Femtochemistry: Ultrafast Chemical And Physical Processes In Molecular Systems

Book Description

This book highlights the latest experimental and theoretical developments in the field of femtochemistry, with papers describing the physics and chemistry of ultrafast processes in small molecules, complex molecular systems, clusters, biological systems, solids, matrices, liquids and at surfaces and interfaces. The recent developments in frequency-domain studies of femtodynamics are also presented. In addition, the latest achievements in femtosecond control of chemical reactions are presented, together with the newest techniques in real-time probing of reactions such as ultrafast x-ray or electron diffraction. The papers are rich in references giving a clearcut state-of-the-art of the topics being discussed. The book should be a valuable tool to all persons in the field and to young scientists.Contributors include: A H Zewail, J Jortner, V S Letokhov, J Manz, R S Berry, C Wittig, K B Eisenthal, A W Castleman Jr., J T Hynes, W H Gadzuk, R Kosloff, S Mukamel, K R Wilson; G Fleming, D Wiersma, K Yoshihara, V Sundström, A Apkarian, N Scherer, A Myers, R Schinke, J R Huber, R B Gerber, G Gerber and P M Champion.

Femtosecond Dynamics in Liquids: Solvated Electrons and Small-Molecule Systems

Book Description

This thesis is broadly concerned with understanding the structural and energetic details of condensed phase chemistry, primarily on ultrafast timescales. The first chapter focuses on novel contributions regarding the nature of the hydrated electron. It has been thought that this quasi-free solvent-supported electron resided in a cavity by its repulsive Coulombic interactions with nearby water molecules. Instead, a relatively modern but controversial simulation of the hydrated electron has shown that many observables are in fact better described by a non-cavity structure in which the hydrated electron's wave function resides in the interstitial spaces between water that is at, or slightly above, bulk density near and within the electron. The novel contributions have been understanding the effects of temperature on the structure and dynamics of the hydrated electron. This newly observed experimental temperature dependence of dynamics is highly consistent with the new non-cavity model of the hydrated electron. Secondarily, we show that previous methods of determining the hydrated electron's first excited-state lifetime from transient absorption were fraught with parameter correlation, making clean identification of the lifetime impossible. To resolve this we employ a more sophisticated model in combination with better signal to noise from broadband transient absorption measurements to show with certainty that the first excited-state lifetime of the hydrated electron at room temperature is on the order of 100 fs---in agreement with recent time-resolved photoelectron experiments. The second chapter brings these concepts of time-resolved spectroscopy to an advanced undergraduate level through a novel laboratory experiment. In order to provide access to undergraduates, I built a low-cost combined transient absorption and time-resolved fluorescence spectrometer. Simultaneously, I developed an experiment limited by the temporal and spectral resolution of the instrument in which undergraduates measure the fluorescent and phosphorescent lifetimes of the dye Eosin B. With these lifetimes in hand, the undergraduates then arrive at a complete photophysical picture for the molecule and quantitatively interpret their results with introductory quantum mechanics for electronic spectroscopy. Finally, the third chapter highlights time-resolved and steady-state spectroscopic investigations of singly linked di-perylenediimide, a key acceptor material used in competitive organic photovoltaics. We show that this molecule exists in a range geometrical configurations at room temperature, and that these conformations are spectrally distinct. Furthermore, the typical approximations used to describe this dimer as a Kasha H-/J-aggregate do not appear reasonable evidenced by detailed deconvolution of underlying spectral components with a high density of states---further confirmed with time-dependent density functional theory. The overarching theme of these chapters is to understand molecular photophysics in condensed phases on ultrafast timescales by using or refining modern principles of physical chemistry.

