Understand and Predict the Power Threshold Leading to Reduced Turbulent Transport at the Edge of Tokamak Plasma

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A model based on a model which natively contained turbulence and turbulence driven flow. It has been improved to include the diamagnetic effects, the magnetic fluctuations, and in this work, we study the parametric dependencies of the observed L-H transition power threshold with respect to the ion mass. By including the diamagnetic effects in our model, we allow the competition between the drift waves and the interchange instabilities. This competition is here studied using fixed gradient simulation. We show in this work that the diamagnetic effects are stabilizing for a resistivity close to experimental conditions. Electromagnetic effects lead to more unstable modes at realistic resistivities. Moreover, a quasilinear estimation of the turbulent flux is able to qualitatively grasp the competition between the drift waves and the interchange and the behaviour of the nonlinear electrostatic turbulent flux with resistivity and plasma beta. Another parametric dependency of the turbulence is studied, by changing the mass of the isotope. This is known as the isotope effect. We show here that the turbulence is reduced when the ion mass is increased. Finally, the characteristic times of the turbulence are studied.Magnetic fluctuations have a dramatic effect on correlation times of the turbulence, by drastically reducing them. Accounting for these results, we present in this work the auto-generation of a transport barrier with electromagnetic simulations of edge turbulence, when the heat power is higher than a threshold, using flux-driven simulations. We have then changed the isotope, and correspondingly to experiments, the power threshold is lower for higher isotope mass.

Turbulent Transport Modeling in the Edge Plasma of Tokamaks

Book Description

The possibility to produce power by using magnetically confined fusion is a scientific and technological challenge. The perspective of ITER conveys strong signals to intensify modeling effort on magnetized fusion plasmas. The success of the fusion operation is conditioned by the quality of plasma confinement in the core of the reactor and by the control of plasma exhaust on the wall. Both phenomena are related to turbulent cross-field transport that is at the heart of the notion of magnetic confinement studies, particle and heat losses. The study of edge phenomena is therefore complicated by a particularly complex magnetic geometry.This calls for an improvement of our capacity to develop numerical tools able to reproduce turbulent transport properties reliable to predict particle and energy fluxes on the plasma facing components. This thesis introduces the TOKAM3X fluid model to simulate edge plasma turbulence. A special focus is made on the code Verification and the Validation. It is a necessary step before using a code as a predictive tool. Then new insights on physical properties of the edge plasma turbulence are explored. In particular, the poloidal asymmetries induced by turbulence and observed experimentally in the Low-Field-Side of the devices are investigated in details. Great care is dedicated to the reproduction of the MISTRAL base case which consists in changing the magnetic configuration and observing the impact on parallel flows in the poloidal plane. The simulations recover experimental measurements and provide new insights on the effect of the plasma-wall contact position location on the turbulent features, which were not accessible in experiments.

Plasma Science

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Plasma Science and Engineering transforms fundamental scientific research into powerful societal applications, from materials processing and healthcare to forecasting space weather. Plasma Science: Enabling Technology, Sustainability, Security and Exploration discusses the importance of plasma research, identifies important grand challenges for the next decade, and makes recommendations on funding and workforce. This publication will help federal agencies, policymakers, and academic leadership understand the importance of plasma research and make informed decisions about plasma science funding, workforce, and research directions.

Magnetic Fusion Energy

Book Description

Magnetic Fusion Energy: From Experiments to Power Plants is a timely exploration of the field, giving readers an understanding of the experiments that brought us to the threshold of the ITER era, as well as the physics and technology research needed to take us beyond ITER to commercial fusion power plants. With the start of ITER construction, the world's magnetic fusion energy (MFE) enterprise has begun a new era. The ITER scientific and technical (S&T) basis is the result of research on many fusion plasma physics experiments over a period of decades. Besides ITER, the scope of fusion research must be broadened to create the S&T basis for practical fusion power plants, systems that will continuously convert the energy released from a burning plasma to usable electricity, operating for years with only occasional interruptions for scheduled maintenance. - Provides researchers in academia and industry with an authoritative overview of the significant fusion energy experiments - Considers the pathway towards future development of magnetic fusion energy power plants - Contains experts contributions from editors and others who are well known in the field

Active Control of Magneto-hydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas

Book Description

During the past century, world-wide energy consumption has risen dramatically, which leads to a quest for new energy sources. Fusion of hydrogen atoms in hot plasmas is an attractive approach to solve the energy problem, with abundant fuel, inherent safety and no long-lived radioactivity. However, one of the limits on plasma performance is due to the various classes of magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities that may occur. The physics and control of these instabilities in modern magnetic confinement fusion devices is the subject of this book. Written by foremost experts, the contributions will provide valuable reference and up-to-date research reviews for "old hands" and newcomers alike.

