Tsunami the Great Lesson of the 21St Century

Book Description

Nature is the forefront of this book-Tsunami is about the unique and powerful ways that out planet shapes our physical world, lives and emotions. The author is vividly and compassionately aware of how to relate nature and its powerful performances to the plight of humanity as man and nature share this planet.


Book Description

What happens to the environment when a tsunamis occurs? What are some of the causes of tsunamis? What can people do about the problems caused by tsunamis? How can you use your math skills to learn more about tsunamis? Read this book to find the answers to these questions and learn more about tsunamis..

The Era of Great Disasters

Book Description

The Era of Great Disasters examines modern disaster response in Japan, from the changing earthquake preparations and regulations, to immediate emergency procedures from the national, prefectural, and city levels, and finally the evolving efforts of rebuilding and preparing for the next great disaster in the hopes of minimizing their tragic effects. This book focuses on three major earthquakes from Japan’s modern history. The first is the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, which struck the capital region. The second is the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, affecting the area between Kobe and Osaka. The third is the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the magnitude 9.0 quake that struck off the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region, causing a devastating tsunami and nuclear accident. While the events of (and around) each of these earthquakes are unique, Professor Iokibe brings his deep expertise and personal experience to each disaster, unveiling not only the disasters themselves but the humanity underneath. In each case, he gives attention and gratitude to those who labored to save lives and restore the communities affected, from the individuals on the scene to government officials and military personnel and emergency responders, in the hope that we might learn from the past and move forward with greater wisdom, knowledge, and common purpose.

Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned

Book Description

This book is a collective effort by world experts, bringing together assorted contributions presented during the Ocean Science Session OS-017, of the AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly held in Singapore in 2012 (the Asia Tsunami and Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami events). The chapters cover assessment, evaluation, forecast and lessons learned as well as environmental and societal impacts of the latest tsunamis that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and the Pacific Ocean in Japan 2011. The book is aimed at experts, scientists and decision makers seeking recent updated information, knowledge and experiences to better understand, quantify, forecast and protect coastal water resources, ecosystems, communities and human settlements which are often affected by tsunamis.

Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami

Book Description

This book explores the cause, impact, and aftermath of the tsunami that battered the coast of Asia in 2004. Easy-to-read text, compelling photos, and a simple timeline give readers an age-appropriate look at how people prepare for and respond to tsunamis.

The Science of a Tsunami

Book Description

This book discusses the science behind tsunamis. The chapters describe destructive tsunamis and their aftermath, explain why tsunamis occur, and explore scientists' efforts to predict these disasters. Diagrams, charts, and photos provide opportunities to evaluate and understand the scientific concepts involved.

Navigating The Information Tsunami

Book Description

At Cherry Lake Publishing, our authors and editors are passionate about giving kids robust, engaging, and challenging materials that will prepare them to flourish in the multimedia Information Age. The implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) calls on educators to refresh and sharpen their skills in reading, writing, math...and research! Research in the Internet Age creates new challenges for search, comprehension, synthesis, and creation skills. In Navigating the Information Tsunami: Engaging Research Projects that Meet the Common Core State Standards, K-5, we've created our first book geared directly at teachers, administrators, and librarians. Expert practitioners in research pedagogy share their best tips and lessons in nearly 20 projects that invite students to think deeply, weigh choices, make decisions, and articulate them in digital or print projects. With an eye toward the how and not merely the what of quality research for emerging readers and young scholars, our contributors provide detailed guidance on how teachers can harness students' natural curiosity to go beyond fact-gathering and exceed CCSS expectations. From launching the lesson to comprehension checkpoints to the final summative assessment, we're here to help.

Book of Extremes

Book Description

What makes the 21st century different from the 20th century? This century is the century of extremes -- political, economic, social, and global black-swan events happening with increasing frequency and severity. Book of Extremes is a tour of the current reality as seen through the lens of complexity theory – the only theory capable of explaining why the Arab Spring happened and why it will happen again; why social networks in the virtual world behave like flashmobs in the physical world; why financial bubbles blow up in our faces and will grow and burst again; why the rich get richer and will continue to get richer regardless of governmental policies; why the future of economic wealth and national power lies in comparative advantage and global trade; why natural disasters will continue to get bigger and happen more frequently; and why the Internet – invented by the US -- is headed for a global monopoly controlled by a non-US corporation. It is also about the extreme innovations and heroic innovators yet to be discovered and recognized over the next 100 years.Complexity theory combines the predictable with the unpredictable. It assumes a nonlinear world of long-tailed distributions instead of the classical linear world of normal distributions. In the complex 21st century, almost nothing is linear or normal. Instead, the world is highly connected, conditional, nonlinear, fractal, and punctuated. Life in the 21st century is a long-tailed random walk – Levy walks -- through extreme events of unprecedented impact. It is an exciting time to be alive.

I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011 (I Survived #8)

Book Description

The disaster felt around the world . . . Visiting his dad's hometown in Japan four months after his father's death would be hard enough for Ben. But one morning the pain turns to fear: first, a massive earthquake rocks the quiet coastal village, nearly toppling his uncle's house. Then the ocean waters rise and Ben and his family are swept away-and pulled apart-by a terrible tsunami.Now Ben is alone, stranded in a strange country a million miles from home. Can he fight hard enough to survive one of the most epic disasters of all time?