Book Description

A twin flame reflects your highest and best possible self to you as well as your darkest fears. Most of the time, you meet during the most dire situations of your life that you feel grounded in your lowest self. You could be going through a separation or divorce, maybe you meet at a time when your self-esteem meter is low. When you are found in a negative situation, you will unworthy of anything good and noble. It is also easy to deny the truth — you know in your heart that the connection is authentic but your mind and ego resist the truth. It is a constant inner civil war within — it takes you to realize that nothing and no one outside you can confirm the truth of your connection. You are the answer to all your problems. The twin flame connection is too good to be true and it is easier to deny it than try to understand it. You also feel unworthy of your twin flame maybe because you do not know how to love yourself enough to feel deserving of unconditional love. This would require you to dig deeper within yourself to figure out whatever is triggering you to feel that way. It could be that you are carrying past trauma and hurt from past relationships, maybe you have your walls built up so high because you are protecting yourself from past pain — a twin flame disarms you and leaves you feeling vulnerable. Whatever negative experience you experienced from past relationships always leaks into your current relationships if not confronted. You need time to heal and overcome your insecurities and fears to fully embrace your twin flame love. I hope my experience helps you. Stay Blessed!

Twin Flame Love Lessons Book Two

Book Description

"LOVE LIVES HERE" is the first installment in the thought-provoking Twin Flame Chaser Lessons series penned by the insightful Silvia Moon. Within the pages of this captivating read, Silvia skillfully debunks the common misconception that twin flames can be separated, shining a light on their unbreakable connection at a soul level. While physical distance may present itself as a challenge, the book is a guide on actively striving towards a lasting reunion while seamlessly intertwining spirituality with everyday life. This profound work underscores the importance of healing, forgiveness, and transparent communication in fostering a resilient and everlasting bond. Whether immersed in the twin flame journey or intrigued by the concept, this literary masterpiece provides deep insights and actionable advice for navigating these transformative and extraordinary relationships.

A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser

Book Description

"A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins" is a heartfelt and compelling book by Silvia Moon that delves deep into the intricacies of the Twin Flame journey. In this book, Silvia Moon provides an honest and introspective perspective as a runner in a Twin Flame relationship, offering invaluable insights and guidance for both runners and chasers. The book emphasizes the transformative nature of the Twin Flame journey and explores themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, and letting go of judgment. Silvia Moon aims to help readers confront their fears, embrace vulnerable feelings, and ultimately find their way back to their divine partner. With a sincere and empathetic approach, the book seeks to instill hope and understanding in those navigating the complexities of the Twin Flame connection.

Twin Flame Runner Awakening

Book Description

In this simple and easy to read a book, I am discussing with you my experiences of awakening to the love that I feel for my Twin Flame as a runner from the connection.Please allow me to use the Labels of "Runner" and "Chaser" because these are the generic terms that are mostly used to describe the energy dynamics that transpire during the process of energetic push and pull to and fro by the Twin Flames between themselves.Therefore, in this book the term "runner" label simply represents the Twin Flame who is denying the connection and they use all different kinds of methods to hide from their Twin Flame partner while the "chaser" label is representing the Twin Flame who is holding on to the connection and also left wondering why their Twin Flame partner is running from the connection.This simple book will answer some of the following mostly asked questions by Twin Flames: Do Twin Flame runners realize that the love they feel for their divine partner is genuine?What happens when a Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection?Does the Twin Flame runner still love their divine counterpart during the time of separation and silence?What happens when the runner Twin Flame tries to find other Karmic relationships or chooses to get married to someone else other than their Twin Flame partner?Does the Twin Flame runner still think of the chaser during the long quiet physical separation period?What experiences take place when the Twin Flame runner tries to reconcile with the Twin Flame partner?What is the Twin Flame chaser's response to the return of the runner counterpart?Does the Twin Flame runner ever return to their divine counterpart?This book will be answering all the above questions and many more that you have about the experiences of a runner Twin Flame.Stay Blessed

New Twin Flame Chaser Lessons

Book Description

This book will answer the following Twin Flame Chaser Questions: What is good starting advice for the chaser twin flame? What are the signs that someone's twin flame is coming back after they've moved on and started dating? When a twin flame runner finally awakens, how will the chaser twin know there is a shift? It is me who escaped from my twin on the twin flame journey and now there are obstacles to reconnecting. Can you go years without knowing you and your twin flame are TF? If one twin flame is married, is this a runner and chaser scenario? How is the DF in a twin flame overwhelming for the DM or runner? How do you send love to your twin flame, and how do you know that they feel you? What do you feel when the runner twin flame ignores you? What are some things you should not say to your partner in a runner-and-chaser relationship? Why is my twin flame still ignoring me after 4 years? What are the major twin flame runner fears? What are some mistakes that twin flame runners make? How do you support your twin flame runner during separation? What are some reasons why twin flames might let go of each other? Who or what helped you the most during your process of awakening? When the twin flame runner chaser dynamic switches, does the chaser lose interest in the runner? Is it possible to feel the sexual energy of a twin flame, even at a distance? What if I isolate myself consciously from my twin flame as a chaser? Do you have to emotionally let go of your twin flame runner for them to come back? What is the difference between blocking and surrendering to a twin flame relationship? What are some common issues that twin flames face after reuniting? What is the average amount of time it takes for a chaser to give up on their twin flame? Why does the twin flame journey make you feel dead? Why is the runner twin flame so guarded? What are some of the benefits of being a twin flame runner? What happens to twin flames when they separate to do their work? Stay Blessed


