Twin Flame Runner Experience - 11

Book Description

I was relieved for a moment when we physically separated. I was excited at having my life back to normal as before. I was looking forward to having some space and room to re-think of the bond that I shared with my Twin Flame. I was looking forward to having some peace finally within myself.He wanted us to keep talking to each other whenever I wanted that too. All we had left for us to keep in touch would be through social media, emailing, texting and calling. My Twin Flame was looking forward to talking to me any time and he deeply expressed how much he missed me. He could write about how unique it was spending time with me was and he was looking forward to seeing me soon. I was looking forward to hugging to him soon.The first week of our physical separation was so dark for me, I was filled with feelings of sadness. I could not see how my life is going to be peaceful if my Twin Flame was not in my life. I went into a moment of grieving my soul, and every day was different in intensity.Life did not go back to normal; everything became worse. My job situation worsened, I was going through a divorce, I almost died from a road accident and Life was generally sad without my Twin Flame.I could not speak to anyone about my situation, the closest friend I had then was my ex-husband and this was mainly because we shared work and the house. I could not open up to my friends because no one understood what I was going through.

A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser

Book Description

"A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins" is a heartfelt and compelling book by Silvia Moon that delves deep into the intricacies of the Twin Flame journey. In this book, Silvia Moon provides an honest and introspective perspective as a runner in a Twin Flame relationship, offering invaluable insights and guidance for both runners and chasers. The book emphasizes the transformative nature of the Twin Flame journey and explores themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, and letting go of judgment. Silvia Moon aims to help readers confront their fears, embrace vulnerable feelings, and ultimately find their way back to their divine partner. With a sincere and empathetic approach, the book seeks to instill hope and understanding in those navigating the complexities of the Twin Flame connection.


Book Description

A twin flame reflects your highest and best possible self to you as well as your darkest fears. Most of the time, you meet during the most dire situations of your life that you feel grounded in your lowest self. You could be going through a separation or divorce, maybe you meet at a time when your self-esteem meter is low. When you are found in a negative situation, you will unworthy of anything good and noble. It is also easy to deny the truth — you know in your heart that the connection is authentic but your mind and ego resist the truth. It is a constant inner civil war within — it takes you to realize that nothing and no one outside you can confirm the truth of your connection. You are the answer to all your problems. The twin flame connection is too good to be true and it is easier to deny it than try to understand it. You also feel unworthy of your twin flame maybe because you do not know how to love yourself enough to feel deserving of unconditional love. This would require you to dig deeper within yourself to figure out whatever is triggering you to feel that way. It could be that you are carrying past trauma and hurt from past relationships, maybe you have your walls built up so high because you are protecting yourself from past pain — a twin flame disarms you and leaves you feeling vulnerable. Whatever negative experience you experienced from past relationships always leaks into your current relationships if not confronted. You need time to heal and overcome your insecurities and fears to fully embrace your twin flame love. I hope my experience helps you. Stay Blessed!


Book Description

"Discover the traits of Twin Flame runners in this self-help book that delves into the behaviors and emotions associated with running from a twin flame connection. The book explores how the act of running is often a response to past abandonment trauma, making it difficult for the runner to trust and fully open up to their twin flame. Readers will learn about the fear of abandonment and the struggles with vulnerability that underlie the running behavior, as well as how to heal and embrace unconditional love. With practical solutions and guidance, this book seeks to help readers identify and address twin flame runner traits, ultimately working to preserve and strengthen their relationships. Wishing you the best on your journey. Stay blessed!"

Twin Flame Runner Love Lessons

Book Description

The best way to know about your Twin Flame's wellbeing without them noticing that you are checking in on them is by stalking them. Whether your Twin Flame tends to block you out of their life or not, you are both compelled to always know about each other; the feeling is mutual. The attraction between you is very intense and too strong to contain. The runner Twin Flame's typical way of knowing what is going on with you is by always checking your social media even though they never comment or like your posts. The runner is also obsessed with their Twin Flame partner the same way the chaser seems to be. If you have a private social media account, the Twin Flame runner can create a pseudo account so that they can follow you without knowing that it is them. Also, if you have mutual friends with your Twin Flame, the runner always keeps in touch with your friends because they get updated about your wellbeing. From my experiences, my Twin Flame always calls our mutual friend; they talk for hours because he wants to know every detail of my current life situation. If you live in the same neighborhood, the Twin Flame runner will also stalk you; they will know about your daily routines and where you go at particular times. They also know whom you hang out with and your favorite places that you like to go to. Twin Flame attraction is real. The obsession to check in on each other is natural. It does not matter whether you label yourself as a runner or chaser, you are both the same because you are one in the soul. Physical Separation from a Twin Flame leaves you feeling a void that nothing can fill but your Twin Flame love. Enjoy reading this simple book.

Insightful Answers To Popular Twin Flame Runner Questions

Book Description

"Insightful Answers To Popular Twin Flame Runner Questions: Are You Asking Any Of This?" by Silvia Moon is a captivating and empathetic exploration of the Twin Flame phenomenon. Silvia Moon draws from her experiences and extensive interactions within the Twin Flame community to provide deep insights and reflections on the most pressing questions arising during the separation phase. Delving into the perspectives of Twin Flame runners during physical separation, the potential for a Twin Flame to move on and marry someone else, and the profound significance of the Twin Flame Energetic Union, Silvia brings compassion and wisdom to complex emotions. Her guidance on fulfilling life without a Twin Flame is relatable and supportive. Furthermore, she delves into the intricacies of the Twin Flame Chaser Pain, the transformative process of surrender, and the telltale signs of a genuine Twin Flame connection. Whether you find yourself in the role of the runner or the chaser in your Twin Flame journey, this book offers invaluable answers and support. May it bring clarity and comfort to all those navigating the complexities of the Twin Flame experience, and may it provide inspiration and guidance as you continue on your unique journey.

