UFOs and Disclosure in the Trump Era

Book Description

For as long as people have talked about UFOs, they have wondered about when and how the governments of the world will acknowledge them. Among people following the subject, that's called Disclosure. In this second volume of the Richard Dolan Lecture Series, Historian Richard Dolan tackles an enormous subject. After explaining why UFOs are taken seriously in national security circles around the world, he provides his best analysis to date as to how the secrecy on UFOs has taken form, how it has corroded our society, and how it works internationally. He gives a fresh analysis on the black budget breakaway civilization, on the weaponization of secret technologies, the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon, and how Russia and China fit into the global UFO cover-up. He drives his analysis home with four distinct disclosure scenarios: Fascist Disclosure, Premature Disclosure, Insider Disclosure, and People-Driven Disclosure. Finally, Dolan offers a unique view on how the UFO cover-up and possible disclosure could transpire during the presidency of Donald Trump. One thing is clear: we live in a world that hangs in the balance.

Managing Magic

Book Description

Many think the government is about to disclose what it knows about UFOs. Many think the government is doing everything in its power to keep the UFO reality a secret. The truth is those who control the UFO secret are doing neither. The secret keepers are gradually disclosing this information, via an acclimatization process, based on advice given by military think tanks that have looked at the issue. Through the extraordinary accounts in this book, the reader will: -Learn how long the disclosure effort has been going on and how this secrecy plan has been carried out. -Get a revelation of the 14 magicians in charge of this secrecy. - Find out who the 5 Messiahs are, the ones chosen to carry out the disclosure message. - Learn the 64 reasons that led United States presidents to keep the UFO information secret. - Discover what WikiLeaks has revealed about UFOs. - Learn of the latest disclosure effort by rocker Tom DeLonge. -Become aware of a US president that was abducted. - Understand the story of "Trump the Aliens." - Gain insight on Trump's UFO briefing. - Learn about the eight possible disclosure efforts being run at the present time including the disclosure of a portal.

Life with a Cosmos Clearance

Book Description

On May 9, 2001, the Disclosure Project hosted a major event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This historic event had witness testimony from twenty to twenty-five military, intelligence, government, and corporate individuals involved with UFO projects over the past fifty years, who presented their information before a worldwide group of media correspondents. "Those of us who were military witnesses of UFO history showed official government documentation with detailed testimony. Our focus was and is on the facts and documents. Our purpose was and is to get the mainstream media and government officials to hear those facts and move us toward an honest congressional inquiry. We who came forward want to ban weapons from space and stop aggressively shooting down these space vehicles and their extraterrestrial occupants. We need to declassify the advanced electromagnetic propulsion systems in use by the secret government, start producing them for the world to use, and thereby help save this planet. The people who had been employed in agencies within the military and knew the truth about UFOs were sworn to secrecy. Now I am finally relieved to speak the truth. We military men who hold on to this knowledge are getting old and dying, and we want the truth to come out. We will either do it ourselves or leave it for our children and wives to do. Personally, I have told those on Capitol Hill that I am being led to do it by the aliens themselves. They have convinced me that it is time. They have been waiting on the government, and if the government does not come forward with the truth, then the aliens will take a more public role in disclosure."

The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization

Book Description

Is there a secret space program that is connected in some way to UFOs? In this booklet, historian Richard Dolan delves into this question, one of the most discussed in ufology today. Providing a wealth of data and context for the reader, he offers his own conclusion: yes, there is indeed such a program. But this program is not a simple extension of the normal operations of the U.S. government or military, much less of NASA. Instead, it seems to be the product of what Dolan has previously termed a "breakaway civilization," a radically advanced and increasingly separate structure that has access to classified science and data denied to the rest of us.Adapted from his classic lecture at the Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization conference in San Mateo, this is now offered as a volume in the Richard Dolan Lecture Series.

Corruption and Illiberal Politics in the Trump Era

Book Description

This book explores the nexus of corruption, late capitalism, and illiberal politics in the Trump era. Through deep, contextualized analysis and careful critique, it offers valuable perspectives on how corruption is defined and understood in the current historical moment. The book asks: Is today's corruption something new, or is it a continuation of prior patterns of illiberalism? Chapters in this collection consider how corruption is practiced, mobilized, or invoked in a range of cases, each of which is embedded within larger concerns about what citizenship, social belonging, honesty, and justice mean in the United States today. The authors examine a constellation of unscrupulous actors and questionable actions, with topics ranging from sex scandals and shady real estate deals to the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several essays directly address the increasingly violent rhetoric and the deliberately anti-democratic policies that have flourished during the Trump era. The book draws on anthropological insights and comparative analysis to place the policies and practices of Trump and his supporters in a wider global context. Corruption and Illiberal Politics in the Trump Era will be of great interest to readers from anthropology, sociology, political science, discourse studies, media studies, linguistics, and American studies.

UFOs and The White House

Book Description

The author team that wrote the upcoming Skyhorse title Edison vs. Tesla, as well as The Haunting of the Presidents and other titles about the weird, the supernatural, and the unexplained, turn their attention to the oval office for a unique view of UFOs in America and more specifically, what America's presidents--from Washington to Obama--have witnessed and believed. Most of us know that George Washington was heavily involved with the secret society the Freemasons. But how many of us know about George Washington's UFO sighting during the terrible winter at Valley Forge, and how the experience guided his future? Marilyn Monroe is rumored to have had UFO intel that she gained via pillow-talk from JFK. Under Nixon's presidency we orbited and walked upon the surface the moon while almost at the same time the Air Force was exploiting the Air Force as scientific cover for its decision to terminate Project Blue Book. Jimmie Carter was visited by UFOs multiple times. UFOs and the White House is an oft-overlooked glimpse at history that will appeal to historians as well as advocates of the paranormal.

The Presidents and UFOs

Book Description

"Using newly declassified and Freedom of Information Act documents, eyewitness accounts, interviews, and leaked documents being authenticated, [this book] details the secret history of UFOs and the corresponding presidential administration"--

A.D. After Disclosure

Book Description

"What if the UFO cover-up is real and what if it ended? After Disclosure poses this fascinating question and looks at the societal consequences of such a revelation. Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have produced a thoughtful and provocative analysis that goes well beyond the usual scope of books on UFOs and alien life." —Nick Pope, Former Chief of UK Ministry of Defence UFO Desk What if UFO secrecy ended tomorrow? The transition from B.C. (Before Confirmation) to A.D. (After Disclosure) is the ultimate "what if?" scenario in which the calendar is reset and history begins again. This work of speculative non-fiction combines meticulous fact-finding from historian/researcher Richard M. Dolan and forward-leaning scenarios from journalist/screenwriter Bryce Zabel on the world's most mind-bending subject. The authors predict radical changes after official acknowledgment that at least some UFOs are intelligently controlled craft from somewhere other than Earth. A.D. After Disclosure isn't afraid to make mind-blowing, specific predictions, such as: Congress will hold Watergate-style hearings and ask secret-keepers, "What did you know and when did you know it?" The first decade A.D. (After Disclosure) will be like a high-tech 1960s, spawning massive cultural and societal change. Abductees will file a class-action suit against the government for withholding critical information. All the textbooks on planet Earth--from history to science--will need an immediate review. Whether disclosure leads to social panic or ushers in a new era of unity and peace, it will undoubtedly be a game-changing event.

Ufos Are With Us - Take My Word

Book Description

In 1932 two German, American farm boys in North Dakota made an otherworldly discovery that wouldchange thier lives forever.

The Late Great Planet Earth

Book Description

The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the "no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade." For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey's blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding -- all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey's insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you're a church-going believer or someone who wouldn't darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that's unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.