Understanding Petrophysical Properties of Porous Media Using Imaging and Computational Methods

Book Description

Development of both conventional and unconventional energy resources remains a significant component in the US and world energy portfolio. From well log data at the reservoir level to nanoscale characterization, each step informs our understanding of the petrophysical behavior of the system. Due to the multiscale heterogeneity in shale reservoirs especially, characterization at various scales is necessary to capture the full physical behavior. Electron and x-ray microscopy techniques are commonly used to image and characterize the microstructure and composition of porous media. Including information about the microstructure and pore connectivity of the inorganic and organic matrix improves estimations of hydrocarbon production and storage capacity in shale reservoirs. In order to capture the effect of multiscale features on bulk properties, a combination of experimental characterization techniques must be employed. The main objective of this research is to develop a multiscale method to describe porosity, connectivity, and chemistry in complex, microporous systems. We first examine a selection of experimental techniques used to characterize complex microporous media. We combine direct measurements of the pore space with image analysis methods to create a multiscale understanding of a Texas cream carbonate and a Vaca Muerta shale sample. We show how these methods are used to obtain a more accurate representation of the pore network for systems with microporosity or features that are difficult to segment. We propose a series of methods that are used together to improve our understanding across multiple length scales. Next, we apply this workflow to study how kerogen evolution and migration during an artificial maturation process is tied to changes in the shale microstructure. We observe an increase in porosity across the shale surface, coupled with a decrease in organic matter-rich regions. This result, in addition to SEM imaging of microcrack development along intraparticle and organic-rich areas, provides important insight into the possible pathways for kerogen to escape the sample. We then investigate how imaging parameters, specifically resolution, affect the petrophysical properties that are calculated directly from the imaged pore networks of a sandstone sample. We present a workflow to downsample a high-resolution image dataset, segment the pore network, and calculate the single-phase permeability using a direct numerical method. We show directly how changes in imaging resolution affects uncertainty in the porosity and permeability of a sample. Finally, given the imaging intensive work performed above, we investigate the potential of using recently developed deep learning based methods for generating realistic pore volumes. These pore volumes are segmented and used for further petrophysical analysis without requiring additional imaging or sampling of the actual reservoir. We develop a generative flow network and apply the model to create 2D and 3D representations of the sandstone pore network with morphological and petrophysical properties that mimic those of real rock. We illustrate the advantages of using such a model for its rapid generation capability and scalability during training.

Emerging Advances in Petrophysics

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Due to the influence of pore-throat size distribution, pore connectivity, and microscale fractures, the transport, distribution, and residual saturation of fluids in porous media are difficult to characterize. Petrophysical methods in natural porous media have attracted great attention in a variety of fields, especially in the oil and gas industry. A wide range of research studies have been conducted on the characterization of porous media covers and multiphase flow therein. Reliable approaches for characterizing microstructure and multiphase flow in porous media are crucial in many fields, including the characterization of residual water or oil in hydrocarbon reservoirs and the long-term storage of supercritical CO2 in geological formations. This book gathers together 15 recent works to emphasize fundamental innovations in the field and novel applications of petrophysics in unconventional reservoirs, including experimental studies, numerical modeling (fractal approach), and multiphase flow modeling/simulations. The relevant stakeholders of this book are authorities and service companies working in the petroleum, subsurface water resources, air and water pollution, environmental, and biomaterial sectors.

Characterization of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media and Its Applications in Determining Reservoir Petrophysical Properties

Book Description

Characterization of multiphase flow in porous media has attracted numerous attentions since primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery methods are developed and applied in the petroleum industry. Physically, three-phase flow (i.e., oil, gas, and water) occurs in porous media during the secondary or tertiary recovery processes, e.g., water-alternatinggas (WAG) injection, while mobilized solids contribute to the flow in heavy oil reservoirs during the primary production, e.g., cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS). Considering the complexity of WAG injection and CHOPS processes resulted from hysteresis effect, sand failure, and foamy oil flow, it is still challenging to efficiently and accurately determine petrophysical properties which are significantly imperative to optimize the performance of those recovery processes. Therefore, it is essential to accurately characterize the multiphase flow and determine the corresponding petrophysical properties in hydrocarbon reservoirs for identifying fundamental mechanisms of various recovery processes. A modified ensemble randomized maximum likelihood (EnRML) algorithm has been developed and validated to estimate three-phase relative permeability with consideration of hysteresis effect. A recursive approach determining the damping factor has been developed to reduce the number of iterations and computational expenses of the EnRML algorithm, while a direct-restart method has been proposed to tackle the water/gas breakthrough problem. Such an improved EnRML algorithm has been validated by using a synthetic WAG displacement experiment and then extended to match laboratory experiments. The synthetic scenarios demonstrate that the recursive approach saves 33.7% of the computational expenses compared to the conventional trial and-error method when the maximum iteration is 14. Also, the consistency between the production data and model variables has been well maintained during the updating processes by using the direct-restart method, whereas the indirect-restart method fails to minimize the uncertainties associated with the model variables. As for the CHOPS process, a pressure-gradient-based (PGB) sand failure criterion has been proposed and validated to quantitatively determine the sand production and corresponding wormhole propagations. By considering pressure gradient, pseudointeraction force, and dynamic friction, the PGB sand failure criterion was derived at pore-scale by analyzing the mechanical balance around a throat and then further extended to grid-scale. Subsequently, the PGB sand failure criterion is validated by history matching production profiles and wormhole propagations of a laboratory sand production experiment collected from the literature. With the validated PGB sand failure criterion, a framework is proposed to determine the three-phase relative permeability considering the effects of the sand failure phenomenon and the foamy oil flow. It has been found that utilization of two sets of three-phase relative permeability can demonstrate the dynamic effects of sand failure and slurry flow on the production performance during various stages in CHOPS processes. In addition, the PGB sand failure criterion has been applied to determine the sand production and wormhole propagation of a CHOPS well in the Cold Lake field. Good agreements between the simulated and observed data confirm that the newly proposed wormhole growth model can represent the multiphase flow under CHOPS conditions. Furthermore, the PGB sand failure criterion can be incorporated with any numerical reservoir simulator and thus to be pragmatic for field cases since only a few parameters are required to be determined.