Twin Flame Awakening

Book Description

Since my Twin Soul Journey started, I have experienced the highest of the intensity of the best feelings of bliss, euphoria, and happiness to the lowest of feelings beyond grief, sadness, anxiety, numbness, and helplessness.This journal is just my story about how I navigated this alchemical process of soul purification and my growth process. I have also laid down very simple tips on how you can handle some phases of your experience so that it may ease your process of being in a Twin Flame Journey.These have been my tools for recovery too and I am at a stage where I am confident to open up my Twin Soul Journal to help those who are still searching for answers to ease their Journey.You are looking for a place of harmony, balance, peace, and bliss to rest your soul.I am not a professional at healing or a master at any spiritual guidance processes but I am just a simple human sharing my personal experience hoping that I can help someone out there struggling to find that place of peace in themselves as I searched too.I was so lost and confused when my soul triggered itself into this sudden process of change. I craved a change of my old self. This journey has brought me to my authentic self and I am so happy to share with you some of my discoveries.This Twin Flame Experience catches you by surprise and it is until you are already experiencing the process that you realize you are being transformed.Once I mastered the different ways to embrace the new change in my life, everything else about my Twin Flame experience became easy to go through.Healing begins with Acceptance.When I was triggered into a Spiritual awakening after my initial Twin Flame encounter, I had this negative thinking that the Twin Flame experience created unhappy relationships because of the difficulties and stress that are associated with the phase of physical separation. This is because I was very naive about every aspect of the Twin Flame process, and I was very overwhelmed with my feelings for my Twin Flame.I was so overwhelmed by the information that I read from different sources online because of the emphasis on the "Spiritual" nature of the Twin Flame experience, and I had no idea how to embark on a spiritual journey since I wasn't a "Spiritual person" to begin with -- everything about the Twin Flame experiences seemed difficult and painful to go through as a beginner.After going through constant lessons of unconditional love, I discovered that each Twin Flame relationship is special and unique because each connection is tailored to a specific Twin Flame couple. Therefore, it is a waste of energy to keep comparing your Twin Flame situation to another Twin Flame's experiences.The first lesson that I learned when I was new to this Twin Flame experience was to stick to my inner knowing as a guide or compass to understand the information that I was absorbing when I was trying to understand how the Twin Flame experience works.When you are new to the Twin Flame experience, it is overwhelming at first when you get to know about the complicated details entailed in experiencing the Twin Flame journey from those who are already embarking on their journey.This book is here to help you with a simplified perspective of managing the invigorating phase of the Twin Flame encounter.Doubting how you feel for your Twin Flame is a typical sign that you might be experiencing a different kind of relationship with that person -- so that means that it might not be a Twin Flame connection after all.I believe that the whole purpose of the Twin Flame experience amongst other things is finding personal healing. Healing happens both within ourselves and in the joint connection with our divine counterpart who is called the Twin Flame.The process of Soul awakening works away through both Twin Flames once they encounter each other once an instant recognition is initiated.I wish you Blessings and Love.

Twin Flame Runner Confessions: Separation is an Illusion

Book Description

"Twin Flame Runner Confessions: Separation is an Illusion" by Silvia Moon explores the deep and complex dynamics of twin flame relationships. The book delves into the intense emotional and spiritual journey of encountering one's twin flame and the challenges and growth that arise from such a connection. Silvia Moon's poignant insights as a Runner Twin Flame shed light on shedding negative energy, undergoing a spiritual awakening, and embracing personal transformation. This compelling work offers advice for navigating the highs and lows of a twin flame relationship, emphasizing the importance of trusting one's inner knowing and authenticity. "Twin Flame Runner Confessions" provides a heartfelt exploration of the unique and powerful bond between twin flames.

Twin Flame Runner Awakening

Book Description

In this simple and easy to read a book, I am discussing with you my experiences of awakening to the love that I feel for my Twin Flame as a runner from the connection.Please allow me to use the Labels of "Runner" and "Chaser" because these are the generic terms that are mostly used to describe the energy dynamics that transpire during the process of energetic push and pull to and fro by the Twin Flames between themselves.Therefore, in this book the term "runner" label simply represents the Twin Flame who is denying the connection and they use all different kinds of methods to hide from their Twin Flame partner while the "chaser" label is representing the Twin Flame who is holding on to the connection and also left wondering why their Twin Flame partner is running from the connection.This simple book will answer some of the following mostly asked questions by Twin Flames: Do Twin Flame runners realize that the love they feel for their divine partner is genuine?What happens when a Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection?Does the Twin Flame runner still love their divine counterpart during the time of separation and silence?What happens when the runner Twin Flame tries to find other Karmic relationships or chooses to get married to someone else other than their Twin Flame partner?Does the Twin Flame runner still think of the chaser during the long quiet physical separation period?What experiences take place when the Twin Flame runner tries to reconcile with the Twin Flame partner?What is the Twin Flame chaser's response to the return of the runner counterpart?Does the Twin Flame runner ever return to their divine counterpart?This book will be answering all the above questions and many more that you have about the experiences of a runner Twin Flame.Stay Blessed