Breaking Paradigms In Atomic And Molecular Physics

Book Description

The book presents the following counterintuitive theoretical results breaking several paradigms of quantum mechanics and providing alternative interpretations of some important phenomena in atomic and molecular physics. 1) Singular solutions of the Schrödinger and Dirac equations should not have been always rejected: they can explain the experimental high-energy tail of the linear momentum distribution in the ground state of hydrogenic atoms. Application: a unique way to test intimate details of the nuclear structure by performing atomic (rather than nuclear) experiments and calculations. 2) Charge exchange is not really an inherently quantal phenomenon, but rather has classical roots. Application: continuum lowering in plasmas. 3) The most challenging problem of classical physics that led to the development of quantum mechanics — the failure to explain the stability of atoms — can be solved within a classical formalism that has its roots in Dirac's works. The underlying physics can be interpreted as a non-Einsteinian time dilation. 4) In two-electron atoms/ions, the spin-spin interaction (singular in its nature), usually considered unimportant, makes a significant contribution to the binding energy. 5) In magnetized plasmas the standard Inglis-Teller concept, concerning the number of observed lines in spectral series of hydrogen, breaks down. Application: new plasma diagnostic. 6) Extrema in transition energies of molecules/quasimiolecules can result in dips (rather than usually considered satellites) within spectral lines. Application: the experimental determination of rates of charge exchange between multicharged ions — important for magnetic fusion in Tokamaks, for population inversion in the soft x-ray and VUV ranges, for ion storage devices, and for astrophysics.

Problems and Solutions on Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics

Book Description

This book, part of the seven-volume series Major American Universities PhD Qualifying Questions and Solutions contains detailed solutions to 483 questions/problems on atomic, molecular, nuclear and particle physics, as well as experimental methodology. The problems are of a standard appropriate to advanced undergraduate and graduate syllabi, and blend together two objectives — understanding of physical principles and practical application. The volume is an invaluable supplement to textbooks.

Challenges of Nuclear Structure

Book Description

This volume is devoted to recent achievements and new challenges in the field of nuclear structure. Both experimental and theoretical issues in the forefront of current research on the subject are covered by leading physicists.

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta

Book Description

The highly positive affirmation and wide reception that this book continues to receive from professors and students ahke is the occasion for this 7th edition. Once again we have included a number of valuable suggestions for improvements, which we address as appropriate. In addition, we refer to a number of developments in atomic physics. Of these new developments in regard to exotic atoms, we mention antihydrogen in par ticular, because fundamental experiments in matter and antimatter can be expected in the future. Furthermore, we have inserted a chapter on the behaviour of atoms in strong elec trical fields. Experiments with corresponding lasers could only recently be realized. We thank our Jenaer colleague, R. Sauerbrey, for his contribution of this chapter. We have also included a new chapter on the behaviour of the hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields. The results are of profound interest for two very different fields of physics: on the one hand, according to classical physics, one expects chaotic behaviour from Rydberg atoms in magnetic fields that can be created in the laborato ry; thus, an association can be drawn to aspects of chaos theory and the problems of quantum chaos. On the other hand, the very strong fields necessary for low quantum numbers are realized in the cosmos, in particular with white dwarfs and neutron stars.

Few-Body Problems in Particle, Nuclear, Atomic, and Molecular Physics

Book Description

The 1987 Fontevraud Conference gathered more than 100 physicists for the purpose of discussing the latest developments of research on few-body problems. In addition to participants from most European countries representatives from Brazil, Canada, Israel, Japan, South Africa, and the USA took part in the meeting. In the conference program special emphasis was laid on bringing together the various fields, where few-body problems play an important role. Beyond the traditional areas of nuclear and particle physics, in recent years interest has been focussed especially on atomic and molecular physics. This developent is due to the design of new techniques for solving few-body problems under rather general premises. The proceedings contain all plenary talks and the contributions presented orally at the conference. They cover such topics as: few-quark systems and short-range phenomena, two- and three-body forces in quark as well as nucleonic systems, few-hadron bound states, response of few-body systems to electromagnetic and hadronic probes, form factors, hypernuclei, atomic and molecular few-body systems, hyperspherical method, separable expansions, numerical techniques, etc. It appears that recently, even in one year after the Tokyo-Sendai Conference, much progress has been achieved in research on various few-body systems. The present volume gives a comprehensive summary of the modern state of the art and at the same time a proper account of the most recent results obtained in the different institutions and laboratories.