Book Description

"Welcome to the 'Twin Flame Chaser Rule Book: 15 Ways To Enjoy Separation.' In this book, I provide practical guidance for navigating the challenging separation phase with grace and resilience. As the chaser twin flame, it's common to feel disoriented and lost, but this book offers insights to help you find your center and grow from the experience. Within these pages, you'll discover advice on adapting to life changes, growing into your best self, and managing the emotional impact of separation. I also share affirmations to boost your energy, tips for finding inner happiness, and methods for developing self-love and reconnecting with your true essence. My hope is that this book will equip you with the tools and inspiration to embrace your journey, grow, and eventually reunite with your twin flame. May you find peace, personal growth, and authenticity on your path. Best wishes!"

Are You Asking This?

Book Description

What is the perspective of the Twin Flame runner during the physical separation phase?Can a Twin Flame move on and marry someone else? Do you miss your Twin Flame all the time? What is the Twin Flame Energetic Union? What do you do when you feel the urges to reach out to your Twin Flame yet the situation is awkward?How do you live a happy life without your Twin Flame in your life? How does the Twin Flame Runner feel when they ignore their Twin Flame partner? Does the runner Twin Flame stop loving their divine partner?When your Twin Flame is married to someone else, what do you do if you love them unconditionally? What sign tells you that you have found your Twin Flame? What are some Twin Flame Love lessons? How do you balance the Twin Flame energy to feel the Oneness? What is the Twin Flame Chaser Pain and how do you overcome it? How do you Surrender and let your Twin Flame runner live their life?What are the signs that your Twin Flame runner loves you unconditionally? Does your Twin Flame have the same feelings as you? When the Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection, how will the chaser know that there is a shift?What does the Twin Flame runner feel when the chaser stops chasing and focuses on themselves?During the no contact phase of the Twin Flame physical phase, what does the runner think of the chaser? How does the Universe make the Twin Flame runner make them wake up and see that they messed up with their Twin Flame partner?Does the runner feel the Soul intimacy too like the chaser? What happens when the Twin Flame runner becomes the chaser instead?What happens when you stop chasing your Twin Flame and focus on yourself?How are the different ways to accept your Twin Flame situation whether you are a Runner or Chaser?How are Twin Flames always thinking of each other?How can you show your Twin Flame runner that you love them without coming on too hard? When does the Twin Flame runner realize that the love between Twin Flames is genuine? Does your Twin Flame runner miss you as much as you miss them? How do you tell that your Twin Flame loves you and misses you as much as you miss them?Why would a Twin Flame ignore you and act like you do not matter?Do both Twin Flames experience the Dark Night of the Soul?Why do Twin Flames run? The Twin Flame runner is always in the head of the chaser. Is the runner also always thinking of the chaser? What are the Signs? How do the runner Twin Flame experience Soul Shock and emotional pain?Does the Twin Flame runner feel your pain?Should you text your Twin Flame runner during separation?How does it feel to find healing and inner balance?What do you do if your Twin Flame is married?What are some tactics to surrender and let go of stressing about your Twin Flame?Is it possible to disconnect from a Twin Flame?Does the Twin Flame runner ever come back? How do you manage expectations on your Twin Flame journey? Is the Twin Flame Union all about you?Is it normal to think of your Twin Flame all the time?Do you feel your Twin Flame's emotions and pain? Do you think that your ego gets in the way of your Twin Flame journey?On the twin flame journey, is it possible that the awakened twin is the first to run instead of chasing? I'm a Divine Feminine that is awake to the connection but I'm running from my Twin Flame.Who changes drastically on the Twin Flame journey? The runner or the chaser?Does it bother you that a Twin Flame runner never wishes you a happy birthdayHow do you feel when your Twin Flame never initiates contact or communication?What is the Twin Flame separation phase and how do you overcome it?


Book Description

"Discover the traits of Twin Flame runners in this self-help book that delves into the behaviors and emotions associated with running from a twin flame connection. The book explores how the act of running is often a response to past abandonment trauma, making it difficult for the runner to trust and fully open up to their twin flame. Readers will learn about the fear of abandonment and the struggles with vulnerability that underlie the running behavior, as well as how to heal and embrace unconditional love. With practical solutions and guidance, this book seeks to help readers identify and address twin flame runner traits, ultimately working to preserve and strengthen their relationships. Wishing you the best on your journey. Stay blessed!"