La Mentira Universal

Book Description

This book talks about the modus -operandi that the great mens of the history , institutions and religious sects have used through the ages to achieve and maintain the human being deceived in the faith, massacred in their souls and killed in his spirit. Lies , but lies that are an attack against the moral of the human race and this is a great universal disrespect to the intelligence and wisdom of the Homosapien . Lies from Genesis to Revelation , from the Pyramids to the Pope , from the most sublime to the most ridiculous, but always ... In the name of God!


Book Description

"Esta compilaciaon de artaiculos que fueron publicados por el autor en los diarios, La Informaciaon de Santiago, Diario Libre y en 'Clave Digital' entre Julio de 2007 hasta la desapariciaon de este aultimo en Agosto de 2010, contiene una selecciaon de temas nacionales e internacionles."

Book Description

A History of Lying

Book Description

Wherever there is life, there are lies. Slick-suited politicians lie on the podium, ready to tell voters what they want to hear. Cheating lovers, swindling businessmen, double-crossing villains – all liars. But nature lies too – the cheetah crouching in the tall grass waiting to pounce, its spots and straw-coloured fur blending in with its surroundings, the chameleon with its adaptable skin, the octopus hiding in its cave. Juan Jacinto Muñoz-Rengel uncovers the slippery history of lies, some dark and elusive, others thunderous and dazzling. From primeval forests to modern politics, he explores the uncomfortable truths of our white lies, fudged facts and blatant deceptions. For centuries, philosophers, writers and poets have grappled with the paradox of what’s fact and what’s fiction. So who can we really believe? Our friends? Our partners? Our leaders? Can we even trust ourselves? Truly, this is the only book in which the abundance of lies on its pages is a sign of success. Or maybe it isn’t. Who can really tell?

A Brief History of Fascist Lies

Book Description

"There is no better book on fascism's complex and vexed relationship with truth."—Jason Stanley, author of How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them In this short companion to his book From Fascism to Populism in History, world-renowned historian Federico Finchelstein explains why fascists regarded simple and often hateful lies as truth, and why so many of their followers believed the falsehoods. Throughout the history of the twentieth century, many supporters of fascist ideologies regarded political lies as truth incarnated in their leader. From Hitler to Mussolini, fascist leaders capitalized on lies as the base of their power and popular sovereignty. This history continues in the present, when lies again seem to increasingly replace empirical truth. Now that actual news is presented as “fake news” and false news becomes government policy, A Brief History of Fascist Lies urges us to remember that the current talk of “post-truth” has a long political and intellectual lineage that we cannot ignore.

A New Spanish Reader ...

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Julio Medem

Book Description

This thorough account of the life and films of the Spanish-Basque filmmaker Julio Medem is the first book in English on the internationally renowned writer-director of Vacas, La ardilla roja (Red Squirrel), Tierra, Los amantes del Círculo Polar (Lovers of the Arctic Circle), Lucía y el sexo (Sex and Lucía), La pelota vasca: la piel contra la piedra (Basque Ball) and Caótica Ana (Chaotic Ana), Initial chapters explore Medem’s childhood, adolescence and education and examine his earliest short films and critical writings against a background of a dramatically changing Spain. Later chapters provide accounts of the genesis, production and release of Medem’s challenging and sensual films, which feed into complex but lucid analyses of their meanings, both political and personal, in which Stone draws on traditions and innovations in Basque art, Spanish cinema and European philosophy to create a complete and provocative portrait of Medem and his work.


Book Description

Una vida es resumida por años vividos, lugares recorridos, novia, amigos, desdichas, sonrisas, amantes, y uno que otro pedantes. Pero lo mas importante, una vida se escribe con momentos. Pequeños momentos, que ha copilarce se convierten en un gran evento. Este libro es un relato de corta vida desihilada en esos pequeños momentos, los cuales me han llevado a sitios nunca imaginados, sitios solo soñados. Podras apreciar mis tonterias como yo les llamo. Tendras la oportunidad de ver las cosas con los ojos que yo las miro. Podra ser categorizado cursi, romantico, mentiroso, o vanidoso, o solo yo. Siempre he dicho que soy un traductor de sueños, mientras tu duermes me introduzco en tus sueños y me robo las ideas, traduciendolas en escritos. En fin, es un libro basado en una ideologia que aprendí hace mucho gracias al gran inventor y filosofo Leonardo Da Vinci " mientras pensaba que estaba aprendiendo como vivir, todo este tiempo he estado aprendiendo como morir". Viviendo así mi vida disfrutando cada momento, enamorandome cada vez que sea oportuno o no lo sea, disfrutando la vida ya que desde el momento en el que nacemos iniciamos ha morir.

The Red Moon

Book Description

After a year in peace, the time for a new adventure is here. Soleil, along with her friends, Sky, Selene and Leo must awaken the moon power before the Red Moon sheds the last tear of blood. They will have to face new dangers, they will suffer great losses, they will make big sacrifices, The journey will take them to visit new places, meet new enemies, new allies, new battles. Soleil will have to do her best to get the help of the Amazonian queen Hipolita if she wants to get out of the Amazon River alive. After new challenges and new powers, Soleil will have to trust Selene to survive this dangerous adventure. To win, this time Soleil will have to lose more than she is willing to offer. Tras un ano en calma, el momento de una nueva aventura se acerca. Soleil, junto a sus amigos, Sky, Selene y Leo deberan despertar el poder lunar antes que La Luna Roja derrame la ultima lagrima de sangre. Deberan enfrentar nuevos peligros, sufriran grandes perdidas, se haran sacrificios, visitaran nuevos lugares, conoceran nuevos enemigos, nuevos aliados, nuevas batallas. Soleil, tendra que idearselas para conseguir la ayuda de la reina amazonica Hipolita si desea salir con vida del rio amazonas. Tras nuevos retos y poderes, Soleil tendra que confiar en Selene para sobrevivir a esta peligrosa aventura. Para vencer, esta vez Soleil debera perder mas de lo que esta dispuesta a ofrecer.

The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez

Book Description

In 1690, a dramatic account of piracy was published in Mexico City. The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez described the incredible adventures of a poor Spanish American carpenter who was taken captive by British pirates near the Philippines and forced to work for them for two years. After circumnavigating the world, he was freed and managed to return to Mexico, where the Spanish viceroy commissioned the well-known Mexican scholar Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora to write down Ramírez's account as part of an imperial propaganda campaign against pirates. The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez has long been regarded as a work of fiction—in fact, as Latin America's first novel—but Fabio López Lázaro makes a convincing case that the book is a historical account of real events, albeit full of distortions and lies. Using contemporary published accounts, as well as newly discovered documents from Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, and Dutch archives, he proves that Ramírez voyaged with one of the most famous pirates of all time, William Dampier. López Lázaro's critical translation of The Misfortunes provides the only extensive Spanish eyewitness account of pirates during the period in world history (1650-1750) when they became key agents of the European powers jockeying for international political and economic dominance. An extensive introduction places The Misfortunes within the worldwide struggle that Spain, England, and Holland waged against the ambitious Louis XIV of France, which some historians consider to be the first world war.