TrumpCoin - Make Crypto Great Again

Book Description

Similar to Bitcoin launched in 2009, TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency for supporters of Donald Trump. This book is a historical narrative of documented events which took place during the first 8 months of its existence. To be exact, that is from the 17th of February to the 17th of October 2016. Also included in the book: Venues of Donald Trump's rallies/speeches. Results of the GOP Primaries/Caucuses. This is the colour interior version of the book.

Donald Trump Make America Great Again

Book Description

Pour Donald Trump, le monde est contre l’Amérique. Il est l’homme d’une époque où les médias sociaux sont contestés. Il parle fort, simplement et ne mâche pas ses mots, comme s’il venait de la rue. Donald Trump a des milliards d’abonnés sur Twitter (3,34), nettement plus que n’importe lequel de ses rivaux républicains. La rituelle chasse aux contributions de campagne a pris une tout autre tournure le jour où la Cour suprême américaine a déclaré que les entreprises et les syndicats pouvaient, « de manière indépendante », dépenser autant d’argent qu’ils le voulaient pour soutenir leur candidat. Les milliardaires, comme les frères Koch chez les Républicains et Tom Stayer parmi les Démocrates, se sont engouffrés dans la brèche. Trump est simplement passé à l’étape suivante: celui que Ross Perot, candidat indépendant à la présidentielle de 1992, avait anticipé il y a 24 ans. « Si vous êtes milliardaire ou multimilliardaire, pourquoi s’embêter à acheter un candidat quand on peut briguer soi-même l’investiture ? ».

Dogecoin - History of the First Year

Book Description

BLACK & WHITE VERSION. Dogecoin (DOGE) is a decentralised cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin. It is a coin featuring a likeness of the Shiba Inu dog from the "Doge" Internet meme of the year 2013. It began as a "joke" cryptocurrency but soon gained traction as one of the most popular cryptocurrencies available. Jackson Palmer, an Adobe Marketing Specialist from Sydney, Australia posted a tweet from his own account which read ""Investing in Dogecoin, pretty sure it's the next big thing. http: //" on the 28th of November 2013. At this time, the at value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were reaching all time high market capitalisations. It was also the time at which new coins were being launched every week. Jackson Palmer was following coins such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Feathercoin. Some people then encouraged Jack to create Dogecoin. Six days later, Jack bought the domain name on which he placed a picture of a makeshift Dogecoin logo alongside a funny slogan. It was not long before the visitor count of this site increased substantially via retweets. On the 6th of December, a programmer from Oregon, USA called Billy Markus contacted Jack Palmer after seeing the website via direct link on an IRC chatroom. He created the source code and wallet client of Dogecoin ready for launch. This book is a detailed history of the first year of Dogecoin up to the 8th of December 2014 (the time at which the blockchain had been usable for one year by the general public)."

BitBay - a Decentralised Marketplace (a Concise BitBay History Book)

Book Description

Black & White on White Paper Version Since the inception of Bitcoin in 2008, thousands of cryptocurrencies or decentralised blockchains have been launched. Most ventures into the crypto sphere have not gone to plan as their founders would have hoped. Nevertheless, there are currently hundreds of crypto related projects which are succeeding. This book covers the history of BitBay, an open-source, publicly distributed cryptocurrency. It was launched on the 10th November 2014. Since that time, there have been challenges which have been overcome. After the initial four founders left with the majority of ICO funds, David Zimbeck, and other eager investors, were committed to make BitBay a great success. A team of trusted people are responsible for its wellbeing.

Crypto Wars

Book Description

Uncover the scandals and scams that have rocked the cryptocurrency world and learn how it also could bring positive change for banking and the global economy.

The Money Plot

Book Description

Half fable, half manifesto, this brilliant new take on the ancient concept of cash lays bare its unparalleled capacity to empower and enthrall us. Frederick Kaufman tackles the complex history of money, beginning with the earliest myths and wrapping up with Wall Street’s byzantine present-day doings. Along the way, he exposes a set of allegorical plots, stock characters, and stereotypical metaphors that have long been linked with money and commercial culture, from Melanesian trading rituals to the dogma of Medieval churchmen faced with global commerce, the rationales of Mercantilism and colonial expansion, and the U.S. dollar’s 1971 unpinning from gold. The Money Plot offers a tool to see through the haze of modern banking and finance, demonstrating that the standard reasons given for economic inequality—the Neoliberal gospel of market forces—are, like dollars, euros, and yuan, contingent upon structures people have designed. It shines a light on the one percent’s efforts to contain a money culture that benefits them within boundaries they themselves are increasingly setting. And Kaufman warns that if we cannot recognize what is going on, we run the risk of becoming pawns and shells ourselves, of becoming characters in someone else’s plot, of becoming other people’s money.

President Trump's Tweets 2016

Book Description

After defeating a large Republican field in the primaries, Candidate Trump set his campaign in high gear for the General Election. With a hostile media spewing "fake news", Donald Trump effectively used Twitter to thrust himself into the White House. Inside you'll find the tweets that defeated Hillary Clinton.

Unquotable Trump

Book Description

The master of the comic book mash-up finds the POTUS to be his ultimate super-villain 25% of net proceeds donated to the American Civil Liberties Union R. Sikoryak is famous for taking classic comics and mashing them with famous literature as he did in Masterpiece Comics or even using comics to visualize the iTunes Terms and Conditions contract. Now in these uncertain times, cartoonist R. Sikoryak draws upon the power of comics and satire to frame President Trump and his controversial declarations as the words and actions of the most notable villains and antagonists in comic book history. Reimagining the most famous comic covers, Sikoryak transforms Wonder Woman into Nasty Woman; Tubby Tompkins into Trump; Black Panther into the Black Voter; the Fantastic Four into the Hombres Fantasticos and Trump into Magneto fighting the Ex-Men. In perfect Trumpian fashion, The Unquotable Trump will be a 48-page treasury annual—needlessly oversized and garishly colored; a throw-back to the past when both Comics and America were Great. This will be the hugest comic, truly a great comic. You won’t want to miss this, trust me, you’ll see!

The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science

Book Description

Data science has never had more influence on the world. Large companies are now seeing the benefit of employing data scientists to interpret the vast amounts of data that now exists. However, the field is so new and is evolving so rapidly that the analysis produced can be haphazard at best. The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science shows us real-world examples of what can go wrong. Written to be an entertaining read, this invaluable guide investigates the all too common mistakes of data scientists - who can be plagued by lazy thinking, whims, hunches, and prejudices - and indicates how they have been at the root of many disasters, including the Great Recession. Gary Smith and Jay Cordes emphasise how scientific rigor and critical thinking skills are indispensable in this age of Big Data, as machines often find meaningless patterns that can lead to dangerous false conclusions. The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science is loaded with entertaining tales of both successful and misguided approaches to interpreting data, both grand successes and epic failures. These cautionary tales will not only help data scientists be more effective, but also help the public distinguish between good and bad data science.