Truth Versus Man’S Religious Systems

Book Description

The book in overview is historical and instructional in content, with the focus being on the Biblical text in terms of its original form and language and in consideration of its full and proper context linguistically, textually, historically, culturally, and literarily. It stresses the importance of moving from a knowledge of the Bible to an understanding of its life-giving instructions, being studied in its entirety as a gift to mankind from a loving creator, Elohim. The thrust of the book is accordingly threefold: An indictment of two of mans religious systems (Judaism and Christianity) for syncretism, corruption of Elohims written Word of truth, and abuses of religious authority, plus promulgation of religious traditions not aligned with the whole truth of Elohims Word. A call to return to the one source of truththe written Word of Elohim understood in its originally written form and in its full and proper context. Providing the equipping and study tools necessary to move from a mere knowledge of the Word to an understanding of its life-giving instructionshow to live a redeemed life as Elohim intended for all mankind.


Book Description

God's truth is always found in His word. God's Truths versus Man's Lies is a book of scriptural validation and verification. It is impossible to know God's truth without knowing His word. It's like a puzzle. If you only have two or three pieces to a 200-piece puzzle, can you truly know what the puzzle looks like? Of course not. Well, God's truth about various topics is the same way. We must know all of His word or scriptural puzzle pieces about a subject, before He wants us to apply our faith to His word. That's why we are commanded to live by every word of God - Matthew 4:4. Having all the pieces presents the honesty to God's truth. Partial knowledge does not exact epignosis, which is the Greek word for the full and complete knowledge. That is why if we abide in His word, we shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free - John 8:31-32. So, my friends, without the truth, all you have is the lie.

Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar

Book Description

In the Gospels, Jesus called Satan the Father of Lies. From the beginning of Mankind until the present, Satan has been lying to mankind in order to destroy us and keep us from eternal life with God. Our first ancestors fell victim to a lie of Lucifer, and because of their fall, all humanity fell under the influence of the devil. Jesus came to earth to break Satan’s power over us. Jesus referred to Himself as the Light of the World and as the Truth. He wants to deliver humanity out of the spiritual darkness and deception in which Satan has mankind trapped. A spiritual battle rages between Jesus and Satan for the souls of men. The weapons of Satan are his numerous lies. The weapon of Jesus is the truth of His Word. He said that the truths He taught were a solid and unshakable foundation in a world of shifting and sinking sand. In Jesus the Truth vs. Satan the Liar, this cop for Christ exposes many of the dark lies of Satan that are spread within America’s higher education system. They are exposed by the light of biblical truth, giving students the knowledge they need to reject the lies and all who spread them. 84 84

Man's Dilemma

Book Description

Most people go through life with questions unanswered. With so many religions and opinions floating around it is no wonder than people are confused and do not know what to believe. The vast majority adhere to their present belief as they were brought up with that particular faith but this can never guarantee that it is, in fact, the correct one. After all they cannot all differ and still be correct. The situation is crucial as if God does exist then He has the answers and if He does not our beliefs are in vain. Yet with eventual death waiting on the side lines of the playing out of our lives then obviously the wise thing would be to get to know the truth, if that is possible to do. Blind hope and blind faith in a person, or system, is like burying our heads in the sand and waiting to see if we, by pure luck, end up in a happy life after death. But what if we are wrong? What if the answer was there all along but was missed it due to ego, pride, stubbornness, procrastination, earthly ambition, laziness or any other thing that kept us from really examining the evidence for a loving, caring and solution giving God. If God is for real then, as our Creator, then is logical for Him to communicate with us, His creation, and supply us with the facts we need to know. Does He exist? Does he care about us? Is there anything He requires from us to fulfill our purpose? Will we continue in some form of life after death, and if so, are there opinions as to how we will fare in it. William Killen Wright has confronted these issues in his new book Man's Dilemma - God's Solution. He methodically leads his readers through various stages of inquiry. He begins by showing the logic and need of God, that there is a source of absolute truth as revealed by God in His written, the needed starting point of a spiritual birth provided through the sacrificial death of God's only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, help to start living the new life, how to get to know our new Father better and how to prepare to finely meet God. It is hoped that this book will supply sought-after answers that many seek and be a blessing to all who read it.

Solving Religion with Logic

Book Description

Can a religious truth be logically proven, or is religion forever relegated to being a matter of blind faith? If there is a true religion, shouldn’t we be able to prove it by now, using scientific data and higher mathematics? This is exactly what Paul Kasch sets out to do in his latest work. The reader is invited to follow along in the investigation process as we: • Establish an unbiased, neutral mindset • Look around at the environment we find ourselves living in, and attempt to solve the question of our existence • Gather the world’s major religions, logically arrange and dissect them, and require them to present demonstrable truth of their claims This book would not exist if the quest failed. Using nothing more than the reasoning prowess we are all born with, a solitary (yet timeless) religious truth emerges as the equation of the only sound logical argument capable of producing such a thing. Use your head for something other than a hat rack and join the author on an intellectual journey which renders all other pursuits trivial by comparison.

