Understanding Defects in Germanium and Silicon for Optoelectronic Energy Conversion

Book Description

This thesis explores bulk and interface defects in germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) with a focus on understanding the impact defect related bandgap states will have on optoelectronic applications. Optoelectronic devices are minority carrier devices and are particularly sensitive to defect states which can drastically reduce carrier lifetimes in small concentrations. We performed a study of defect states in Sb-doped germanium by generation of defects via irradiation followed by subsequent characterization of electronic properties via deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Cobalt-60 gamma rays were used to generate isolated vacancies and interstitials which diffuse and react with impurities in the material to form four defect states (E37, E30, E22, and E21) in the upper half of the bandgap. Irradiations at 77 K and 300 K as well as isothermal anneals were performed to characterize the relationships between the four observable defects. E37 is assigned to the Sb donor-vacancy associate (E-center) and is the only vacancy containing defect giving an estimate of 2 x 1011 cm-3 Mrad-1 for the uncorrelated vacancy-interstitial pair introduction rate. E37 decays by dissociation and vacancy diffusion to a sink present in a concentration of 1012 cm-3. The remaining three defect states are interstitial associates and transform among one another. Conversion ratios between E22, E21, and E30 indicate that E22 likely contains two interstitials. The formation behavior of E22 after irradiation in liquid nitrogen indicates that E30 is required for formation of E22. Eight defect states previously unseen after gamma irradiation were observed and characterized after irradiation by alpha and neutron sources. Their absence after gamma irradiation indicates that defect formation requires collision cascades. We demonstrate electrically pumped lasing from Ge epitaxially grown on Si. Lasing is observed over a ~200nm bandwidth showing that this system holds promise for low-cost on-chip communications applications via silicon microphotonics. The observed large threshold currents are determined to be largely a result of recombination due to threading dislocations. We estimate that recombination by threading dislocations becomes negligible when threading dislocation density is

Silicon, Germanium, and Their Alloys

Book Description

Despite the vast knowledge accumulated on silicon, germanium, and their alloys, these materials still demand research, eminently in view of the improvement of knowledge on silicon-germanium alloys and the potentialities of silicon as a substrate for high-efficiency solar cells and for compound semiconductors and the ongoing development of nanodevic

Extended Defects in Germanium

Book Description

The aim is to give an overview of the physics of extended defects in Germanium, i.e. dislocations (line defects), grain boundaries, stacking faults, twins and {311} defects (two-dimensional defects) and precipitates, bubbles, etc. The first part covers fundamentals, describing the crystallographic structure and other physical and electrical properties, mainly of dislocations. Since dislocations are essential for the plastic deformation of Germanium, methods for analysis and imaging of dislocations and to evaluate their structure are described. Attention is given to the electrical and optical properties, which are important for devices made in dislocated Ge. The second part treats the creation of extended defects during wafer and device processing. Issues are addressed such as defect formation during ion implantation, necessary to create junctions, which are an essential part in every device type. Extended defects are also created during the deposition of thin or thick epitaxial layers on other substrates, which are important for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. In brief, the book is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the extended-defect formation during Ge materials and device processing, providing ways to distinguish harmful from less detrimental defects and should point out ways for defect engineering and control.

The Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Silicon-germanium Optoelectronic Devices Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Book Description

In recent years, Ge and SiGe devices have been actively investigated for potential optoelectronic applications such as germanium solar cells for long wavelength absorption, quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs), quantum-dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) and germanium light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Current research into SiGe based optoelectronic devices is heavily based on nanostructures which employ quantum confinement and is at a stage where basic properties are being studied in order to optimize growth conditions necessary for incorporation into future devices. Ge and SiGe based devices are especially attractive due to ease of monolithic integration with current Si-based CMOS processing technology, longer carrier lifetime, and reduced phonon scattering. Defect formation and transformation was studied in SiGe layers grown on Si and Ge (100) substrates. The epitaxial layers were grown with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and characterized by X-ray measurements in order to study the accommodation of elastic strain energy in the layers. The accommodation of elastic strain energy specifies the amount of point defects created on the growth surface which may transform into extended crystalline defects in the volume of the layers. An understanding of crystalline defects in high lattice mismatched epitaxial structures is critical in order to optimize growth procedures so that epitaxial structures can be optimized for specific devices such as Ge based solar cells. Considering the optimization of epitaxial layers based on the structural transformation of point defects, Ge solar cells were fabricated and investigated using current-voltage measurements and quantum efficiency data. These Ge solar cells, optimized for long wavelength absorption, were fabricated to be employed in a bonded Ge/Si solar cell device. The doping of self-assembled Ge quantum dot structures grown on Si (100) was investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. This is of special interest for Ge quantum dots employed in active device structures where the effect of Ge dot and Si buffer layer doping on structural and luminescence properties must be well understood. Large Ge islands known as "superdomes" were fabricated by MBE and characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), AFM, and Raman spectroscopy. These Ge nanostructures have the potential to become a direct material through band-structure modification by introducing moderate tensile strain into the Ge layer and band-filling. The results of this research on the growth, fabrication, and characterization of SiGe materials, structures, and devices may be useful for applications in the fields of energy, communication, computation, and remote sensing.