Atoms, Molecules and Photons

Book Description

This introduction to Atomic and Molecular Physics explains how our present model of atoms and molecules has been developed during the last two centuries by many experimental discoveries and from the theoretical side by the introduction of quantum physics to the adequate description of micro-particles. It illustrates the wave model of particles by many examples and shows the limits of classical description. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atoms and molecules and its potential for spectroscopy is outlined in more detail and in particular lasers as modern spectroscopic tools are discussed more thoroughly. Many examples and problems with solutions should induce the reader to an intense active cooperation.

Atoms, Molecules and Photons

Book Description

This introduction to Atomic and Molecular Physics explains how our present model of atoms and molecules has been developed over the last two centuries both by many experimental discoveries and, from the theoretical side, by the introduction of quantum physics to the adequate description of micro-particles. It illustrates the wave model of particles by many examples and shows the limits of classical description. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atoms and molecules and its potential for spectroscopy is outlined in more detail and in particular lasers as modern spectroscopic tools are discussed more thoroughly. Many examples and problems with solutions are offered to encourage readers to actively engage in applying and adapting the fundamental physics presented in this textbook to specific situations. Completely revised third edition with new sections covering all actual developments, like photonics, ultrashort lasers, ultraprecise frequency combs, free electron lasers, cooling and trapping of atoms, quantum optics and quantum information.

Atomic and Quantum Physics

Book Description

Atomic physics and its underlying quantum theory are the point of departure for many modern areas of physics, astrophysics, chemistry, biology, and even electrical engineering. This textbook provides a careful and eminently readable introduction to the results and methods of empirical atomic physics. The student will acquire the tools of quantum physics and at the same time learn about the interplay between experiment and theory. A chapter on the quantum theory of the chemical bond provides the reader with an introduction to molecular physics. Plenty of problems are given to elucidate the material. The authors also discuss laser physics and nonlinear spectroscopy, incorporating latest experimental results and showing their relevance to basic research. Extra items in the second edition include solutions to the exercises, derivations of the relativistic Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, a detailed theoretical derivation of the Lamb shift, a discussion of new developments in the spectroscopy of inner shells, and new applications of NMR spectroscopy, for instance tomography.

Case Studies in Atomic Physics

Book Description

Case Studies in Atomic Physics III focuses on case studies on atomic and molecular physics, including atomic collisions, transport properties of electrons, ions, molecules, and photons, interaction potentials, spectroscopy, and surface phenomena. The selection first discusses detailed balancing in the time-dependent impact parameter method, as well as time-reversal in the impact parameter method and coupled state approximation. The text also examines the mechanisms of electron production in ion. Topics include measurement of doubly differential cross sections and electron spectra, direct Coulomb ionization, autoionization and Auger effect, charge transfer to continuum states, and electron promotion. The book takes a look at the production of inner-shell vacancies in heavy ion-atom collisions and hyperfine and Zeeman studies of metastable atomic states by atomic-beam magnetic-resonance. Topics include molecular orbital model, experimental considerations, and theoretical considerations and interpretation of experimental results. The manuscript also evaluates the coupled integral-equation approach to nonrelativistic three-body systems with applications to atomic problems, including kinematic theory of three-body system, reduction of the coupled equations, and application to atomic problems. The selection is a dependable reference for readers interested in atomic and molecular physics.