Book Description

An entity, a man, comes to earth from a higher dimension and experiences life as a human. He has a continuing relationship and contact with higher Alien beings throughout his childhood and again during his military years. Consequently, military coverts and black ops who know about this Alien intruder have an interest in him, and employ him in secret military and government projects.


Book Description

This book contains discussions, questions, and answers, from my threads on the Above Top Secret internet site (ATS). Questions and answers were edited for clarity. Those interested in reading the unabridged version can go to the ATS site: "I'm coming clean on Extraterrestrials" http: //www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread262464/pg1 This book contains segments of that thread from December 29, 2007 to February 9, 2008

Young Person's Guide to UFOs

Book Description

Dragons of Asgard

Book Description

When West leaves his bedroom window open, little did he know his scent was luring the most ancient of species. It was a scent that the reptile had searched for its whole life. Through this window came Ral, the tiny leader and oracle of the Dragons of Asgard. This was a dragon clan that had gone unnoticed on Earth for thousands of years, awaiting the one called Zod, who was predicted to rise up and fight for the Dragons of Asgard, freeing them from their enemies grasps forever. Ral reveals to West that his clan of dragons will soon die out, because the Golden One, a massive golden dragon that awoke from its thousand year sleep, has begun to hunt them down, devouring their flesh and quenching its thirst with their blood to gain the tiny dragons unique powers. Ral speaks of a ship that was sent, but never arrived, which was to rescue the tiny dragon clan. When West and Michelle hear about a UFO crash that many eyewitnesses had seen over the city of Needles, California, they quickly put two and two together. West and his two friends decide that the only way to save the tiny dragons is to get their ship back and send them home. Believing the UFO to have been taken to a secret military base nearby, West borrows his fathers classic 68 Corvette and they go on a road trip to Area S4, 13.5 miles southwest of Area 51. This sci-fi/fantasy novel is based on a true UFO crash that took place on May 14, 2008 in Needles, California and can be read in a supplement at the end of this book.

Dragons and Chariots

Book Description

An Explanation of Extraterrestrial Spacecraft and Their Propulsion Systems Introduction to Saucer Propulsion Gravity The Interplanetaries The Dragon The Dragon Seeds Manipulated Light The Interstellar Motherships The Intergalactic Motherships

Here be Dragons

Book Description

There is a widely held conception that progress in science and technology is our salvation, and the more of it, the better. This, however, is an oversimplified and even dangerous attitude. While the future will certainly offer huge changes due to such progress, it is far from certain that all of these changes will be for the better. The unprecedented rate of technological development that the 20th century witnessed has made our lives today vastly different from those in 1900. No slowdown is in sight, and the 21st century will most likely see even more revolutionary changes than the 20th, due to advances in science, technology and medicine. Particular areas where extraordinary and perhaps disruptive advances can be expected include biotechnology, nanotechnology, and machine intelligence. We may also look forward various ways to enhance human cognitive and other abilities using, e.g., pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering or machine-brain interfaces - perhaps to the extent of changing human nature beyond what we currently think of as human, and into a posthuman era. The potential benefits of all these technologies are enormous, but so are the risks, including the possibility of human extinction. This book is a passionate plea for doing our best to map the territories ahead of us, and for acting with foresight, so as to maximize our chances of reaping the benefits of the new technologies while avoiding the dangers.

The Big Book of UFOs

Book Description

Chris Rutkowski's name is synonymous with UFO research the world over, and this book captures his most breathtaking research, along with new and exciting accounts, that will have you questioning "are we alone in the universe?" The Big Book of UFOs is a compendium of his best and most disturbing UFO stories for enthusiastic fans everywhere, with startling evidence to make even the biggest skeptics believe. The renowned ufologist takes us on a tour of UFOs in Canada and around the world. He has studied UFOs, aliens, abductions, and even encounters reported by kids. Rutkowski offers many famous reports, such as the "ghost airplanes" seen over Canada's Parliament in 1915, but also includes many exciting new cases, secret files, and statistics, as well as lots of tidbits and trivia to keep everyone excited.

Dragons and Unicorns

Book Description

Describes the physical features and behaviors of dragons and unicorns

The Myth and Mystery of UFOs

Book Description

When United Airlines workers reported a UFO at O'Hare Airport in November 2006, it was met with the typical denials and hush-up that usually accompany such sightings. But when a related story broke the record for hits at the Chicago Tribune's website, it was clear that such unexplained objects continued to occupy the minds of fascinated readers. Why, wonders Thomas Bullard, don't such persistent sightings command more urgent attention from scientists, scholars, and mainstream journalists? The answer, in part, lies in Bullard's wide-ranging magisterial survey of the mysterious, frustrating, and ever-evolving phenomenon that refuses to go away and our collective efforts to understand it. In his trailblazing book, Bullard views those efforts through the lens of mythmaking, discovering what UFO accounts tell us about ourselves, our beliefs, and the possibility of visitors from beyond. Bullard shows how ongoing grassroots interest in UFOs stems both from actual personal experiences and from a cultural mythology that defines such encounters as somehow "alien"-and how it views relentless official denial as a part of conspiracy to hide the truth. He also describes how UFOs have catalyzed the evolution of a new but highly fractured belief system that borrows heavily from the human past and mythic themes and which UFO witnesses and researchers use to make sense of such phenomena and our place in the cosmos. Bullard's book takes in the whole spectrum of speculations on alien visitations and abductions, magically advanced technologies, governmental conspiracies, varieties of religious salvation, apocalyptic fears, and other paranormal experiences. Along the way, Bullard investigates how UFOs have inspired books, movies, and television series; blurred the boundaries between science, science fiction, and religion; and crowded the Internet with websites and discussion groups. From the patches of this crazy quilt, he posits evidence that a genuine phenomenon seems to exist outside the myth. Enormously erudite and endlessly engaging, Bullard's study is a sky watcher's guide to the studies, stories, and debates that this elusive subject has inspired. It shows that, despite all the competing interests and errors clouding the subject, there is substance beneath the clutter, a genuinely mysterious phenomenon that deserves attention as more than a myth.

If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... WHERE IS EVERYBODY?

Book Description

In a 1950 conversation at Los Alamos, four world-class scientists generally agreed, given the size of the Universe, that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations must be present. But one of the four, Enrico Fermi, asked, "If these civilizations do exist, where is everybody?" Given the fact that there are perhaps 400 million stars in our Galaxy alone, and perhaps 400 million galaxies in the Universe, it stands to reason that somewhere out there, in the 14 billion-year-old cosmos, there is or once was a civilization at least as advanced as our own. Webb discusses in detail the 50 most cogent and intriguing solutions to Fermi's famous paradox.