Two-Dimensional Modeling of Aluminum Gallium Nitride/Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor

Book Description

Gallium Nitride (GaN) High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT's) are microwave power devices that have the performance characteristics to improve the capabilities of current and future Navy radar and communication systems. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is funding research for the development of GaN- based microwave power amplifiers for use in future radar and communication systems. This thesis studies the effects of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs' polarization, piezoelectric (PZ) and spontaneous, properties utilizing the TM commercially available Silvaco Atlas software for modeling and simulation. The polarization properties are suspected to enhance the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the AIGaN/GaN interface.

Analysis and Optimization of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors for Microwave Applications

Book Description

This thesis deals with the analysis and optimization of some of the most prominent non-ideal effects in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors used in microwave applications as well as the optimization of the RF gain. The effect of current collapse, the root cause of leakage currents as well as field-dependent self-heating effects have been investigated by eletrical characterization using well established techniques and have been analyzed using 2-dimensional physical device simulations. It will be shown that the origin of all effects is strongly related to the device surface and some are even competing effects making device optimization a challenge. However, a detailed localization of the regions affecting device performance will be given leading to a better understanding for fabrication process optimization. Finally, I simulation study is conducted giving suggestions for RF gain improvement based on very simple device layout variations.

Growth and Characterization of Novel Gan High Electron Mobility Transistor Structures with Enhanced Two-dimensional Electron Gas

Book Description

Novel gallium nitride based high electron mobility transistor structures were grown using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Traditional GaN based HEMT structures incorporate a version of an aluminum gallium nitride / gallium nitride single crystalline heterointerface for generation of a conductive two-dimensional electron gas. The grown structures aim to enhance the properties of their two-dimensional electron gases beyond commercially available designs. Novel material alterations to the traditional HEMT structures have established a new materials platform for this technology. Growth and characterization of these novel materials are presented.

Advanced SPICE Model for GaN HEMTs (ASM-HEMT)

Book Description

This book discusses in detail the Advanced SPICE Model for GaN HEMTs (ASM-HEMT), a new industry standard model for GaN-based power and RF circuit design. The author describes this new, standard model in detail, covering the different components of the ASM GaN model from fundamental derivations to the implementation in circuit simulation tools. The book also includes a detailed description of parameter extraction steps and model quality tests, which are critically important for effective use of this standard model in circuit simulation and product design. Coverage includes both radio-frequency (RF), and power electronics applications of this model. Practical issues related to measurement data and parameter extraction flow are also discussed, enabling readers easily to adopt this new model for design flow and simulation tools. Describes in detail a new industry standard for GaN-based power and RF circuit design; Includes discussion of practical problems and their solutions in GaN device modeling; Covers both radio-frequency (RF) and power electronics application of GaN technology; Describes modeling of both GaN RF and power devices.

Modeling Reliability of Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistors

Book Description

This work is focused on modeling the reliability concerns in GaN HEMT technology. The two main reliability concerns in GaN HEMTs are electromechanical coupling and current collapse. A theoretical model was developed to model the piezoelectric polarization charge dependence on the applied gate voltage. As the sheet electron density in the channel increases, the influence of electromechanical coupling reduces as the electric field in the comprising layers reduces. A Monte Carlo device simulator that implements the theoretical model was developed to model the transport in GaN HEMTs. It is observed that with the coupled formulation, the drain current degradation in the device varies from 2%-18% depending on the gate voltage. Degradation reduces with the increase in the gate voltage due to the increase in the electron gas density in the channel. The output and transfer characteristics match very well with the experimental data. An electro-thermal device simulator was developed coupling the Monte Caro-Poisson solver with the energy balance solver for acoustic and optical phonons. An output current degradation of around 2-3 % at a drain voltage of 5V due to self-heating was observed. It was also observed that the electrostatics near the gate to drain region of the device changes due to the hot spot created in the device from self heating. This produces an electric field in the direction of accelerating the electrons from the channel to surface states. This will aid to the current collapse phenomenon in the device. Thus, the electric field in the gate to drain region is very critical for reliable performance of the device. Simulations emulating the charging of the surface states were also performed and matched well with experimental data. Methods to improve the reliability performance of the device were also investigated in this work. A shield electrode biased at source potential was used to reduce the electric field in the gate to drain extension region. The hot spot position was moved away from the critical gate to drain region towards the drain as the shield electrode length and dielectric thickness were being altered.

Aluminum Gallium Nitride

Book Description

In the last decade, All-, GaXN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) have been intensively studied because their intrinsic electrical properties make them attractive for high power microwave device applications. Despite much progress, current slump continues to be a problem, limiting output power, reducing reliability, and complicating device modelling. In this work, a complete AĨ-, G, ̃N/GÑ HEMT fabrication procedure was developed, and electrical characteristics related to current slump, microwave modelling, and delay time analysis were explored. Low resistance ohmic contacts were achieved, enabling high channel current densities. Schottky contacts were developed with a new ion implant isolation architecture, enabling gate leakage currents 2 to 4 orders of magnitude lower than typical results from the literature. Through pulsed current-voltage measurements, the importance of bias stresses in the gate-source region was demonstrated for the first time. In contrast to the conventional "virtual gate" model, gate-source stresses were shown to be more important than gatedrain stresses when biased near threshold. Slow slump transients were studied by passivating transistor surfaces with ultrathin layers. These results excluded dielectric strain and electron injection reduction as viable passivation mechanisms. A novel model was proposed associating slow slump behaviour with trapping of many electrons at screw dislocation sites. The effect of slump on RF properties was examined through microwave measurements by extracting the parasitic source and drain resistances without special biasing. Besides significantly improving the accuracy of small-signal modelling, we were able to show the bias dependence of parasitic resistances which confirmed the effect of source-side bias stressing. The question of channel electron velocities in nitride transistors remains controversial. We determined an effective electron velocity of - 1.9 x 1 o7 cmls through two methods. We first extracted effective velocities through delay time analysis, and then through the small-signal model elements. To our knowledge, this was the first time an equivalent model extraction led to self-consistent electron velocity values for nitride transistors. Finally, our equivalent circuit model showed the correct interrelation between frequency response and access resistances. The cohesive picture of current slump, equivalent circuit model extraction, and delay time analysis gives a high degree of confidence in these results.