Twelve Quakers and Prayer

Book Description

What is prayer? If it isn't pleading or wishing, what is it? What's the point if prayers are not answered? Is prayer expecting God to do what we should do? Can you pray if you don't believe in God? Twelve Quakers respond to these and many more questions about prayer from their own experience. Each responds differently. Some recognise that how they know or understand God shapes their prayer life. Some see praying as 'holding the light'. Some know that letting go of self to enter into a greater self is crucial for them. All see prayer as communication. Simply and clearly, they describe how they pray and tell of the changes it has made to their lives. They hope their attempts will inspire readers to engage again with prayer in a more experimental and radical way

Twelve Quakers and God

Book Description

What is God? Who is God? Or maybe the question is: Who is God for you? What is the name you use? What is your experience, your understanding? Twelve Quakers write from their own experience, starting from their own insights, not from any agreed statement of belief. Twelve pieces, twelve different viewpoints, yet each has been life-changing for the person involved. This small book is part of an exploration for writers and readers alike, together growing in understanding. It has been published for people who are looking for a God in which in which they can believe, whatever name they give to the divine. Though few in number, Quakers have had a positive influence in society. Those wondering about the Quaker way, and what motivates its followers, should find these twelve honest accounts helpful.

Twelve Quakers and Jesus

Book Description

What part does Jesus play in the Quaker faith? Do Quakers 'believe' in the Bible? No one can speak for Quakers as a whole on these matters, but in this booklet twelve individual Quakers share their responses to these questions. Some focus mainly on the teachings of Jesus; others also search for meaning in the Christ of faith. The variety of different approaches to the topic reflects the emphasis that Quakers place on each individual's speaking in a way that in truthful to him or her. We hope that these twelve honest accounts will be helpful to those wanting to explore the Quaker way.

Twelve Quakers and God

Book Description

Twelve Quakers and Jesus

Book Description

Twelve Quakers and Faith

Book Description

Twelve Quakers write about what faith means to them in their lives, starting from their own insights, not any agreed statement of belief.

Our Life Is Love

Book Description

Our Life is Love describes the transformational spiritual journey of the first Quakers, who turned to the Light of Christ within and allowed it to be their guide. Many Friends today use different language, but are still called to make the same journey. In our time people seeking deeper access to the profound teachings of Christianity want more than just beliefs, they want direct experience. Focusing on ten elements of the spiritual journey, this book is a guide to a Spirit-filled life that affects this world. Quakers in the seventeenth century and today provide examples of people and communities living in the midst of the world whose radical understanding of Christ's teachings led them to become powerful agents of social change. The book offers a simple, clear explanation of the spiritual journey that is suitable not only for Quakers, but for all Christians, and for seekers wanting to better understand our spiritual experience and the fullness of God's call to us. The book would make an excellent focus for study groups. Marcelle Martin has led workshops at retreat centers and Quaker meetings across the United States. She served for four years as the resident Quaker Studies teacher at Pendle Hill and was a core teacher in the School of the Spirit program, The Way of Ministry. She is the author of the Pendle Hill pamphlets Invitation to a Deeper Communion and Holding One Another in the Light. In 2013 she was the Mullen Writing Fellow at Earlham School of Religion while working on this book.

Quaker Quicks - Do Quakers Pray?

Book Description

Do Quakers Pray is a short book for the Quaker Quicks series that considers questions such as 'What is prayer?' and explores whether, when and how Quakers might pray. Do we pray together? Do we pray alone?

Twelve Discourses

Book Description

An Exercise of the Spirit

Book Description