Truth Plus Love

Book Description

Imagine what our world might look like if Christians became known for remarkable love, as well as life-giving truth. The stakes are high and the need is great for Christians to represent Jesus to a watching world. And today, we have more influence than ever before--for better and for worse. We are among the first generations to have access to a global megaphone through social media. But it's not enough to speak truth louder to a noisy culture. To counter the reputation Christians have earned, our love must be just as loud. Ask evangelist Matt Brown, and he will tell you Christians today are facing a crisis of influence. In our rush to speak truth to today's tensions, cultural issues, and trending controversies, it becomes all too easy to focus on proving our points rather than extending God's grace. Conversely, when we seek only to love yet never proclaim a better way, we short-circuit God's plan. Truth Plus Love invites you to rediscover the biblical framework for engaging culture as ambassadors of Christ. Through biblical insight, cultural analysis, and practical principles, Matt Brown outlines how to champion truth without compromise, how to love unconditionally, and ultimately, how to step into this great adventure of representing God to the world. It's hard, it's messy, and it's the unfinished project of a lifetime, yet here we find our great adventure: representing God to a watching world.

What Is Life All About?

Book Description

What Is Life All About? Is life: A Grand Conspiracy? A Marvelous Mystery? An Incredible Accident? Or Something Else? The surprise is that you can know the truth about life and be 100% confident in that knowledge. You will know what is on the other side of death. Amazingly, your success or failure in life has to do with your attitude. The person with the wrong attitude can read, see, hear the truth and deny it vehemently, while the person with right attitude will understand, appreciate and believe the truth. Life is a perfect and difficult test. The process of life itself sorts out good from evil, right from wrong and you will succeed or fail depending on your attitude. The book defines the attitude you need to succeed and provides evidence and examples to convince. What is life really all about? It may be true that most people do not care, but what is the reason for not caring? Generally, it is because people DOUBT ANYONE REALLY KNOWS, and thus why should anyone care. In addition, the world brings great confusion to this subject. There are scams and frauds around every corner, and even honest people push the limits of the truth with exaggeration which is really a lie. Greed, selfishness, covetousness, envy, and power are behind a lot of the deceit. The wonder of heaven will provide infinitely more than people could ever achieve on earth, but people want everything NOW and deceit is a frequent companion to achieving earthly desires. There are 45 chapters in the book, What Is Life All About and then some extensive helpful appendices another 163 pages. The single most influential deceit is in the area of religion. The single most prominent reason for being an atheist or agnostic is religion. The past 2000 years of religious history includes unspeakable cruelty, wars, terrorism, indoctrination, lies and deception and this rightly leads to opposition, but also strangely to acceptance/indifference/excuses by others. The critical missing fact is that God had nothing to do with these religions but abhors them. What a pathetic assumption to blame God. The truth about God and these religious groups could quickly clarify the situation. Chapter 16 is a chapter that begins to sort out HOW all this religious mess occurred. Here is a partial outline for chapter 16: 16.1 What Is Seriously Wrong with Judaism? 16.2 What Is Seriously Wrong with Roman Catholicism? 16.3 What Is Seriously Wrong with Protestant Groups? 16.4 What Is Seriously Wrong with Islam? 16.5 What Is Seriously Wrong with Mormonism? 16.6 What Is Seriously Wrong with the Jehovahs Witnesses? 16.7 What Is Seriously Wrong with Atheism/Agnosticism? Seriously Wrong means there is NO eternal value in these religions. These belief systems were the fabrication of men and/or women and did NOT come from God. The evidence is overwhelming and deceit runs through these religions like vultures going through a carcass. You do not need a forensic analysis, but you can do a complete autopsy if you wish. The damaging evidence regarding these groups is clearly seen and very logical and understandable from the book. This is because AS YOU UNDERSTAND GOD (a significant subject in the book) you do not need to go very far into these beliefs to see huge problems. One of the attitudes you need is a LOVE OF THE TRUTH more than the love of what you currently believe. You can understand God, His purpose, His plan inasmuch as He has revealed Himself. Incredibly, one major obstacle to overcome will be the MAGNITUDE OF THE DECEIT. Lies on top of lies often for many centuries define todays religions. Religion has become mans idea of God and there is no consistency, just random unrelated doctrines. The truth is infinitely different with everything perfectly connected to a single purpose. Ultimately, your success or failure in life is simply a matter of where you place your trust. Is your trust in God or is it in men/women, who say they are telling you

The Case for Christ

Book Description

The book consists primarily of interviews between Strobel (a former legal editor at the Chicago Tribune) and biblical scholars such as Bruce Metzger. Each interview is based on a simple question, concerning historical evidence (for example, "Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?"), scientific evidence, ("Does Archaeology Confirm or Contradict Jesus' Biographies?"), and "psychiatric evidence" ("Was Jesus Crazy When He Claimed to Be the Son of God?"). Together, these interviews compose a case brief defending Jesus' divinity, and urging readers to reach a verdict of their own.