Numerical Evaluations of Mechanisms Governing the Heat Transport in the Edge Plasma of Tokamaks

Book Description

Fusion devices are a promising solution for a new source of energy. However, using fusion reaction to produce power within a magnetic confinement is a scientific and technological challenge as it requires a high confinement in the core plasma at the same time as a good control of plasma exhaust on the material walls. This work is motivated by the key problematic of power handling in fusion power plants necessary to avoid damaging the expensive plasma facing components (PFC). The understanding of the physics underlying the heat transport, and more specifically is a critical task for the engineering design of future Tokamak devices. In this context, it is mandatory to make reliable predictions of the power spreading in order to correctly size the future Tokamaks. This calls for a theoretical ground describing the way energy escapes the core plasma through the separatrix and deposits on the PFCs. Some theoretical and experimental studies attempt to achieve such a task, however no definitive conclusion have been drawn yet. To achieve this goal, numerical modelling is a necessary complement to experimental results. This PhD work has been dedicated to the study of the different aspects of the heat transport in the edge plasma using a numerical fluid approach. Special focus was devoted to two types of mechanisms suspected to play an important role in the heat transport: intermittent turbulence; the large-scale convective transport.

Driven Rotation, Self-Generated Flow, and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas

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This book provides a comprehensive look at the state of the art of externally driven and self-generated rotation as well as momentum transport in tokamak plasmas. In addition to recent developments, the book includes a review of rotation measurement techniques, measurements of directly and indirectly driven rotation, momentum sinks, self-generated flow, and momentum transport. These results are presented alongside summaries of prevailing theory and are compared to predictions, bringing together both experimental and theoretical perspectives for a broad look at the field. Both researchers and graduate students in the field of plasma physics will find this book to be a useful reference. Although there is an emphasis on tokamaks, a number of the concepts are also relevant to other configurations.

Studies of Turbulence and Flows in the DIII-D Tokamak

Book Description

Understanding the turbulent transport of particles, momentum, and heat continues to be an important goal for magnetic confinement fusion energy research. The turbulence in tokamaks and other magnetic confinement devices is widely thought to arise due to linearly unstable gyroradius-scale modes. A long predicted characteristic of these linear instabilities is a critical gradient, where the modes are stable below a critical value related to the gradient providing free energy for the instability and unstable above it. In this dissertation, a critical gradient threshold for long wavelength ($k_{\theta} \rho_s \lesssim 0.4$) electron temperature fluctuations is reported, where the temperature fluctuations do not change, within uncertainties, below a threshold value in $L_{T_e}^{-1}=\nabla T_e / T_e$ and steadily increase above it. This principal result, the direct observation of a critical gradient for electron temperature fluctuations, is also the first observation of critical gradient behavior for \textit{any} locally measured turbulent quantity in the core of a high temperature plasma in a systematic experiment. The critical gradient was found to be $L_{T_e}^{-1}_{crit}=2.8 \pm 0.4 \ \mathrm{m}^{-1}$. The experimental value for the critical gradient quantitatively disagrees with analytical predictions for its value. In the experiment, the local value of $L_{T_e}^{-1}$ was systematically varied by changing the deposition location of electron cyclotron heating gyrotrons in the DIII-D tokamak. The temperature fluctuation measurements were acquired with a correlation electron cyclotron emission radiometer. The dimensionless parameter $\eta_e=L_{n_e}/L_{T_e}$ is found to describe both the temperature fluctuation threshold and a threshold observed in linear gyrofluid growth rate calculations over the measured wave numbers, where a rapid increase at $\eta_e \approx 2$ is observed in both. Doppler backscattering (DBS) measurements of intermediate-scale density fluctuations also show a frequency-localized increase on the electron diamagnetic side of the measured spectrum that increases with $L_{T_e}^{-1}$. Measurements of the crossphase angle between long wavelength electron density and temperature fluctuations, as well as measurements of long wavelength density fluctuation levels were also acquired. Multiple aspects of the fluctuation measurements and calculations are individually consistent with the attribution of the critical gradient to the $\nabla T_e$-driven trapped electron mode. The accumulated evidence strongly enforces this conclusion. The threshold value for the temperature fluctuation measurements was also within uncertainties of a critical gradient for the electron thermal diffusivity found through heat pulse analysis, above which the electron heat flux and electron temperature profile stiffness rapidly increased. Toroidal rotation was also systematically varied with neutral beam injection, which had little effect on the temperature fluctuation measurements. The crossphase measurements indicated the presence of different instabilities below the critical gradient depending on the neutral beam configuration, which is supported by linear gyrofluid calculations. In a second set of results reported in this dissertation, the geodesic acoustic mode is investigated in detail. Geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) and zonal flows are nonlinearly driven, axisymmetric ($m=0,\ n=0$ potential) $E \times B$ flows, which are thought to play an important role in establishing the saturated level of turbulence in tokamaks. Zonal flows are linearly stable, but are driven to finite amplitude through nonlinear interaction with the turbulence. They are then thought to either shear apart the turbulent eddies or act as a catalyst to transfer energy to damped modes. Results are presented showing the GAM's observed spatial scales, temporal scales, and nonlinear interaction characteristics, which may have implications for the assumptions underpinning turbulence models towards the tokamak edge ($r/a \gtrsim 0.75$). Measurements in the DIII-D tokamak have been made with multichannel Doppler backscattering systems at toroidal locations separated by $180^{\circ}$; analysis reveals that the GAM is highly coherent between the toroidally separated systems ($\gamma> 0.8$) and that measurements are consistent with the expected $m=0,\ n=0$ structure. Observations show that the GAM in L-mode plasmas with $\sim 2.5-4.5$ MW auxiliary heating occurs as a radially coherent eigenmode, rather than as a continuum of frequencies as occurs in lower temperature discharges; this is consistent with theoretical expectations when finite ion Larmor radius effects are included. The intermittency of the GAM has been quantified, revealing that its autocorrelation time is fairly short, ranging from about 4 to about 15 GAM periods in cases examined, a difference that is accompanied by a modification to the probability distribution function of the $E \times B$ velocity at the GAM frequency. Conditionally-averaged bispectral analysis shows the strength of the nonlinear interaction of the GAM with broadband turbulence can vary with the magnitude of the GAM. Data also indicates a wave number dependence to the GAM's interaction with turbulence. Measurements also showed the existence of additional low frequency zonal flows (LFZF) at a few kilohertz in the core of DIII-D plasmas. These LFZF also correlated toroidally. The amplitude of both the GAM and LFZF were observed to depend on toroidal rotation, with both types of flows barely detectable in counter-injected plasmas. In a third set of results the development of diagnostic hardware, techniques used to acquire the above data, and related work is described. A novel multichannel Doppler backscattering system was developed. The five channel system operates in V-band (50-75 GHz) and has an array of 5 frequencies, separated by 350 MHz, which is tunable as a group. Laboratory tests of the hardware are presented. Doppler backscattering is a diagnostic technique for the radially localized measurement of intermediate-scale ($k_{\theta} \rho_s \sim 1$) density fluctuations and the laboratory frame propagation velocity of turbulent structures. Ray tracing, with experimental profiles and equilibria for inputs, is used to determine the scattering wave number and location. Full wave modeling, also with experimental inputs, is used for a synthetic Doppler backscattering diagnostic for nonlinear turbulence simulations. A number of non-ideal processes for DBS are also investigated; their impact on measurements in DIII-D are found, for the most part, to be small.