Ultrafast Dynamics of Chemical Systems

Book Description

This volume presents an up-to-date overview of developments in the field of ultrafast reaction dynamics in condensed phases. Thirteen contributions, written by leading experts, report on a variety of chemical phenomena studied by many different experimental and theoretical techniques. Topics discussed include ultrafast spectroscopic techniques; aspects of electron transfer reactions ranging from solvent effects; intermolecular and intramolecular systems, to dynamics at semiconductor surfaces; the dynamics of chemical systems using Raman spectroscopy; pericyclic photochemical rearrangements and photodissociation reactions; solvent--solute interaction dynamics; and chemical dynamics in clusters. Theoretical treatments of impulsive femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, solvation dynamics and electron transfer are presented. The field of ultrafast chemistry is growing rapidly. The works described in this volume provide an overview of many of the exciting areas currently under study. For researchers interested in up-to-date theoretical and experimental developments in ultrafast spectroscopy in chemical systems.

Chemistry in Action: Making Molecular Movies with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Data Science

Book Description

The thesis provides the necessary experimental and analytical tools to unambiguously observe the atomically resolved chemical reactions. A great challenge of modern science has been to directly observe atomic motions during structural transitions, and while this was first achieved through a major advance in electron source brightness, the information content was still limited and new methods for image reconstruction using femtosecond electron diffraction methods were needed. One particular challenge lay in reconciling the innumerable possible nuclear configurations with the observation of chemical reaction mechanisms that reproducibly give the same kind of chemistry for large classes of molecules. The author shows that there is a simple solution that occurs during barrier crossing in which the highly anharmonic potential at that point in nuclear rearrangements couples high- and low-frequency vibrational modes to give highly localized nuclear motions, reducing hundreds of potential degrees of freedom to just a few key modes. Specific examples are given in this thesis, including two photoinduced phase transitions in an organic system, a ring closure reaction, and two direct observations of nuclear reorganization driven by spin transitions. The emerging field of structural dynamics promises to change the way we think about the physics of chemistry and this thesis provides tools to make it happen.

Coherent Lattice and Molecular Dynamics in Ultrafast Single-shot Spectroscopy

Book Description

This thesis focuses on the development, refinement, and application of dual- echelon single-shot ultrafast spectroscopy to the study of coherent nuclear motion in condensed phase systems. The general principles of the single-shot method are described, and particular emphasis is given to the general applicability and shortcomings of this technique and the extraction of data from raw laboratory images. Coupled to the single-shot system is a synchronously pumped dual-beam noncollinear optical parametric amplifier which was developed to provide independently tunable pump and probe beams in the visible and UV regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The second part of the thesis concerns the application of this technique to the study of atomic motions in liquids and solids. Single-shot nonresonant impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) measurements in m-iodoanisole and bismuth germanate reveal the existence of transient coherent behavior. High-field resonant excitation of the semimetals bismuth, antimony and tellurium, as well as the semiconductor germanium telluride, reveals dramatic lattice anharmoniticity as a function of pump fluence. Finally, ultrafast photodissociation of the triiodide ion both in solution and in the solid state gives considerable insight regarding the role of the local environment in mediating chemical reaction dynamics.

Ultrafast Phenomena in Molecular Sciences

Book Description

This book presents the latest developments in Femtosecond Chemistry and Physics for the study of ultrafast photo-induced molecular processes. Molecular systems, from the simplest H2 molecule to polymers or biological macromolecules, constitute central objects of interest for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and despite the broad range of phenomena that they exhibit, they share some common behaviors. One of the most significant of those is that many of the processes involving chemical transformation (nuclear reorganization, bond breaking, bond making) take place in an extraordinarily short time, in or around the femtosecond temporal scale (1 fs = 10-15 s). A number of experimental approaches - very particularly the developments in the generation and manipulation of ultrashort laser pulses - coupled with theoretical progress, provide the ultrafast scientist with powerful tools to understand matter and its interaction with light, at this spatial and temporal scale. This book is an attempt to reunite some of the state-of-the-art research that is being carried out in the field of ultrafast molecular science, from theoretical developments, through new phenomena induced by intense laser fields, to the latest techniques applied to the study of molecular dynamics.