Le Tractatus de Wittgenstein et l’ Éthique de Spinoza

Book Description

Wittgenstein et Spinoza construisent, l'un dans le Tractatus, l'autre dans l'Éthique, des systèmes philosophiques réunissant le monde, l'homme et Dieu dans lesquels ils s'opposent sur de nombreux points. C'est ainsi par exemple que, suivant Spinoza, l'homme est assuré que rien ne se produit sans cause alors que Wittgenstein rejette la possibilité de rapports d'ordre causal entre les événements. Le présent travail dissèque dans une première partie l'œuvre de Wittgenstein, il analyse dans une deuxième partie la doctrine de Spinoza, et il compare enfin dans la troisième partie les deux systèmes dont il fait ressortir les points de concordance et de dissemblance dans leurs constructions respectives. Il traite les œuvres philosophiques que sont le Tractatus et l'Éthique comme si elles relevaient de sciences telles que la mécanique, l'astronomie, etc., et utilise des modèles géométriques appropriés à leur interprétation. L'étude comparative du Tractatus et de l'Éthique, qui ne cessent d'exercer leur influence sur la pensée humaine, permet de conclure que le Tractatus, œuvre du XXe siècle, renoue avec le rationalisme du XVIIe siècle exprimé par Spinoza.

A Universal Imagination of the End of the World? Volume I

Book Description

This collection of essays is the first published contribution from the ATLANTYS program, an interdisciplinary and intercultural research endeavour endorsed by the University of Nantes and the Centre François Viète, France, exploring epistemology, history of sciences and technology. This book sheds critical and analytical light on collective representations dealing with the end of the world. It considers various anthropological and historical issues, such as the interaction of human groups and populations with their natural environment and their reaction when faced with high-scale disasters; the expression and representation of the anxiety of our collective death or destruction; the reaction and behavior of human societies regarding the universal fear of their end; and the converging points between irrational beliefs, religious conceptions and scientific theories.

Book Description

Centre and Periphery, Roots and Exile

Book Description

This book examines the impact place and displacement can have on the composition and interpretation of Western art music, using as its primary objects of study the work of István Anhalt (1919–2012), György Kurtág (1926–), and Sándor Veress (1907–92). Although all three composers are of Hungarian origin, their careers followed radically different paths. Whereas, Kurtág remained in Budapest for most of his career, Anhalt and Veress left: the former in 1946 and immigrated to Canada and the latter in 1948 and settled in Switzerland. All three composers have had an extraordinary impact in the cultural environments within which their work took place. In the first section, “Place and Displacement,” contributors examine what happens when composers and their music migrate in the culturally complex world of the late twentieth century. The past one hundred years produced record numbers of refugees, and this fact is now beginning to resonate in the study of music. As Anhalt himself forcefully asserts, however, not all composers who emigrate should be understood as exiles. The first chapters of this book explore some of the problems and questions surrounding this issue. Essays in the second section, “Perspectives on Reception, Analysis, and Interpretation,” look at how performing acts of interpretation on music implies bringing the time, place, and identity of the musician, the analyst, and the teacher to bear on the object of study. Like Kodály, Kurtág considers his work to be “naturally” embedded in Hungarian culture, but he is also a quintessentially European artist. Much of his production—he is one of the twentieth century’s most prolific composers of vocal music—involves the setting of Hungarian texts, but in the late 1970s his cultural horizons expanded to include texts in Russian, German, French, English, and ancient Greek. The book explores how musicologists’ divergent cultural perspectives impinge on the interpretation of this work. The final section, “The Presence of the Past and Memory in Contemporary Music,” examines the impact time and memory can have on notions of place and identity in music. All living art taps into the personal and collective past in one way or another. The final four chapters look at various aspects of this relationship.

The Second Birth

Book Description

"This book inquires anew into the question: whence originates the political Gestalt of human life and what does it entail? In pursuit of this question the book attempts to undertake a transcultural and transhistorical grounding of political theory. The material for it has accordingly been taken from classical works of different cultural spheres. Ancient Greek, Jewish and Christian, Chinese, Arabic, ancient Egyptian, and Indian texts have been examined with regard to their fundamental claims. Analysis of these texts showed that the visions of the political existence of human begins that they entertain can be surprisingly similar ... In this way, a body of knowledge that had largely fallen into oblivion owing to the advent of modernity could be recovered and made available for contemporary political theory. It is precisely this knowledge that has the potential for providing the foundation for transcultural commonalities in our own times"--Preface.

The European Union and its Political Leaders

Book Description

This book focuses on the impact of political leaders on the integration process led by the European Union. It aims at a better understanding of the European Union through the actions, contributions, and ideas of these outstanding characters to European integration and disintegration. By doing so, the book offers an entirely new perspective, presenting the actions of the main actors involved, their background, their historical time, their challenges and problems, and how they influenced the European Union's development. The authors in detail discuss different ideas connected to leaders, such as Jean Monnet and neo-functionalism, Spinelli and federalism or Churchill and the idea of cooperation. Furthermore, the book examines major policies and events, like the Common Agricultural Policy, the creation of the Euro as a consequence of the German reunification and Mitterrand’s reactions, or Brexit and its connection to the impact of Margaret Thatcher. The global essence of the book makes it a must-read for students, researchers, and scholars interested in a better understanding of the European Union's integration process.

The Random House Book of 20th Century French Poetry

Book Description

During the 20th Century, France was home to many of the world’s greatest poets. This collection highlights some of the very best verse that came out of a country and century defined by war and liberation. Let Paul Auster guide you through some of the best poetry that 20th century France has to offer. “Indispensable . . . a book that everyone interested in modern poetry should have close to hand, a source of renewable delights and discoveries, a book that will long claim our attention . . . To my knowledge, no current anthology is as full and as deftly edited.”—Peter Brooks, The New York Times Book Review “One of the freshest and most exciting books of poetry to appear in a long while . . . Paul Auster has provided the best possible point of entry into this century's most influential body of poetry.”—Geoffrey O'Brien, The Village Voice

Die Fragmente Der Griechischen Historiker

Book Description

The present study (edition, translation and commentary) of the fragments expressing interest oin the lives of wise men, philosophers, poets and politicians shed light on the various antecedents of Greek biographical writing in the fifth and forth centuries B.C.