U.S. Trade Deficit, the Dollar, and the Price of Oil

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This report analyzes the relationship between the dollar and the price of oil and how the two might interact. This report provides an assessment of the impact a range of prices of imported oil could have on the U.S. trade deficit.

The U.S. Trade Deficit, The Dollar, and The Price of Oil

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Despite common perceptions that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between changes in the international exchange value of the dollar and the price of oil, an analysis of recent data indicates that changes in the price of oil are driven by changes in the demand for oil that is different from the supply of oil, rather than changes in the value of the dollar. [...] While the data do not support a strong cause and effect relationship between the value of the dollar and the price of oil, there likely are various channels through which changes in the price of oil and in the value of the dollar may be indirectly correlated. [...] The data also indicate that an increase in the demand for crude oil that exceeded the increase in the supply of oil and a laggardly pace in oil production capacity likely are among the main factors behind the sharp run up in the price of oil that occurred over the first seven months of 2008. [...] In addition, changes in the international exchange value of the dollar likely reflect a number of factors, including changes in the demand for and supply of capital within the U. S. economy, the relative rate of return on interest-sensitive assets, and expectations about the performance of the U. S. economy. [...] The interaction between the price of oil and the value of the dollar is complicated further by the way changes in the price of oil can affect the economic performance of other nations and, therefore, have an impact on their respective currencies.9 According to Global Insight,10 a number of factors worked to put upward pressure on oil prices in 2007 and during the first half of 2008.

Relationship Between the Dollar, Price of Oil and the U.S. Trade Deficit

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Rapid changes in the price of oil and the impact of such price changes on economies around the globe have attracted considerable attention. In mid-2008 as the price of oil rose to unprecedented heights and then dropped sharply, the international exchange value of the dollar fell and then rose relative to a broad basket of currencies. For some, these two events seem to indicate a cause and effect relationship between changes in the price of oil and changes in the value of the dollar. This book analyses the relationship between the dollar and the price of oil and how the two might interact and provides an assessment of the impact a range of prices of imported oil could have on the U.S. trade deficit.

Crs Report for Congress

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Rapid changes in the price of oil and the impact of such price changes on economies around the globe has attracted considerable attention. In mid-2008 as the price of oil rose to unprecedented heights and then dropped sharply, the international exchange value of the dollar fell and then rose relative to a broad basket of currencies. For some, these two events seem to indicate a cause and effect relationship between changes in the price of oil and changes in the value of the dollar. Despite common perceptions that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between changes in the international exchange value of the dollar and the price of oil, an analysis of recent data indicate that the rise in the price of oil is being driven by an increase in demand that is exceeding the increase in supply. This report analyzes the relationship between the dollar and the price of oil and how the two might interact. While the data do not support a strong cause and effect relationship between the value of the dollar and the price of oil, there likely are various channels through which changes in the price of oil and in the value of ...

Oil Prices and Trade Deficits

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Fundamentals at Odds? The U.S. Current Account Deficit and The Dollar

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The real effective exchange rate of the dollar is close to its minimum level for the past 4decades (as of September 2008). At the same time, however, the U.S. trade and currentaccount deficits remain large and, absent a significant correction in coming years, wouldcontribute to a further accumulation of U.S. external liabilities. The paper discusses thetension between these two aspects of the dollar assessment, and what factors can helpreconcile them. It focuses in particular on the terms of trade, adjustment lags, andmeasurement issues related to both the real effective exchange rate and the current accountbalance.

International Trade

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