Unbroken Covenant with God

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Unbroken Covenant with God

Book Description

This is one of the few autobiographies written by an Ethiopian church leader. Markina Meja was born c. 1924 near Soddo, Wolaitta. He was one of the early evangelical believers in south-west Ethiopia and served two large Ethiopian church fellowships: the Mekane Yesus and the Kale Heywet. In addition to his efforts in forming a national evangelical movement, he taught for many years in the Wolaitta Bible School and was a strong advocate for Sunday schools in his own church district. Committed to making the Scriptures available in the mother-tongue, he was one of the key Wolaittans who assisted in the translation of the Wolaitta Bible. His long and fruitful ministry of 70 years was not without insult, false accusation, and imprisonment during the Marxist regime. Shortly before Markina passed to glory in 2007, he was honoured by the National Kale Heywet Church for his faithful and exemplary life of service. Tribute to Ato Markina Meja "What can I say that will adequately express the measure of Markina Meja's life and impact upon me? I have known this giant in the Lord for nearly fifty years. Our hearts were knit together in extended ministry among the 600 churches in Wolaitta during the 1960s. We preached together at many conferences and taught seminars throughout Wolaitta. I saw in him a truly humble heart, a wise mind and a deep zeal for the work of the Lord. His strong yet soft-spoken manner made me listen to his counsel and appreciate the godly leadership among his people. Markina stands tall as God's servant challenging me to love and faithfulness. His life is a wonderful story." -Mr. Bill Harding (Sr.), retired SIM missionary, Charlotte, NC, USA

A Covenant Unbroken

Book Description

There are more lies told on wedding days than at any other time. We promise "to love, honor, and obey until death do us part" (in the sight of God and many witnesses). We go blindly into relationships thinking this imperfect human being can totally and completely satisfy us when only God can fill that place in the human heart. When God flooded the earth after man's sin, He made a covenant with Noah and his sons that He would never destroy the earth with floodwaters again (Gen. 9: 8-11). He gave us the rainbow as a sign of his covenant (v. 13). Man has taken the rainbow as a symbol for their perverse lifestyle. We have angered a Holy God, but He still has a remnant.


Book Description

This is a story about a Christian family that was broken by infidelity. It explains the challenging road of recovery toward forgiveness and the courage that it takes to survive such a betrayal. Through faith in God, his Word (the Holy Bible), and the determination to keep the wedding vows, their marriage is unbroken.

God's Covenant and Our Duty

Book Description

his book by Samuel Willard teaches Christians about God's condescension to us by way of His covenant, and in light of that, how we are to live before Him. Willard covers the basics of the Covenant of Redemption, Covenant or Works and Covenant of Grace, to more fully explain and teach the biblical mandate and obligation to perform our duty in God's covenant. Christians cannot just profess that Christ is Lord; their outward actions must demonstrate the reality of the Spirit's work in their daily lives. He covers what it means to "keep covenant" with God, what a covenant breaker is, how covenant mercies are applied to Christians, and how we are to use the covenant promises found in Scripture for our sanctification. In the second half of the work he applies the uses of this teaching to both adults and to the children of believers, and how each of them are obliged to keep covenant before God in specific ways. Also added to this work is a covenant renewal sermon called, "The Necessity of Sincerity in Renewing Our Covenant," which shows that it is not enough to go through the motions before God in living before Him, but to have a right heart in engaging with God through His covenant promises. This is an exemplary work of the highest caliber on Covenant Theology holding such a high practical aspect to the teaching, as well as the foundational biblical truths concerning Christ's work and merit on behalf of His people. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

Everlasting Covenants

Book Description

Discover the Everlasting Covenants of God Uncover the Sacred Agreements Embark on a journey through divine commitments that have shaped spirituality and divine intimacy. Everlasting Covenants: Living in the Light of Gods Covenantal Love is an essential eBook that illuminates the sacred agreements etched in eternity. Explore the Depths of God's Love As you navigate the depths of God's love for humanity, let this book be your guide. Explore the covenants from Edens innocence to the unveiling in Christ. Eddy Gaspar brings new life to the timeless tales of the Bible with scholarly insight and accessible narratives. Discover: - The Unbroken Thread: See how God's promises are woven through history, from Noah's rainbow to Davids royal line. - Relational Foundations: Experience the eternal heartbeat of covenantal relationships that challenge and encourage you. - Transformative Insights: Connect scriptural truths to modern-day living with practical wisdom. - A Living Legacy: Find your story within the tapestry of divine faithfulness and live a life of purpose and hope.

Covenant of Healing:

Book Description

The God that you and I serve is a Covenant keeping God. God established His covenant with Abraham (Gen. 17:1-4,7). God told Abraham to walk before him (perfect, blameless) and he would establish his covenant with him and would multiply him exceedingly and make him a Father of many nations. Through the blood of Jesus, you and I have the right to partake of the Abrahamic Covenant. Galatians3:29 says, And if you belong to Christ [are in Him Who is Abrahams seed], then you are Abrahams offspring and [spiritual] heirs according to promise. (Amplified). We are entitled to all of the promises, blessings and benefits of the Abrahamic Covenant. It is a part of our inheritance and it is up to us whether we partake of the covenant. Jesus left nothing undone at the cross. He took care of it all! Jesus bore ? Righteousness for our Spirit ? Peace for our Soul (mind, will and emotions) ? Healing for our body God is not looking for us to pay the price; Jesus already did that. God is looking for us to become aggressive to receive what rightfully belongs to us. God knows we are Heirs of God. Jesus knows we are Heirs of God and joint Heirs with him sharing his inheritance.