Intrinsic Point Defects, Impurities, and Their Diffusion in Silicon

Book Description

This book contains the first comprehensive review of intrinsic point defects, impurities and their complexes in silicon. Besides compiling the structures, energetic properties, identified electrical levels and spectroscopic signatures, and the diffusion behaviour from investigations, it gives a comprehensive introduction into the relevant fundamental concepts.

Defects in Microelectronic Materials and Devices

Book Description

Uncover the Defects that Compromise Performance and ReliabilityAs microelectronics features and devices become smaller and more complex, it is critical that engineers and technologists completely understand how components can be damaged during the increasingly complicated fabrication processes required to produce them.A comprehensive survey of defe

Germanium on Silicon Heteroepitaxy for High Efficiency Photovoltaic Devices

Book Description

Optoelectronic devices based on III-V direct gap semiconductors enable ecient energy conversion for photovoltaic cells, light emission for LEDs, and on-chip communication via various microphotonic components. However, widespread adoption of III-V solar cells is limited by the expensive Germanium and III-V standard substrates required, while monolithic integration of III-V devices with Silicon CMOS circuitry is not yet well established. III-V solar cell cost reduction and direct Si/III-V integration can both be realized by depositing a thin layer (e.g. 1 [mu]m) of high quality Ge on relatively inexpensive Si substrates for which the decreased cost is due to Si's greater material abundance and larger possible wafer diameters. Efficient device performance will be retained if the Ge layer maintains a sufficiently low threading dislocation density (TDD) that does not adversely elect carrier lifetimes in epitaxially deposited III-V layers that inherit the Ge film's TDD. Assuming recombination at dislocations is carrier diffusion limited, an acceptable limit for most applications is below 106 cm-2 due to typical minority carrier diffusion lengths of ~ 10 [mu}m in III-V materials. However, direct deposition of Ge on Si will initially generate a TDD as high as 1012 cm-2 to plastically relax the 4.2% lattice mismatch between the two materials. State of the art approaches can reduce the TDD in large-area films to 106 cm-2 by including a 10+ m thick SiGe compositionally graded buffer, while TDD reduction in thinner films (e.g. 1 [mu]m) is limited to 107 cm-2 after cyclic annealing which enhances dislocation fusion and annihilation reactions. By introducing Ge film edges spaced approximately 10 [mu]m apart to serve as dislocation sinks during dislocation glide, the TDD has been reported to further decrease to 2:3106 cm-2 in 1 m thick patterned Ge. However, these films are limited to areas too small for photovoltaic cells, and the sinks appear ineffective for thread reduction at the edges of faceted, selectively grown Ge. Thus, no solution has previously existed for a thin Ge-on-Si film grown over large areas that achieves a TDD of 106 cm-2 or below. This thesis first explores the limitations to dislocation reduction by sinks in selectively-grown Ge and provides structure and fabrication modifications to enable patterned Ge films with a TDD below 106 cm-2 throughout the patterned region. To use these films for large-area applications, overgrowth and coalescence of patterned Ge films are then evaluated in different pattern designs to determine the structures that optimize coalescence in terms of throughput as well as simultaneously avoid generation of additional defects as a result of coalescence. TDD reduction in patterned Ge films by glide to film edges requires uniform resolved shear stresses and minimum dislocation pinning during cyclic annealing. Because film facets allow for elastic relaxation of the applied thermal strain, the process of selective growth must be reversed: blanket Ge is to be grown instead to avoid faceting, followed by sidewall etching and filling before the cyclic anneal. Thermal expansion mismatch between Ge and the sidewall causes undesirable shear stress components while repulsive image forces are created if the sidewall surface's shear modulus is greater than that of Ge. Therefore, the ideal sidewall is primarily composed of Ge, separated from the primary Ge film by a thin SiO2 layer. Monte Carlo simulations of dislocation glide were developed to estimate the limitations of glide due to the pinning elect of orthogonal dislocations. For small mesa widths w (or more generally, the spacing between adjacent dislocation sinks), TDD was found to scale with wa with a~ 4. The threshold of the small width regime and the value of a both increase for greater applied thermal stresses and thicker Ge films. Due to the high surface energy of the Ge/SiO2 interface, lateral overgrowth and film coalescence do not readily occur. The rate was observed to strongly correlate with the Ge film perimeter concavity, delayed at convex mesa corners while relatively promoted at the ends of isolated SiO2 lines surrounded by a concave Ge film perimeter. Ge mesa arrays were staggered to eliminate regions entirely dependent on overgrowth from mesa corners, decreasing the growth time until complete coalescence by at least 50% as compared to a regular gridded array. The faster overgrowth rates over isolated SiO2 lines was observed to further increase for lines of reduced widths. Due to the facets that develop, orientation of SiO2 lines relative to intersections of {111} planes with the substrate surface further affected overgrowth rates which maximized for slight offsets below 15°. Etch pit studies of coalesced, selectively-grown Ge films around SiO2 sidewalls indicated a maximum TDD above the SiO2 (6X107 cm-2 for staggered grids) while decreasing to 107 cm-2 further away in the film. As predicted by modeling, the dislocation pile-up near SiO2 walls was due to inverted resolved shear stress and the reduced thickness at the Ge film edge. Significant improvement in TDD reduction is expected by these models if blanket Ge is instead grown, followed by etch and fill of sidewalls with additional Ge separated by a thin layer of SiO2. While fabrication is more involved compared to the selective growth process, the structure will be successful at threading dislocation removal. With isolated line film edges of minimal width, oriented 5 from {111} surface intersection directions, the coalescence rate will be maximized. Coalescence-induced defects resulting from lattice misregistry over the SiO2-coated Ge lines will be prevented as the Ge film is continuous at the line ends prior to overgrowth initiation. Assuming a pinning probability of 50%, a Ge film 1 [mu]m thick with a maximum distance between dislocation sinks

Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Materials

Book Description

Liquid-Phase Epitaxy (LPE) is a technique used in the bulk growth of crystals, typically in semiconductor manufacturing, whereby the crystal is grown from a rich solution of the semiconductor onto a substrate in layers, each of which is formed by supersaturation or cooling. At least 50% of growth in the optoelectronics area is currently focussed on LPE. This book covers the bulk growth of semiconductors, i.e. silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium mercury telluride, indium phosphide, indium antimonide, gallium nitride, cadmium zinc telluride, a range of wide-bandgap II-VI compounds, diamond and silicon carbide, and a wide range of oxides/fluorides (including sapphire and quartz) that are used in many industrial applications. A separate chapter is devoted to the fascinating field of growth in various forms of microgravity, an activity that is approximately 30-years old and which has revealed many interesting features, some of which have been very surprising to experimenters and theoreticians alike. Covers the most important materials within the field The contributors come from a wide variety of countries and include both academics and industrialists, to give a balanced treatment Builds-on an established series known in the community Highly pertinent to current and future developments in telecommunications and computer-processing industries.

Semiconductor Nanowires

Book Description

Semiconductor nanowires promise to provide the building blocks for a new generation of nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices. Semiconductor Nanowires: Materials, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications covers advanced materials for nanowires, the growth and synthesis of semiconductor nanowires—including methods such as solution growth, MOVPE, MBE, and self-organization. Characterizing the properties of semiconductor nanowires is covered in chapters describing studies using TEM, SPM, and Raman scattering. Applications of semiconductor nanowires are discussed in chapters focusing on solar cells, battery electrodes, sensors, optoelectronics and biology. Explores a selection of advanced materials for semiconductor nanowires Outlines key techniques for the property assessment and characterization of semiconductor nanowires Covers a broad range of applications across a number of fields

Advanced Materials 1991-1992

Book Description

Advanced Materials 1991-1992, I. Source Book focuses on the properties, characteristics, reactions, applications, and composition of ceramics, composites, and plastics. The publication first elaborates on ceramics, including markets, materials, applications, processing, equipment, standards, health, safety, the environment, research initiatives, and industry news. Topics include joint ventures/agreements, powder processing, furnaces, bioceramics, electronics, superconductors, oxide films, silica, sensors, and superconductors. The manuscript also takes a look at composites, as well as markets, materials, applications, processing, non-destructive evaluation, testing, health, safety, and the environment, research initiatives, and industry news. Concerns include restructuring, takeovers and mergers, recycling, health and safety, test development, data generation, manufacturing processes, tooling, coatings, general engineering, aerospace, automotive, and boom in advanced composites. The book then ponders on plastics, including markets, materials, applications, processing, equipment, health, safety, the environment, and industry news. The publication is a valuable reference for readers interested in the properties, applications, processing, and composition of ceramics, composites, and plastics.