Trwy'r Darlun

Book Description

Nofel ffantasi ddarllenadwy i blant 10-13 oed am fachgen sy'n cael ei ddenu i wlad o hud a lledrith. Awn gyda Cledwyn a Sian drwy'r darlun ac ar hyd twnnel i wlad Crug. Yno cawn gwrdd a Gili DAu caredig - cymeriad rhychiog a moel, byr ond hynod o gryf.

Red Hearts and Roses?

Book Description

Who was Saint Valentine, the saint who gave his name to the festival of lovers in Wales? Where do red hearts and roses fit in? Or do they? This volume addresses these questions, but focuses more specifically on the previously unpublished Welsh poetry written over the centuries on the feast day of Saint Valentine in mid-February, the one saint’s day in the Christian calendar of saints that does not depend on the Church for a celebration of the feast day – far from resembling anything else on offer in any other part of Britain, these Welsh songs are lyrical, expressive, and often in cynghanedd (the concept of sound-arrangement within a line). This volume analyses the first extant Welsh Saint Valentine’s Day poems, and advances a new understanding of societal propriety in settings where citizens paid great attention to tradition. In so doing, it offers new insights into the tradition of observing Saint Valentine’s Day in Wales and, indeed, argues that although it is the fifth-century Dwynwen who is today considered to be the patron saint of Welsh lovers, Saint Valentine also handed out aid and sympathy to lovers in Wales over many centuries. To read Rhiannon Ifans article on her volume, visit Parallel.Cymru website

Tro a'r Fyd

Book Description

Casgliad o ysgrifau bywiog sy'n darlunio bywyd bob dydd yn nwyrain Ewrop a'r gwledydd Arabaidd rhwng chwyldro 1989, pan chwalwyd y drefn gomiwnyddol, a 2012, pan heriwyd unbeniaid y gwledydd Arabaidd.

Art Accustomed Eyes

Book Description

Collecting and promoting art was at the heart of John Gibbs' life although his friends and colleagues knew little of the extent of his activities, and the wider art world knew even less. He and his wife Sheila challenged our concept of collecting, acquiring works for public and educational institutions as well as for their own family, including the youngest children. This book reveals for the first time how they created one of the first confident collections of contemporary Welsh art, and demonstrated the value of modern art in Christian faith. The collections they created include works by Ceri Richards, Lucian Freud and Paul Nash, all acquired to help us appreciate the power of art.

Y fodrwy aur

Book Description


Book Description

Cyfrol o atgofion gan y gwleidydd Elystan Morgan. Mae Elystan yn un o gymeriadau amlycaf Ceredigion, yn gyn-Aelod Seneddol ac bellach yn farnwr ac yn aelod o DA*'r Arglwyddi. Bu'n ymgeisydd dros Blaid Cymru nifer o weithiau cyn cael ei ethol dros y Blaid Lafur yn 1966.

Dal Fy Nhir

Book Description

Yn Ysgol Gyfun Aberaeron y dechreuodd Dafydd Jones gymryd diddordeb mewn rygbi, gan ddangos gallu anghyffredin fel chwaraewr a dod i sylw clwb rygbi Llanelli. Bu'n driw i glwb y 'Sosban Fach' trwy gydol ei yrfa, gan chwarae dros 200 o weithiau i dimau Llanelli a'r Scarlets ac ennill 42 o gapiau dros ei wlad.The autobiography of the Llanelli, Scarlets and Wales rugby star, Dafydd Jones. His interest in rugby started at Aberaeron where his talents were spotted by the Llanelli club. He played over 200 times for the club and region and was capped 42 times by Wales.


Book Description

Llawysgrif Pomffred is an edition of Peniarth 259B, a medieval Welsh law manuscript, nicknamed 'Pomffred' as it apparently spent some time at Pontefract. The manuscript presents a Cyfnerth-type text as well as a lengthy tail of additional, largely Marcher law.