La intuición: el sexto sentido / Intuition: The Sixth Sense

Book Description

Intuition is our “gut feeling” that warns us of potential danger and informs our understanding of right and wrong. This bilingual book defines this sense of intuition for young readers using examples rendered in both English and standard Latin American Spanish. Spreads explain how the five senses inform our intuition and the importance of tuning in to your intuitive feelings.

El gusto / Taste

Book Description

The sense of taste can bring pleasure to the everyday act of eating. This bilingual English and standard Latin American Spanish volume explains taste, from the role of the tongue and the taste buds to how taste interacts with the sense of smell.

La vista / Sight

Book Description

Readers will learn how sight works, including which organs are used in vision. The importance of light to sight is also explained. The simple bilingual English and Spanish text also explores related topics, such as optical illusions, vision problems, and how to protect the eyes.

El tacto / Touch

Book Description

The sense of touch is unique in that it involves the whole body, through the nerves in our skin. Through bilingual spreads of English and Spanish text, emerging readers will discover how this sense works, why different areas of the body have more or less sensitivity, and how touch can alert us to danger.

El olfato / Smell

Book Description

From blooming flowers to stinky socks, our sense of smell helps us create an informed impression of the world around us. Readers of this bilingual book will learn through simple English and Spanish text how the sense of smell works, how animals’ senses of smell differ from that of humans, and how the sense of smell works with the sense of taste.

El oído / Hearing

Book Description

Using basic English and standard Latin American Spanish text, this bilingual book teaches kids how sound waves travel and how our ears and our brain collect and interpret those sound waves. Spreads also define hearing impairments, and why loud noises are harmful to the ears, and how to protect the ears from these sounds.

La intuición: el sexto sentido / Intuition: The Sixth Sense

Book Description

Intuition is our “gut feeling” that warns us of potential danger and informs our understanding of right and wrong. This bilingual book defines this sense of intuition for young readers using examples rendered in both English and standard Latin American Spanish. Spreads explain how the five senses inform our intuition and the importance of tuning in to your intuitive feelings.

El oído / Hearing

Book Description

Using basic English and standard Latin American Spanish text, this bilingual book teaches kids how sound waves travel and how our ears and our brain collect and interpret those sound waves. Spreads also define hearing impairments, and why loud noises are harmful to the ears, and how to protect the ears from these sounds.

El Olfato / Smell

Book Description

From blooming flowers to stinky socks, our sense of smell helps us create an informed impression of the world around us. Readers of this bilingual book will learn through simple English and Spanish text how the sense of smell works, how animals' senses of smell differ from that of humans, and how the sense of smell works with the sense of taste.

Trauma and Expressive Arts Therapy

Book Description

"Psychological trauma can be a life-changing experience that affects multiple facets of health and well-being. The nature of trauma is to impact the mind and body in unpredictable and multidimensional ways. It can be a highly subjective that is difficult or even impossible to explain with words. It also can impact the body in highly individualized ways and result in complex symptoms that affect memory, social engagement, and quality of life. While many people overcome trauma with resilience and without long term effects, many do not. Trauma's impact often requires approaches that address the sensory-based experiences many survivors report. The expressive arts therapy-the purposeful application of art, music, dance/movement, dramatic enactment, creative writing and imaginative play-are largely non-verbal ways of self-expression of feelings and perceptions. More importantly, they are action-oriented and tap implicit, embodied experiences of trauma that can defy expression through verbal therapy or logic. Based on current evidence-based and emerging brain-body practices, there are eight key reasons for including expressive arts in trauma intervention, covered in this book: (1) letting the senses tell the story; (2) self-soothing mind and body; (3) engaging the body; (4) enhancing nonverbal communication; (5) recovering self-efficacy; (6) rescripting the trauma story; (7) making meaning; and (8) restoring aliveness"--