Twin Souls

Book Description

Soul Mates and Twin Flames

Book Description

"A New Look at Love, Karma and Relationships “Uses real-life experiences and love stories to define and illuminate the inner mysteries of the soul.... Candidly explores why we attract certain loves into our lives, and why the most difficult relationship may be the key to the perfect love we've been seeking.” —Bodhi Tree Book Review Soul Mates and Twin Flames explores the spiritual dimension of relationships. You’ll learn the difference between soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners along with practical tips for working on whatever relationship you are in and attracting your highest love."

The Mystic of Twin Flame Relationship

Book Description

We encounter many soul mates whether Karmic, Companion mates in our reincarnated life from the time even before we take birth. These are our soul mates. They will help us to reunite with our twin flame-the mirror reflection of our soul-and intensify an unconditional divine love more powerful and profound than we can't imagine. Soul Mates & Twin Flames reveal the ultimate secret to discover our soul mate and our twin flame. But the mirror soul of our soul if met in this life span put the highest impact on our lives and mold us for good, make our soul spiritual awakened and we learn the true meaning of unconditional divine love. Twin Flames and numerous advanced souls are presently re-uniting across the planet to complete their soul's purpose of ONENESS at this reincarnation on Earthy plane. Humanity has long been trapped by the forces of illusion and hatred that have brought about much suffering and pain. The increasing numbers of souls awaken to their true purpose; to reconnect to their spiritual Formless almighty universe and to serve their fellow beings. Twin Flame soul relationship bear soul tearing and very painful term cycle consists of union, separation, crisis, runner chaser Phase, reunion and many more. If they are successful to raise their vibrational frequency then, they will transit to a higher dimension and will be spiritually Awakened.

R&R Love

Book Description

Rachelle and Rocky met under circumstances that were not what she would have ever expected. She fell in love instantly and nothing could stop the way that she felt not matter how hard she fought her feelings. It was a strong earth-shattering connection. One like no other she had ever experienced before. But things were not perfect. This is the story of spiritual circumstances. It will help you understand the concept of Twin Flames and how another realm can affect those of us living on the earth plane. After her love passed away Rachelle began connecting to heaven. In the pages ahead proof will be shown that love and life continue to the Other side. In this Riveting tale of star-crossed lovers, you will experience a story that teaches about the spiritual realm and gives hope to those who have lost loved ones. A true tale of a tortured spirit and the woman that loved him through it all. Validation of just how much he has grown and healed on the otherside.

Twin Flame Soul Connections

Book Description

Twin Flames have a shared ongoing sentiment and quest from the moment they're a spark shooting out of God's love that explodes into a blinding white fire that breaks apart causing one to be two, until two become one again, separate and whole, and back around again. Looking into the eyes of your Twin Flame is like looking into the eyes of God, because to know love is to know God. When one thinks of a Soul Mate or Twin Flame, they might equate it to a passionate romantic relationship where you're making love on a white sandy palm tree lined beach in paradise for the rest of your lives. This beautiful mythological notion has caused great turmoil in others who long for this person that fits the description of a lothario character in a romance novel. It is also an unrealistic and misguided interpretation of the Soul Mate or Twin Flame dynamic. Twin Flame Soul Connections discusses and lists some of the various myths and truths surrounding the Twin Flames, and how to identify if you've come into contact with your Twin Flame, or if you know someone who has. The ultimate goal is not to find ones Twin Flame, but to awaken ones heart to love, and to work on becoming complete and whole as an individual soul through spiritual self-mastery, life lessons, growth, and raising your consciousness. Your soul's life was born out of love and will die right back into that love. Chapter Topics Include: Karmic Soul Connections, Soul Mate Soul Connections, The Twin Flame Craze, The Birth of Twin Flames, Masculine, Feminine, Yin, and Yang, The Light and Dark, Higher and Lower Energies, Twin Flames: The Romantic and Non-Romantic, Twin Flames: Age and Location, Twin Flames: Example Couples, Twin Flames: Genders, Gay, Straight, Homosexual, Heterosexual, Twin Flames: Runner, Chaser, Push and Pull, Twin Flames: Mirrors, Goals, Missions and Purposes, Technology Strengths and Challenges, Twin Flames: Coming Together, Is This Person My Twin Flame?, Twin Flames: Spiritual Growth, Twin Flames: Recapping the Truths and Myths of Twin Flames, The Twin Flame Summary Cheat Sheet.

