Two-Dimensional Axisymmetric Calculations of Surface Waves Generated by an Explosion in an Island, Mountain and Sedimentary Basin

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The generation of long period (20-50 second) surface waves by an explosion on an island, inside a mountain, or near a material discontinuity is studied using two-dimensional axisymmetric finite difference calculations. The generation of surface waves can be reduced substantially if the explosion is close to a vertical boundary such as a material velocity reduction, mountain slope, or island/ocean boundary. This occurs because the horizontal components of the static stress field are reduced at the boundary. Three sets of finite difference calculations were performed for an 'island' surrounded by an 'ocean' of air, water and a low velocity solid. Calculations include 'ocean' depths of 3 km and 6 km, and the 'island' varies in diameter from 6 km to 48 km. For a 48 km island material boundary has little effect on the surface waves. For an island width equal to the ocean depth, however, the surface wave generation is reduced by an order of magnitude for air and water, and reduced by more than a factor of 2 for the low velocity solid. Comparisons with the geography of the Amchitka and Mururoa island test sites show that this effect is small for explosions at those sites, however the effect appears to be important for Novaya Zemlya and other sites where explosions are detonated inside mountains, and at sites with strong material variations. A similar numerical experiment for an explosion in a sedimentary basin shows that surface waves can be amplified by the presence of a high velocity non-source boundary.

Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Source Processes and Explosion Yield Estimation

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Pure appl. geophys., by 161 nations. Entry of the treaty into force, however, is still uncertain since it requires ratification by all 44 nations that have some nuclear capability and, as of 15 June 2001, only 31 of those nations have done so. Although entry of the CTBT into force is still uncertain, seismologists and scientists in related fields, such as radionuclides, have proceeded with new research on issues relevant to monitoring compliance with it. Results of much of that research may be used by the International Monitoring System, headquartered in Vienna, and by several national centers and individual institutions, to monitor compliance with the CTBT. New issues associated with CTBT monitoring in the 21st century have presented scientists with many new challenges. They must be able to effectively monitor com pliance by several countries that have not previously been nuclear powers. Effective monitoring requires that we be able to detect and locate much smaller nuclear events than ever before and to distinguish them from small earthquakes and other types of explosions. We must have those capabilities in regions that are seismically active and geologically complex, and where seismic waves might not propagate efficiently.

Physics Briefs

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