Uncertainty in International Law

Book Description

Re-engaging with the Pure Theory of Law developed by Hans Kelsen and the other members of the Viennese School of Jurisprudence, this book looks at the causes and manifestations of uncertainty in international law. It considers both epistemological uncertainty as to whether we can accurately perceive norms in international law, and ontological problems which occur inter alia where two or more norms conflict. The book looks at these issues of uncertainty in relation to the foundational doctrines of public international law, including the law of self-defence under the United Nations Charter, customary international law, and the interpretation of treaties. In viewing international law through the lens of Kelsen’s theory Jörg Kammerhofer demonstrates the importance of the theoretical dimension for the study of international law and offers a critique of the recent trend towards pragmatism and eclecticism in international legal scholarship. The unique aspect of the monograph is that it is the only book to apply the Pure Theory of Law as theoretical approach to international law, rather than simply being a piece of intellectual history describing it. This book will of great interest to students and scholars of public international law, legal theory and jurisprudence.

Risk and the Regulation of Uncertainty in International Law

Book Description

Increasingly, international legal arrangements imagine future worlds or create space for experts to articulate how the future can be conceptualized and managed. With the increased specialization of international law, a series of functional regimes and sub-regimes has emerged, each with their own imageries, vocabularies, expert-knowledge, and rules to translate our hopes and fears for the future into action in the present. At issue in the development of these regimes are not just competing predictions of the future based on what we know about what has happened in the past and what we know is happening in the present. Rather, these regimes seek to deal with futures about which we know very little or nothing at all; futures that are inherently uncertain and even potentially catastrophic; futures for which we need to find ways to identify, conceptualise, manage, and regulate risks the existence of which we can possibly only speculate about. This book explores how the future is imagined, articulated, and managed across the various fields of international law, including the use of force, maritime security, international economic and environmental law, and human rights. It investigates how the future is construed in these various areas; how the costs of risk, risk regulation, risk assessment, and risk management are distributed in international law; the effect of uncertain futures on the subjects of international law; and the way in which international law operates when faced with catastrophic or existential risk.

When the Conflict Ends, While Uncertainty Continues

Book Description

One of the most challenging elements during any armed conflict and its aftermath is the need to determine the fate of the missing and to support families dealing with uncertainty. Another layer of complexity is added in cases where a missing person might have been involved in criminal activity. This book examines how international law meets these two distinct, but intertwined, needs. It shows that the duty to account for missing persons is cross-cutting in nature, requiring measures needing implementation before, during, and after armed conflict. At the same time, those measures cannot substitute any required to establish responsibility for IHL/IHRL violations and international crimes. Exploring specific examples, the book examines the role that international law plays in the international community's attempts to articulate humanitarian and accountability-driven efforts when dealing with the missing. By so doing, it suggests how linkages between such efforts can be established, both through legal and policy avenues.

Law, War and the Penumbra of Uncertainty

Book Description

An exploration into how uncertainty and political and ethical biases affect international law governing the use of force.

Reexamining Customary International Law

Book Description

Reexamining Customary International Law takes on the complex issues and controversies surrounding the history, theory, and practice of customary international law as it reexamines customary law's increasingly important role in world affairs. It incorporates the expertise of distinguished authors to probe many difficult issues that remain unresolved concerning the doctrine of customary law. At the same time, this book engages in a profound exploration of the practical role of customary international law in a variety of important fields, including humanitarian law, human rights law, and air and space law.

Uncertainty in the Formal Sources of International Law

Book Description

Uncertainty abounds in international law and customary international law is no exception. This article seeks to delineate this uncertainty and explain its causes. Not only is there uncertainty surrounding the exact nature of the two elements considered necessary for custom-formation - state practice and opinio juris - we also do not know how custom-formation works. It is not clear what precisely 'state practice' is, nor do we know how we can have a belief that something is already law in order to create it. The particular uncertainties of customary international law point directly to systemic uncertainties at a higher level. Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is convenient, but is it authoritative? What is the basis of our knowledge regarding customary law-making? This article argues that two commonly used approaches to provide a theoretical underpinning - deduction and induction - are fundamentally flawed in their pure forms. Their problems are alleviated, but not solved, by combining them. Without a dominant legal culture and without a written constitution to blind us to other possibilities, not even a pragmatic outlook can save us from uncertainty. However, even where the law is not disputed, it remains an ideal, not real. Law is based on the fiction that it exists.

The Politics of Uncertainty

Book Description

Why is uncertainty so important to politics today? To explore the underlying reasons, issues and challenges, this book’s chapters address finance and banking, insurance, technology regulation and critical infrastructures, as well as climate change, infectious disease responses, natural disasters, migration, crime and security and spirituality and religion. The book argues that uncertainties must be understood as complex constructions of knowledge, materiality, experience, embodiment and practice. Examining in particular how uncertainties are experienced in contexts of marginalisation and precarity, this book shows how sustainability and development are not just technical issues, but depend deeply on political values and choices. What burgeoning uncertainties require lies less in escalating efforts at control, but more in a new – more collective, mutualistic and convivial – politics of responsibility and care. If hopes of much-needed progressive transformation are to be realised, then currently blinkered understandings of uncertainty need to be met with renewed democratic struggle. Written in an accessible style and illustrated by multiple case studies from across the world, this book will appeal to a wide cross-disciplinary audience in fields ranging from economics to law to science studies to sociology to anthropology and geography, as well as professionals working in risk management, disaster risk reduction, emergencies and wider public policy fields.

Protean Power

Book Description

Mainstream international relations continues to assume that the world is governed by calculable risk based on estimates of power, despite repeatedly being surprised by unexpected change. This ground breaking work departs from existing definitions of power that focus on the actors' evolving ability to exercise control in situations of calculable risk. It introduces the concept of 'protean power', which focuses on the actors' agility as they adapt to situations of uncertainty. Protean Power uses twelve real world case studies to examine how the dynamics of protean and control power can be tracked in the relations among different state and non-state actors, operating in diverse sites, stretching from local to global, in both times of relative normalcy and moments of crisis. Katzenstein and Seybert argue for a new approach to international relations, where the inclusion of protean power in our analytical models helps in accounting for unforeseen changes in world politics.

Economic Foundations of International Law

Book Description

Exchange of goods and ideas among nations, cross-border pollution, global warming, and international crime pose formidable questions for international law. Two respected scholars provide an intellectual framework for assessing these problems from a rational choice perspective and describe conditions under which international law succeeds or fails.