The Timeless Love of Twin Souls

Book Description

A truly amazing story which shows how love transcends all time. A personal testament to the fact that love is eternal, that love endures and does not die when the physical body does. Love transports us through all of our journeys but we need to remember this. Twin soul love is powerful and a part of every individual where each of us seeks to find what we feel to be missing. But how do you know when it's found? How can you be sure about love when you have forgotten how it truly feels. When two people discover their twin soul love for one another, not only in this lifetime but also remember it from a previous lifetime, then they can guide us all. Finding love, understanding love, as well as appreciating our true self for who we really are, continues to be shrouded in the mystery of our day to day earthly existence. This enduring lack of understanding only serves to perpetuate an unwarranted sense of incompleteness and loneliness deep within us which all too often gives rise to feelings of fear, despair and discontent. So, as a consequence, we experience an insatiable desire to search for a mystifying 'something' which we somehow instinctively know we need but have little or no idea where to even begin looking. Concealed within this dilemma, and even more perplexing, lies the concept of our eternal soul. This elemental but powerful 'you' resides unacknowledged at the core of your very being while remaining seemingly silent as you journey in search of your ultimate happiness. This subject alone has occupied the minds of philosophers throughout the ages but to be aware that we have another aspect to compliment our earthly existence is as intriguing as it is confusing. To appreciate that each soul is but one half of its twin gives rise to an important insight into what motivates our need to do the things that we do, or to search for what we feel driven to find. This remarkable story tells of two people, Ron and Janet who not only found each other in this lifetime but were also together in a previous and very dramatic lifetime while being caught up in the revolutionary war which ultimately gave birth to the USA of today. Through following their experiences, trials, traumas and triumphs, plus journeys into the afterlife, you will learn more about not only how they discovered themselves to be twin souls but how important this whole subject is and what it means to you. In trying to figure out what compels you to do the things that you do while making the choices that you do then having an appreciation of the twin soul that you are brings an extra dimension of clarity. Through coming to know yourself better, then this inevitably leads to discovering your path towards your greatest happiness while attracting and expressing the love which you so dearly wish to experience along the way. While reading an entertaining story you will find yourself being drawn in to a process which poses many questions about the life that we lead as well as what makes you who you are. Combining real life experience with that of a fascinating journey into a world which we have virtually no understanding of then you will be led towards a greater appreciation of the love which is so important to you.

Your Twin Soul Journey

Book Description

Your twin soul or twin flame is your person, “the one,” your ideal partner and lover for life. If you are looking for this person, welcome to your twin soul journey. Now that you’re here, are you wishing you could get solid information on how to navigate your twin flame journey, but finding it to be the wild west when you search for answers online? Get the structured logic and clarity of this journey so you don’t have to continue wading through the weeds! In Your Twin Soul Journey, you’ll learn: The cornerstone concepts you MUST understand to embark on this journey The truth about the twin flame stages and my own personal roadmap to finding your unique way through this journey How to heal quickly through any separation blocks you are facing on your twin flame journey How to find the purpose of your twin flame union and why it’s important What to expect in terms of twin flame telepathy, twin flame dreams, and other surprising spiritual experiences And we will also debunk tons of twin flame myths that are keeping you in some level of separation from your twin This beautiful and breezy twin flame book comes from the creator of the popular podcast Your Twin Soul Journey and the Card Reading Queen Youtube channel.

Twin Flames

Book Description

Your Twin Flame was designed for you as your Ultimate Lover, perfect partner, friend, and everything you desire. You know them by the feeling you have in your heart. You may have already met, or just know deep down they exist, somewhere. This book will show you how to bring them from "out there," into your life and what to do once you are united.

Don't Cry When I Die

Book Description

Find Your Twin Flame

Book Description

Find and Develop a Profound Relationship with the Other Half of Your Soul More than a soul mate, your twin flame is the only soul that has the same spiritual DNA as yours—the piece that is crucial to your soul's evolution. This book is key to not only identifying your twin flame, but also nurturing a partnership that is deeper than any other. While you can have many soul mates, only one soul can be your twin flame. Psychic medium Leslie Sampson walks you through the history of twin flames and the various methods for finding your divine partner, including numerology, astrology, divination, Akashic Records, and more. You'll also enjoy inspiring stories from Leslie's clients and personal life that show the extraordinarynature of twin flame relationships. With this book's guidance, you can find your twin and, together, evolve your soul to a higherlevel of consciousness and divine understanding.