Uncontrived Mindfulness

Book Description

A comprehensive guide to ending suffering through the practice of mindfulness In Uncontrived Mindfulness Vajradevi guides us in the practice of exploring our experience as it happens. The emphasis is on cultivating wisdom, using the tools of attention and curiosity to see through the delusion that is causing our suffering.

Uncontrived Mindfulness

Book Description

A comprehensive guide to ending suffering through the practice of mindfulness In Uncontrived Mindfulness Vajradevi guides us in the practice of exploring our experience as it happens. The emphasis is on cultivating wisdom, using the tools of attention and curiosity to see through the delusion that is causing our suffering.

Deeper Beauty

Book Description

How often do we feel we have no time for reflection? Or little time to care for others, or even ourselves? Adrift in our lives, we are pulled further and further away from a sense of who we are. In A Deeper Beauty, Paramananda speaks directly to our hearts about what is truly important to us, whether we are making a cup of tea or sitting at the bedside of a dying friend. Using simple exercises, reflections, and meditations, we can awaken to the magic of being fully present in each moment of our day-to-day activities

The Path Is the Goal

Book Description

Lessons on the true purpose and power of meditation, from one of the great masters According to the Buddha, no one can attain basic sanity or enlightenment without practicing meditation. It is the essential spiritual practice—and nothing else is more important. In The Path is the Goal, Chögyam Trungpa teaches us to let go of the urge to make meditation serve our ambition; thus we can relax into openness. We are shown how the deliberate practice of mindfulness develops into contrived awareness, and we discover the world of insight that awareness reveals. We learn of a subtle psychological stage set that we carry with us everywhere and unwittingly use to structure all our experience—and we find that meditation gradually carries us beyond this and beyond ego altogether to the experience of unconditioned freedom. The teachings presented here—all in Trungpa's concise, accessible style—provide the foundation that every practitioner needs to awaken as the Buddha did.

Myth of Meditation

Book Description

Paramananda guides us in grounding meditative experience in the body, turning towards experience in a kindly and intelligent way, and seeing through to another way of understanding and being in the world.

Pilgrims to Openness

Book Description

Pilgrims to Openness introduces the heart of authentic Indian Tantra in a series of lyrical, readable essays that speak with warmth, intelligence and compassion to the curious beginner and more adept practitioner alike. The essays follow the path from the first fleeting recognition of one's real nature to integration of the fruits of spiritual practice with every moment of life. Many of the essays were prompted by queries from students to the author. Heartfelt questions, such as "Do I need a Guru," and more philosophical topics are addressed in a simple, lucid, gutsy and often humorous style. No topic is off limits, from difficult emotions to love relationships, death, kundalini, chakras, boredom, the meaning of nonduality and how to wake up-in the morning and for all time. While Pilgrims to Openness is a series of teachings, not a "how-to" manual, the final pages of the book offer detailed instructions for three key practices that anyone can do. Shambhavi Sarasvati has trained for more than twenty years in the view and practices of North Indian direct realization Tantra. She has been fortunate to have studied with several great teachers in Indian and Tibetan nondual traditions. She has both a practitioner's and an academic grounding in Tantra. Her non-mystical view is that Tantra is a way to learn about and live in the fullness of Reality. This is Self-realization. Nothing more or less.

The Truth of Suffering and the Path of Liberation

Book Description

Chögyam Trungpa’s in-depth exploration of the Four Noble Truths—the foundational Buddhist teaching about the origin of suffering and its cessation—emphasizes their profound relevance not just as an inspiration when we set out on the path, but at every other moment of our lives as well, showing how we can join view (intellectual understanding) of the teaching with practical application in order to interrupt suffering before it arises.

You Are the Eyes of the World

Book Description

Just as the images on television are nothing more than light, so are our experiences merely the dance of awareness. Often we form attachments to or feel enslaved by these experiences. But they are only reflections. As easily as television pictures vanish when the channel is changed, the power of our experiences fades if we penetrate to the heart of reality—the light of the natural mind within everyone. You Are the Eyes of the World presents a method for discovering awareness everywhere, all the time. This book does not discuss how to turn ordinary life off, and it does not describe how to create beautiful spiritual experiences; it shows how to live within the source of all life, the unified field where experience takes place.

Relax and Be Aware

Book Description

A lucid, practical guide to develop relaxation, awareness, mental clarity, and spiritual insight in your daily life. Since mindfulness is known to be so physically, mentally, and spiritually beneficial, why not practice it right now? Why not in every moment? Burmese Buddhist master Sayadaw U Tejaniya writes that we can indeed practice in this way, and the key is not forceful effort but rather a continuous gentle remembering of our intention to renew our awareness. Thirty-one short chapters--"A Month of Daily Life Meditations"--show precisely how to build a daily life meditation practice that steadily develops relaxation, refreshment, and enlightenment. "The right time to meditate is all day long, from the moment we wake up and open our eyes, until the moment we fall asleep at night," writes U Tejaniya. "If you are practicing correctly with right effort, it will definitely bring peace and joy."