Truth Lessons

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Truth Lessons

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Truth Lessons, Level 2, Level 2

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Truth Lessons, Level 4

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Truth Lessons

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Concerning the Person of Christ

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The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1987, volume 1

Book Description

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1987, volume 1, contains messages given by Brother Witness Lee from January 3 through June 13, 1987. In 1987 Brother Lee spoke seven messages that were published in The Conclusion of the New Testament. These Life-study messages are not included in The Collected Works of Witness Lee. During the first few days in January Brother Lee was in Irving, Texas. He then traveled to Anaheim, California, and remained in Anaheim until the end of January. At that time he traveled to Taipei, Taiwan, where he remained until the middle of June. The contents of this volume are divided into nine sections, as follows: 1. A message given in Irving, Texas, on January 3, 1987. This message is included in this volume under the title Building Up Basic Factors That Qualify the Believers to Practice the New Way for the Lord's Present Move. 2. Two messages given in Anaheim, California, on January 11 and 16. These messages are included in this volume under the title The Lord's New Move in His Recovery according to the Holy Scriptures. 3. Three messages given in Anaheim, California, on January 15 through 17. These messages were previously published in a book entitled Being Desperate and Living Uniquely for the Gospel and are included in this volume under the same title. 4. Five messages given in Anaheim, California, on January 16 through 24. They are included in this volume under the title Taking the New Way in One Accord to Baptize People, Nourish Them, and Teach Them the Truth in Their Homes. The message in chapter 5 was spoken in Chinese. 5. A message given in Anaheim, California, on January 18. It is included in this volume under the title Going Forth and Bearing Remaining Fruit. 6. Two messages given in Chinese in Anaheim, California, on January 24 and 25. These messages are included in this volume under the title Bearing Fruit by Door-knocking and Meeting from House to House. The second message was previously published in Chinese as chapter 7 in a book entitled The Proper Way for Believers to Meet and to Serve, but it was not included in the previously published book by that title in English. Hence, it is included in this section. 7. Thirty-one messages given in Taipei, Taiwan, on January 28 through June 13. These messages were previously published in a twenty-nine-chapter, two-volume set entitled Bearing Remaining Fruit and are included in this volume under the same title. Chapters 1 through 18 were previously published as volume 1, and chapters 18 through 29 were previously published as volume 2. 8. Three messages given in Taipei, Taiwan, on January 29 through 31. They were translated from Chinese and are included in this volume under the title Dropping the Oldness to Practice the New Way. 9. Three messages given in Taipei, Taiwan, on February 7 and 14. These messages were translated from Chinese and are included in this volume under the title Practicing the New Way Universally to Arrive at the Whole Body Serving.