Methods in the Physics of Porous Media

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Over the past 25 years, the field of VUV physics has undergone significant developments as new powerful spectroscopic tools, VUV lasers, and optical components have become available. This volume is aimed at experimentalists who are in need of choosing the best type of modern instrumentation in this applied field. In particular, it contains a detailed chapter on laboratory sources. This volume provides an up-to-date description of state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, and a broad reference bibliography. It treats phenomena from the standpoint of an experimental physicist, whereby such topics as imaging techniques (NMR, X-ray, ultrasonic, etc.) computer modeling, eletro-kinetic phenomena, diffusion, non-linear wave propagation surface adsorption/desorption, convective mixing, and fracture are specifically addressed.

Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Porous Media

Book Description

Porous media are broadly found in nature and their study is of high relevance in our present lives. In geosciences porous media research is fundamental in applications to aquifers, mineral mines, contaminant transport, soil remediation, waste storage, oil recovery and geothermal energy deposits. Despite their importance, there is as yet no complete understanding of the physical processes involved in fluid flow and transport. This fact can be attributed to the complexity of the phenomena which include multicomponent fluids, multiphasic flow and rock-fluid interactions. Since its formulation in 1856, Darcy’s law has been generalized to describe multi-phase compressible fluid flow through anisotropic and heterogeneous porous and fractured rocks. Due to the scarcity of information, a high degree of uncertainty on the porous medium properties is commonly present. Contributions to the knowledge of modeling flow and transport, as well as to the characterization of porous media at field scale are of great relevance. This book addresses several of these issues, treated with a variety of methodologies grouped into four parts: I Fundamental concepts II Flow and transport III Statistical and stochastic characterization IV Waves The problems analyzed in this book cover diverse length scales that range from small rock samples to field-size porous formations. They belong to the most active areas of research in porous media with applications in geosciences developed by diverse authors. This book was written for a broad audience with a prior and basic knowledge of porous media. The book is addressed to a wide readership, and it will be useful not only as an authoritative textbook for undergraduate and graduate students but also as a reference source for professionals including geoscientists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists, engineers, applied mathematicians and others working on porous media.

A Geoscientist's Guide to Petrophysics

Book Description

Geoscientists and Engineers taking an interest in Petrophysics, are struck by the contrasting treatment of the Physics Aspects and the Geology Aspects. If we are to scale up isolated petrophysical observations to an entire oil reservoir or an aquifer, it is essential to implement the powerful extrapolation tool of geological interpretation. This is clearly based on a good understanding of the relations between the petrophysical parameters studied and the petrological characteristics of the rock considered. The book is divided into two sections of different size. The first section (by far the largest) describes the various petrophysical properties of rocks. Each property is defined, limiting the mathematical formulation to the strict minimum but emphasising the geometrical and therefore petrological parameters governing this property. The second section concentrates on methodological problems and concerns, above all, the representativeness of the measurements and the size effects. The notions of Representative Elementary Volume, Homogeneity, Anisotropy, RockType, etc. provide a better understanding of the problems of up-scaling (Plug, Core, Log Analysis, Well Test). Lastly, we provide a description of several Porous Network investigation methods:Thin section, Pore Cast, Visualization of capillary properties, X-ray tomography.

Scale-dependent Petrophysical Properties in Porous Media

Book Description

Understanding fluid flow and transport in porous media properties has been an active subject of research in the past several decades in hydrology, geosciences and petroleum engineering. However, their scale-dependent characteristics are not yet fully understood. The scale dependence of flow in porous media is attributed to small- and large-scale heterogeneities, such as pore size distribution, pore connectivity, long-range correlations, fractures and faults orientations, and spatial and temporal variations. The main objective of this study is to investigate how permeability (k) and formation factor (F) vary with sample dimension at small scales by means of a combination of pore-network modeling and percolation theory. For this purpose, the permeability and formation factor were simulated in twelve three-dimensional pore networks with different levels of pore-scale heterogeneities. Simulations were carried out at five different network sizes, i.e., 1130, 2250, 3380, 4510 and 6770 μm. Four theoretical models were also developed based on percolation theory to estimate the scale dependence of permeability and formation factor from the pore-throat radius distribution. In addition, two other theoretical scale-dependent permeability models were proposed to estimate the permeability at different scales from the formation factor and/or pore-throat radius distribution. Comparing theoretical estimations with numerical simulations showed that the proposed models estimate the scale dependence of permeability and formation factor accurately. The calculated relative error ranges between -3.7 and 3.8% for the permeability and between 0.21 and 4.04% for the formation factor in the studied pore-networks.


Book Description

The petroleum geologist and engineer must have a working knowledge of petrophysics in order to find oil reservoirs, devise the best plan for getting it out of the ground, then start drilling. This book offers the engineer and geologist a manual to accomplish these goals, providing much-needed calculations and formulas on fluid flow, rock properties, and many other topics that are encountered every day. New updated material covers topics that have emerged in the petrochemical industry since 1997. Contains information and calculations that the engineer or geologist must use in daily activities to find oil and devise a plan to get it out of the ground Filled with problems and solutions, perfect for use in undergraduate, graduate, or professional courses Covers real-life problems and cases for the practicing engineer