Turbulence Structure and Modulation

Book Description

Controlling turbulence is an important issue for a number of technological applications. Several methods to modulate turbulence are currently being investigated. This book describes various aspects of turbulence structure and modulation, and explains and discusses the most promising techniques in detail.

Transition and Turbulence Control

Book Description

This volume contains articles based on lectures given at the Workshop on Transition and Turbulence Control, hosted by the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, 8-10 December 2004. The lecturers included 13 of the world's foremost experts in the control of transitioning and turbulent flows. The chapters cover a wide range of subjects in the broad area of flow control, and will be useful to researchers working in this area in academia, government laboratories and industry. The coverage includes control theory, passive, active and reactive methods for controlling transitional and turbulent wall-bounded flows, noise suppression and mixing enhancement of supersonic turbulent jets, compliant coatings, modern flow diagnostic systems, and swept wing instabilities.

Flow Past Highly Compliant Boundaries and in Collapsible Tubes

Book Description

The IUTAM Symposium on Flow in Collapsible Tubes and Past Other Highly Compliant Boundaries was held on 26-30 March, 2001, at the University of Warwick. As this was the first scientific meeting of its kind we considered it important to mark the occasion by producing a book. Accordingly, at the end of the Symposium the Scientific Committee met to discuss the most appropriate format for the book. We wished to avoid the format of the conventional conference book consisting of a large number of short articles of varying quality. It was agreed that instead we should produce a limited number of rigorously refereed and edited articles by selected participants who would aim to sum up the state of the art in their particular research area. The outcome is the present book. Peter W. Ca rpenter, Warwick Timothy J. Pedley, Cambridge May, 2002. VB SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Co-Chair: P.W. Carpenter, Engineering, Warwiek, UK Co-Chair: TJ. Pedley, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK V.V. Babenko, Hydromechanics, Kiev, Ukraine R. Bannasch, Bionik & Evolutionstechnik, TU Berlin, Germany C.D. Bertram, Biomedical Engineering, New South Wales, Australia M. Gad-el-Hak, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Notre Dame, USA J.B. Grotberg, Biomedical Engineering, Michigan, USA. R.D. Kamm, Mechanical Engineering, MIT, USA Y. Matsuzaki, Aerospace Engineering, N agoya, Japan P.K. Sen, Applied Mechanics, IIT Delhi, India L. van Wijngaarden, Twente, Netherlands K-S. Yeo, Mechanical Engineering, NU Singapore.

Recent Developments in Turbulence Management

Book Description

The European Drag Reduction Meeting has been held on 15th and 16th November 1990 in London. This was the fifth of the annual European meetings on drag reduction in engineering flows. The main objective of this meeting was to discuss up-to-date results of drag reduction research carried out in Europe. The organiser has adopted the philosophy of discussing the yesterday's results rather than the last year's results. No written material has therefore been requested for the meeting. It was only after the meeting the submission of papers was requested to the participants, from which 16 papers were selected for this proceedings volume. The meeting has attracted a record number of participants with a total of 52 researchers from seven European countries, U. K. , France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland and U. S. S. R. as well as from Japan, Canada and Australia. The subjects covered in this proceedings volume include riblets, LEBUs (Large Eddy Break-Up device), surface roughness, compliant surfaces and polymer additives. Riblets seem to be one of the most extensively studied devices in the past years. Reflecting this situation in the European community, there are six papers on riblets covering their practical applications to aircraft and to a model ship, near-wall coherent structure of the boundary layer and effects of flow three-dimensionality. Possibility of heat-transfer enhancement with riblets and potential use in the laminar flow are also investigated. An analytical model is developed for the boundary-layer with a LEBU device.

Interaction Between Near-Wall Turbulent Flows and Compliant Surfaces

Book Description

The general aim of this project is to get an improved understanding of the interaction between wall-generated turbulence and compliant surface coatings using analysis and direct numerical simulation in an integrated approach, with a view towards the reduction of turbulent sound production and turbulent drag. For this purpose, in a first step that is targeted at identifying interesting domains in the space of parameters describing properties of a compliant wall coating, we are developing low-dimensional models based on Galerkin projection of the Navier-Stokes equations onto systems of eigenfunctions obtained via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. Because of the relatively small effort involved in simulating and analyzing such models. this will allow us to scan large regions of parameter space, allowing us to find regions that lead to a reduction of turbulent drag and turbulent sound production. Among the ultimate goals of this project are thus, first, to obtain a fundamental understanding of flow-structure interaction phenomena for the case of the compliant- wall/turbulence interaction, and second, to use this understanding to enhance the flight performance of air vehicles by increasing their lift-to-drag ratio.

Turbulence Management and Relaminarisation

Book Description

The last two decades have witnessed an intensifying effort in learning how to manage flow turbulence: it has in fact now become one of the most challenging and prized techno logical goals in fluid dynamics. The goal itself is of course not new. More than a hundred years ago, Reynolds already listed factors conducive to laminar and to turbulent flow (including among them curvature and acceleration). Further more, it is in retrospect clear that there were several early instances ot successful turbulence management. Examples are the reduction in drag achieved with a ring-trip placed on the front of a sphere or the insertion of a splitter-plate behind a circular cylinder; by the early 1950s there were numerous exercises at boundary layer control. Although many of these studies were interesting and suggestive, they led . to no spectacularly successful practical application, and the effort petered out in the late 1950s. The revival of interest in these problems in recent years can be attributed to the emergence of several new factors. First of all, fresh scientific insight into the structure of turbulence, in particular the accumulated evidence for the presence of significant order in turbulent flow, has been seen to point to new methods of managing turbulence. A second major reason has been the growing realisation that the rate at which the world is consuming its reserves of fossil fuels is no longer negligible; the economic value of greater energy effi ciency and lower drag has gone up significantly.