Around the Corner Crochet Borders

Book Description

A beautiful border adds the perfect finishing touch to your hand-stitched pieces. A knitted scarf, a crocheted baby blanket, even a store-bought tank top --- they're all elevated by the texture and color of crocheted edgings. Complete with detailed instructions for executing the 90-degree corner turns, Edie Eckman's 150 border designs add pop and whimsy to everything they embellish. "An irresistible book of cute crocheted borders...expands the options for adding a little flair to knit, crocheted, and even sewn projects."---Debbie Stoller author of the Stitch `n Bitch books

Turn Left at the Corner

Book Description

Secrets, loss, abuse, and powerful bonds link the lives of four strangers forever. Rosie Per�n, bullied by her husband behind closed doors, stays in the relationship because of her strict Catholic upbringing, her belief that marriage vows are sacred, and her husband's threats to harm her family if she leaves. Adam McGuire has plans to study law at Harvard, when he is diagnosed with Juvenile Huntington's disease. Adam struggles with the inevitable and his intention to die with dignity. Saige Santoro works at a dead-end job and lives with her controlling neo-Luddite father. She embarks on a journey to break out of her stagnant life and create a new identity. Alana Hudson is approached by a handsome and charming California entrepreneur who wants her magazine business to further his own ambitions. Alana must decide if she needs his contract to save her company.Through chance encounters, their lives intertwine. Difficult and fateful decisions lead them on emotional journeys of self-discovery.

The New Corner Office

Book Description

Drawing on her 18 years of experience working remotely, plus original interviews with managers, employees, and free agents who've perfected their remote routines, Laura Vanderkam shares strategies for productivity, creativity, and health in the new corner office. How do you do great work while sitting near the same spot where you watch Netflix? How can you be responsive without losing the focus necessary for getting things done? How can you maintain and grow your network when you spend less time face to face? The key is to detach yourself from old ways of working and adopt new habits to match your new environment. Long before public health concerns pushed many of us indoors, some of the most successful people fueled their careers with carefully perfected work-from-home routines. Drawing on those profiles and her own insights, productivity expert and mother of five Laura Vanderkam reveals how to turn "being cooped up" into the ultimate career advantage. Her hacks include: • Manage by task, not time. Going to an office for 8 hours makes you feel like you've done something, even if you haven't. Remote workers should set 3-5 ambitious goals for each day and consider the work day done when these are crossed off. • Get the rhythm right. A well-planned day features time for focused work, interactive work, and rejuvenating breaks. In place of a commute, a consciously chosen shut down ritual keeps work from continuing all night. • Nurture connections. Wise remote workers can build broader and more effective networks than people sitting in the same cubicle five days a week. Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, a self-starter or someone who prefers detailed directions, you can do your clearest thinking and deepest work at home--and have more energy left over to achieve personal goals or fuel bigger professional ambitions. In fact, soon you might find it hard to imagine working any other way.

Training Manual

Book Description

Worship That Pleases God

Book Description

Worship That Pleases God: The Passion and Reason of True Worship is a comprehensive book ranging far beyond the sanctuary to the private altar, to the heart of the worshiper and even to the workplace. Whole-life worship is the kind that pleases God. "...let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praiseÉAnd do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased (Hebrews 13:15, 16 NIV). A worship leader for more than thirty years, Dr. Phifer, brings a passionate writing style and sound biblical interpretation to this search for the meaning of "spirit and truth" worship (John 4:24). Dr. Phifer believes that True Worship establishes the Kingdom of God in our hearts, our homes, our places of worship as well as in the workplace and the marketplace. This book is about much more than what happens on Sunday morning. "Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," the three characteristics of the Kingdom of God found in Romans 14:17, form the themes of each section of the book. Section One, Righteousness, deals with a biblical theology of worship. Dr. Phifer offers biblical definitions for the essential elements of worship and he presents seven biblical models for worship. Section Two, Peace, presents the priority of worship as the factor of church life that is intended to bind generations and cultures together in a bond of peace. Section Three, Joy, treats the daily life of the believer dealing with issues of craftsmanship, creativity and the spiritual warfare of private worship. Paul urged the Roman church to "...present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service (of worship)" (Rom 12:1 NKJV [NIV]). Worship That Pleases God is a passionate book presenting that reasonable service of worship to God.

