted character." (The Holy Qur’ân, 68:4) How the Topic Arose About ten years ago, a distant cousin of mine - Mr. Mohamed Mehtar Farooki gave me a typed quotation by the French historian, Lamartine. The quotation [A detailed exposition of the quotation will be found on page 38 ] purported to prove that Muhammad (pbuh), the prophet of Islam, was the greatest man that ever lived. Mr. Mehtar was in the habit of passing information on to me, believing that I might put the same to some good use at the proper time and place. Before this he had presented me with "The Call of the Minaret," an expensive book written by (Bishop Kenneth Cragg). By analysing this book I discovered the masterful deceit of the Christian Orientalists.

Mormons and Muslims

Book Description


Book Description

In this book the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, discusses the philosophy of divine revelation, the three categories of people who claim to receive revelation, and the distinction of the truthful from the false. He then establishes his truthfulness by documenting over 200 Signs, including the fulfillment of prophecies made by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, other men of God, earlier scriptures, and his own revelations spanning over twenty-five years. The author cites numerous examples of his enemies who publicly predicted his downfall and demise, only to become the very victims of their own prophecies. God, however, protected him against every assault, while continuously reassuring him of His promise to bless his Community—a promise which continues to bear the seal and testimony of history. The author also appeals to the followers of different faiths to read this book cover to cover to appreciate and accept this evidence as proof that God is One and the Holy Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and that he is the Promised Messiah raised to unite humanity under the banner of Islam.