Truth and the Five Platforms of Ascension

Book Description

The truth of the ages is that this is the age of truth. The first platform in the ascension process is being 100 percent honest with yourself and others, living transparently, and taking responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Only from this level of open, honest awareness can you ascend to a higher vibrational way of being, learn your lessons fully, expand beyond them, and evolve to a state of heart-based, unity consciousness that is the energy of the Grand Shift in Consciousness moving across the Planet now. This book contains insight and awareness as well as tools and processes to assist you in making this ascension. The process itself comes from a group of non-physical beings referring to themselves as the League of Elders. Ive included personal stories to provide examples, inspiration, and demonstrations for how truly magical life can be when you follow your intuition and this path of ascension. Along this journey, I learned to master the art of taking aligned and inspired action while also learning how to connect with and follow my intuition. The magic of doing so led me inside the Ascension Portal, which is where this book was written. This book and its words of living light carry the energy from within that portal to further support you in the process. All who choose to follow this path of ascension create a new vibration that the rest can then align with. They pave the way, so the rest can follow. The intent of this book is therefore to serve you in your ascension and, by extension, serve the highest good of all. The intent from a higher perspective is to heal all, including the Earth and Oceans, and to restore balance and harmony to the Planet. This or, even something better. So be it. So it is.

Truth and the Five Platforms of Ascension

Book Description

The truth of the ages is that this is the age of truth. The first platform in the ascension process is being 100 percent honest with yourself and others, living transparently, and taking responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Only from this level of open, honest awareness can you ascend to a higher vibrational way of being, learn your lessons fully, expand beyond them, and evolve to a state of heart-based, unity consciousness that is the energy of the Grand Shift in Consciousness moving across the Planet now. This book contains insight and awareness as well as tools and processes to assist you in making this ascension. The process itself comes from a group of non-physical beings referring to themselves as the League of Elders. Ive included personal stories to provide examples, inspiration, and demonstrations for how truly magical life can be when you follow your intuition and this path of ascension. Along this journey, I learned to master the art of taking aligned and inspired action while also learning how to connect with and follow my intuition. The magic of doing so led me inside the Ascension Portal, which is where this book was written. This book and its words of living light carry the energy from within that portal to further support you in the process. All who choose to follow this path of ascension create a new vibration that the rest can then align with. They pave the way, so the rest can follow. The intent of this book is therefore to serve you in your ascension and, by extension, serve the highest good of all. The intent from a higher perspective is to heal all, including the Earth and Oceans, and to restore balance and harmony to the Planet. This or, even something better. So be it. So it is.

The Truth Seeker

Book Description

Truth and Revolution

Book Description

Founded in Chicago in 1969 from the rubble of the recently crumbled SDS, the Sojourner Truth Organization (STO) brought working-class consciousness to the forefront of New Left discourse, sending radicals back into the factories and thinking through the integration of radical politics into everyday realities. Through the influence of founding members like Noel Ignatiev and Don Hamerquist, STO took a Marxist approach to the question of race and revolution, exploring the notion of “white skin privilege,” and helping to lay the groundwork for the discipline of critical race studies. Michael Staudenmaier is a doctoral candidate in history at the University of Illinois-Urbana.

Through The Portal - Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension

Book Description

Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian. In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization. Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning.

Trumping the Media

Book Description

The ascendency of Donald J. Trump to the office of president was not a fluke. Changes in the media environment and changes in the political landscape converged and provided fertile ground for a demagogic populist to exploit existing structures for his personal and political gains. A right-wing ecosystem had developed that included cable television, talk radio, social media, and imageboards. The political rise of Trump occurred alongside a mainstreaming of far-right politics and a skepticism towards long-established institutions. Trump was able to exploit the shifts in politics and the media environment for his political gain. He deployed a post-truth strategy that challenged established media and political institutions and their claims to be arbiters of truth and protectors of democracy. This book explores the shifts in the media environment that made the political career of Donald Trump possible. The author shows the ways that Trump was able to inhabit the new media and political landscape and take advantage of journalistic norms and practices that were susceptible to exploitation by a demagogue with no allegiance to the truth and no reverence towards the foundations of liberal democracy. Understanding the ways in which Trump was able to emerge as a powerful political force is essential to those invested in challenging the momentum of the alt-right and forwarding the project of democracy.

Timeline Collapse & Universal Ascension

Book Description

This fourth book in the Essence Path series, "Timeline Collapse and Universal Ascension: The Future of Third Dimensional Earth and Fifth Dimensional Terra," continues an extraordinary journey into higher levels of spiritual guidance, awakening and the metaphysical world. The first part of the two-part book provides detailed information concerning the collapse and regeneration of the current Third Dimensional timeline on Earth. It details predictions of major world events, including the advent and aftermath of World War III as well as other cataclysmic global transformations seen to occur on the future timeline of Earth between now and the year 2569. It also gives insight into why there is a widening rift on Earth between those Souls destined to continue incarnating in lifetimes on Third Dimensional Earth and those destined to Ascend to a Fifth Dimensional version of Earth known as the planet Terra. Part Two of the book opens an unprecedented window into the ongoing Ascension of Human Angelic Souls to higher dimensional fields and provides a first look at lifetimes and galactic events seen on the future timeline of the Fifth Dimensional planet Terra.Almost two decades of telepathic work has led to the astounding revelations compiled in the Essence Path series. Like the first three books in the Essence Path series, "Discovering Your Essence Path" Books One and Book Two and "The System Lords and the Twelve Dimensions," the latest book in the series, "Timeline Collapse & Universal Ascension: The Future of Third Dimensional Earth and Fifth Dimensional Terra," continues a riveting journey into the multi-dimensional nature of the Universe and the Soul, providing new and unique levels of higher spiritual guidance and awakening.