Numerical Modelling of Transport and Turbulence in Tokamak Edge Plasma with Divertor Configuration

Book Description

Nuclear fusion could offer a new source of stable, non-CO2 emitting energy. Today, tokamaks offer the best performance by confining a high temperature plasma by means of a magnetic field. Two of the major technological challenges for the operation of tokamaks are the power extraction and the confinement of plasma over long periods. These issues are associated with the transport of particles and heat, which is determined by turbulence, from the central plasma to the edge zone. In this thesis, we model turbulence in the edge plasma. We study in particular the divertor configuration, in which the central plasma is isolated from the walls by means of an additional magnetic field. This complex magnetic geometry is simulated with the fluid turbulence code TOKAM3X, developed in collaboration between the IRFM at CEA and the M2P2 laboratory of the University of Aix-Marseille.A comparison with simulations in simplified geometry shows a similar intermittent nature of turbulence. Nevertheless, the amplitude of the fluctuations, which has a maximum at the equatorial plane, is greatly reduced near the X-point, where the field lines become purely toroidal, in agreement with the recent experimental data. The simulations in divertor configuration show a significantly higher confinement than in circular geometry. A partial inhibition of the radial transport of particles at the X-point contributes to this improvement. This mechanism is potentially important for understanding the transition from low confinement mode to high confinement mode, the intended operational mode for ITER.

Dynamics of Driven and Spontaneous Transport Barriers in the Edge Plasma of Tokamaks

Book Description

Thermonuclear fusion reactors are one of the mid to long term solutions to transit towards a world dominated by carbon-free energy. Extreme temperatures are required for fusion reactions and the plasma of hydrogen isotopes must be magnetically confined in a torus shape. Sustaining such high level of particle and energy confinements is a key issue. Reactors are expected to operate in a high confinement regime - the H-mode - in which turbulent transport is reduced by the presence of a transport barrier in the edge plasma. This regime is observed in all current devices but remains largely miss-understood. In this thesis, we investigate several mechanisms involved in the transition towards H-mode. For that purpose, we use a range of numerical simulation tools of increasing complexity. Using simple models, we first highlight and analyze basic mechanisms likely to play a role in the on-set of transport barriers and in their impact on turbulence. Moving progressively to more complex models, we discuss the relevance of these physics in explaining experimental observations. The magnetic geometry and especially the magnetic shear are pointed out as key players.