Courageous Aging

Book Description

“An inspirational guide for aging with confidence packed with insight and wisdom for living life to its fullest. A must read” (John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus). When it comes to getting older, there are so many destructive and limiting myths, biases, stereotypes, and misconceptions. In this book, Dr. Ken Druck, drawing on both his personal and professional experience, shows how people can make peace with—and find joy in—every stage of life. It offers a refreshingly realistic view of the aging process, touching upon its physical and psychological challenges, its aches and pains and feelings of vulnerability—as well as the new peace, freedom, and confidence it can give birth to. This practical and inspirational approach speaks to anyone who wants to redefine what it means to age and embrace the transition into a new chapter in life, filled with potential.

Turning the Corner: Origin

Book Description

With a wonderful selection of poems written by some of today's most talented amateur writers, each anthology contains poems that are funny, sad, religious, and profoundly unforgettable. Each publication encompasses a culturally diverse group of poets whose work has touched the hearts of readers far and wide. All publications are designed to capture the essence of today's poetic genre. A complete index of poets and an International Standard Book Number unique to each edition are included. Anthologies are six by nine inches, paperback, and include between three hundred to three hundred and fifty poems.

Our Corner Grocery Store

Book Description

A picture book that celebrates local shops and building communities. Anna Maria takes great pleasure and pride in her grandparents’ corner grocery store. Every Saturday she spends the day helping to arrange fruits and vegetables, greet the customers, and keep things neat and tidy. Through her day we meet the neighbors and learn what an important part the corner grocery store plays in the community. Nonno Domenico, Nonna Rosa, and Anna Maria supply more than goods as the steady stream of customers arrives. Lunches are made, news is shared, bargains are purchased, recipes are traded, and cheerful ciaos are called. By the end of a long day, Anna Maria has a true sense of just how wonderful the sights and smells within the store are and how much they mean to everyone. Charmingly illustrated in great detail, Our Corner Grocery Store pays tribute to the small independent grocers who supply color and atmosphere to city streets. Young readers will particularly enjoy finding and naming the wide array of produce, breads, candies, and dry goods that abound in this friendly establishment.

The Corner

Book Description

The crime-infested intersection of West Fayette and Monroe Streets is well-known--and cautiously avoided--by most of Baltimore. But this notorious corner's 24-hour open-air drug market provides the economic fuel for a dying neighborhood. David Simon, an award-winning author and crime reporter, and Edward Burns, a 20-year veteran of the urban drug war, tell the chilling story of this desolate crossroad. Through the eyes of one broken family--two drug-addicted adults and their smart, vulnerable 15-year-old son, DeAndre McCollough, Simon and Burns examine the sinister realities of inner cities across the country and unflinchingly assess why law enforcement policies, moral crusades, and the welfare system have accomplished so little. This extraordinary book is a crucial look at the price of the drug culture and the poignant scenes of hope, caring, and love that astonishingly rise in the midst of a place America has abandoned.

A Night Sea Journey

Book Description

A Night Sea Journey In this latest collection Adrian G R Scott has drawn on his experience of the physical and mental breakdown which he suffered three and half years ago to explore what CG Jung called the night sea journey. In the title poem Adrian writes of a visit to the Accident & Emergency Department of Sheffields Northern General Hospital, suffering from palpitations, as being part of his own night sea journey. In this book he sets up a creative dialogue between his experiences and the stories of mythology and also with other figures who have navigated their own dark ocean passages. He begins with poems that come from before his breakdown celebrating the everyday routines of holidays, marriages and anniversaries, and his sense of coming of age as a poet. These finally culminate in a funeral poem for a friends wife written at the point when his own night sea journey really began. From there he launches into a series of poems charting his entry into darkness and the jaws of physical and mental breakdown. These are poems that come from the belly of the beast and there is also a short fairy tale telling the story of an encounter with a darker part of himself. These lead into poems of recuperation and recovery, poems that draw on such themes as how to befriend and walk with anxiety and depression. Two cycles of poems follow, one reflecting on Francis of Assisi and the other on the artist Vincent Van Gogh. Both had profound night sea journeys and the writer enters into a dialogue with these challenging phases of their lives. The final section is an accommodation with life after breakdown; the poetry of continuation, as life reshapes itself. This last section is imbued with a sense of cautious hope.