Dispensational Truth, Or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages

Book Description

The Reverend Clarence Larkin was one of the most widely influential pop theologians of the early twentieth century: his works are the source of many of the "prophecies" and "truths" end-times Christians hold to even today. This stupendous 1918 book-perhaps his greatest work-is the result of more than 30 years' worth of, the author informs us, "careful and patient study of the Prophetic Scriptures."Fully illustrated by charts describing God's plan for humanity, Dispensational Truth covers: Pre-Millennialism the Second Coming of Christ the present evil world the Satanic trinity the world's seven great crises prophetical chronology the threefold nature of man the Book of Revelation five fingers pointing to Christ the False Prophet and much more.American Baptist pastor and author CLARENCE LARKIN (1850-1924) was born in Pennsylvania, and later set up his ministry there. He wrote extensively and popularly on a wide range of Biblical and theological matters.

TYPES and SHADOWS: Prophetic Pictures to Wholeness in Christ

Book Description

The revelation shown in this edition reveals to believers the richness and grandeur of the Old Testament. (Biblical Studies)

Types and Shadows and Interesting Old Testament Parallels

Book Description

The Old Testament "stories" about Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and Rahab are about real men and women. The tabernacle, the ark of the covenant, feasts, and even notable battles were all real objects, ceremonies, and events; but just beneath the surface - waiting to be discovered - are lessons about Jesus Christ. Types are Old Testament people, events, items, and ceremonies that foreshadow the coming Messiah and His church. In this study you will embark on a journey of discovery to see what might be learned about Jesus Christ, His church, and God's plan for redemption which were hidden in the pages of the Old Testament to later be revealed in the coming Savior.

The Holiness of God

Book Description

Central to God’s character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define what God’s holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today don’t quite know what to do with words like “awe” or “fear.” R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christian to become holy just as God is holy. Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same.

The Messiah in the Old Testament

Book Description

The Old Testament both tells the story of Israel and points to the coming Messiah. Kaiser distinguishes between Old Testament passages that describe national Israel's glorious future and those that point to Christ and his kingdom. Kaiser's chronological approach traces Israel's developing concept of Messiah through different time periods.

A Father Offers His Son

Book Description

Have you ever wondered why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son in Genesis 22?The Angel stopped Abraham showing God did not intend for him to kill Isaac, but what did God desire? God wanted to test Abraham, and readers will discover the account primarily reveals:¿In human terms what God would do with His Son two thousand years later¿The many ways Abraham and Isaac are a picture of God and His Son¿The tremendous love of God shown through Christ's sacrificeGenesis 22 is not primarily about Abraham and Isaac. God and Jesus are the true and greater Father and Son shining forth in the account. Abraham did not spare his son but was willing to deliver him up for God. Likewise, God "did not spare His Son, but delivered Him up for us all" (Romans 8:32).

Christ in the Old Testament Pamphlet

Book Description

Christ in the Old Testament is a handsome pamphlet that explores the lives of 13 biblical people who prefigured the Messiah. This bestselling 14-panel foldout chart examines types, parallels and illustrations of Jesus throughout the Old Testament, including men such Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and many others. When viewed through the prism of Christ's life, death and resurrection, these Old Testament characters and their roles in Old Testament history take on new dimensions. Students will discover how their lives can also point to Christ. Size: 8.5x 5.5 unfolds to 38 long. Fits inside most Bible covers. Christ is the key to what God had been pointing to in all the history of God's people. One way to see this is to examine parallels between Old Testament people, events, and things, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament. Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet shows how the Old Testament anticipates, reveals, promises, and foreshadows Christ, featuring types and illustrations of Jesus. The pamphlet reveals: 13 Old Testament men who foreshadowed Jesus A Scriptural time line of their placement in history Summaries of their lives and significance Charts comparing ways their life events and actions paralleled Christ or his coming Life application questions The 13 men in the Old Testament whose life foreshadowed Christ include: Adam Noah Abraham Melchizedek Joseph Moses Joshua Samuel David Elijah & Elisha Zerubbabel & Joshua Throughout the Old Testament, God provided glimpses into the character and nature of the Messiah through typologies--significant biblical characters whose actions or events symbolically correspond with or contrast to the life ofChrist. Here are a few examples of Christ in the Old Testament: ADAM Adam's actions brought consequences to his children, causing them to inherit sin and death (Genesis 3: 16-19) Christ's actions brought consequences to God's children, causing them to inherit righteousness and life (Romans 5: 12-19, 1 Corinthians 15: 20-22, 45-49) NOAH Noah offered a sacrifice of blood (Genesis 8: 20-9: 6) Christ offered himself as a sacrifice (1 Peter 1: 18-19) MOSES Surrounding the birth of Moses, innocent children killed by Pharaoh (Exodus 1: 22) Surrounding the birth of Jesus, King Herod killed innocent children in Bethlehem (Matthew 2: 16) JOSHUA Joshua led god's people to rest in the Promised Land (Joshua 21: 44) Jesus' followers are led into rest in this new creation (Hebrews 4: 1) SAMUEL Samuel's mother Hannah was blessed by the High Priest Eli before the birth of Samuel (1 Samuel 1: 17) Mary, the mother of Jesus, was blessed by an angel before the birth of Jesus (Luke 1: 30)

Study of the Types

Book Description

Habershon unfolds the types and symbols in Scripture that represent Christ and His work. A classic resource!

2nd Nephi

Book Description

'In the wake of epic cataclysm, Nephi launches a secons book of writings. Inspired ty the prophet Isaiah's remarkable account of the scattering and gathering of God's covenant people, Nephi aches to reassure his family by providing a clear understanding of their unbroken place in God's designs. Interweaving hisotyr, theology, and prophecy, Nephi brings together the fulfillment, orienting everything around the person of Jeuss Christ."--Inside front cover.