Understanding the Enrichment of Heavy Elements by the Chemodynamical Evolution Models of Dwarf Galaxies

Book Description

This book addresses the mechanism of enrichment of heavy elements in galaxies, a long standing problem in astronomy. It mainly focuses on explaining the origin of heavy elements by performing state-of-the-art, high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of dwarf galaxies. In this book, the author successfully develops a model of galactic chemodynamical evolution by means of which the neutron star mergers can be used to explain the observed abundance pattern of the heavy elements synthesized by the rapid neutron capture process, such as europium, gold, and uranium in the Local Group dwarf galaxies. The book argues that heavy elements are significant indicators of the evolutionary history of the early galaxies, and presents theoretical findings that open new avenues to understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies based on the abundance of heavy elements in metal-poor stars.

Constraints on Environmental and Secular Effects on the Chemodynamical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies

Book Description

This thesis presents observations and analysis relating to the understanding of processes that govern the formation and evolution of low mass galactic systems. In particular we have focused on separating out the contribution to the chemical and dynamical evolution of dwarf galaxies due to solely secular (internal) processes compared to external effects from the local environment a galaxy resides in. Our observational data focus on an extremely isolated dwarf galaxy, WLM, which we demonstrate has had a uniquely quiescent tidal history, thereby making it an excellent test case for such a study. With spectroscopic and photometric observations of the resolved stars and neutral gas in WLM we have been able to characterize the chemical, structural and kinematic properties of this gas rich dwarf galaxy. As WLM has not been subject to strong tidal or ram-pressure stripping of its stellar and gaseous populations, we have been able to compare the dynamical evolution and chemical history of WLM to theoretical models which are environment independent. A differential comparison of WLM to more environmentally processed dwarf galaxies in the Local Group has revealed that WLM's structural and dynamical state is far from the idealized picture of dIrrs as thin gas-rich rotating systems. The stellar component of WLM shows equal parts rotation and dispersion, and both the gaseous and stellar structural properties show an intrinsically thick axisymmetric configuration. The time evolution of the random (dispersion) component of the stellar orbital energy shows an increase with stellar age, which we show is consistent with secular processes alone - such as disk heating from giant molecular clouds and dark matter substructure. While the degree to which the thick structural and dynamically hot configuration for WLM is surprising, its chemical properties show remarkably consistent values with other galaxies of the same halo mass. Comparing the spatial chemical trends in WLM with other dwarf galaxies we identify a correlation between the strength of the radial abundance gradients and the angular momentum content of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group. Finally using a large sample of chemical abundance measurements in the literature for dwarf galaxies and star clusters, we demonstrate that their distributions of chemical elements all exhibit a binomial form, and use the statistical properties of the distributions to identify a new metric for differentiating low luminosity stellar systems. We further apply a simple binomial chemical evolution model to describe the self-enrichment and pre-enrichment in the two classes of objects, and suggest how this may be used to place constraints on the formation environments of globular clusters in particular.

Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

A lucid introduction for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and an authoritative overview for researchers and professional scientists.

The Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy

Book Description

This book is based partly on a. lecture course given at the University of Tri este, but mostly on my own research experience in the field of galactic chemical evolution. The subject of galactic chemical evolution was started and developed by Beat rice Tinsley in the seventies and now is a flourishing subject. This book is dedi cated to the chemical evolution of our Galaxy and aims at giving an up-to-date review of what we have learned since Tinsley's pioneering efforts. At the time of writing, in fact, books of this kind were not available with the exception of the excellent book by Bernard Pagel on "Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies" (Cambridge University Press, 1997), and the subject of galactic chem ical evolution has appeared only as short chapters in books devoted to other subjects. Therefore, I felt that a book of this kind could be useful. The book summarizes the observational facts which allow us to reconstruct the chemical history of our Galaxy, in particular the abundances in stars and in terstellar medium; in the last decade, a great deal of observational work, mostly abundance determinations in stars in the solar vicinity, has shed light on the pro duction and distribution of chemical elements. Even more recently more abun dance data have accumulated for external galaxies at both low and high redshift, thus providing precious information on the chemical evolution of different types of galaxies and on the early stages of galaxy evolution.

Nucleosynthesis in Stellar Models Across Initial Masses and Metallicities and Implications for Chemical Evolution

Book Description

Tracing the element enrichment in the Universe requires to understand the element production in stellar models which is not well understood, in particular at low metallicity. In this thesis a variety of nucleosynthesis processes in stellar models across initial masses and metallicities is investigated and their relevance for chemical evolution explored.Stellar nucleosynthesis is investigated in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) models and massive star models with initial masses between 1 M⊙ and 25 M⊙ for metal fractions of Z = 0.02, 0.01, 0.006, 0.001, 0.0001. A yield grid with elements from H to Bi is calculated. It serves as an input for chemical evolution simulations. AGB models are computed towards the end of the AGB phase and massive star models are calculated until core collapse followed by explosive core-collapse nucleosynthesis. The simulations include convective boundary mixing in all AGB star models and feature efficient hot-bottom burning and hot dredge-up in AGB models as well the predictions of both heavy elements and CNO species under hot-bottom burning conditions. H-ingestion events in the low-mass low-Z AGB model with initial mass of 1M⊙ at Z = 0.0001 result in the production of large amounts of heavy elements. In super-AGB models H ingestion could potentially lead to the intermediate neutron-capture process. To model the chemical enrichment and feedback of simple stellar populations in hydrodynamic simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation the SYGMA module is created and its functionality is verified through a comparison with a widely adopted code. A comparison of ejecta of simple stellar populations based on yields of this work with a commonly adopted yield set shows up to a factor of 3.5 and 4.8 less C and N enrichment from AGB stars at low metallicity which is attributed to complete stellar models, the modeling of the AGB stage and hot-bottom burning in super- AGB stars. Analysis of two different core-collapse supernova fallback prescriptions show that the total amount of Fe enrichment by massive stars differs by up to two at Z = 0.02.Insights into the chemical evolution at very low metallicity as motivated by the observations of extremely metal poor stars require to understand the H-ingestion events common in stellar models of low metallicity. The occurrence of H ingestion events in super-AGB stars is investigated and identified as a possible site for the production of heavy elements through the intermediate neutron capture process. The peculiar abundance of some C-Enhanced Metal Poor stars are explained with simple models of the intermediate neutron capture process. Initial efforts to model this heavy element production in 3D hydrodynamic simulations are presented.For the first time the nucleosynthesis of interacting convective O and C shells in massive star models is investigated in detail. 1D calculations based on input from 3D hydrodynamic simulations of the O shell show that such interactions can boost the production of odd-Z elements P, Cl, K and Sc if large entrainment rates associated with O-C shell merger are assumed. Such shell merger lead in stellar evolution models to overproduction factors beyond 1 dex and p-process overproduction factors above 1 dex for 130,132Ba and heavier isotopes. Chemical evolution models are able to reproduce the Galactic abundance trends of these odd-Z elements if O-C shell merger occur in more than 50% of all massive stars.

Low-metallicity Star Formation (IAU S255)

Book Description

Although low-mass metal-poor galaxies in the local universe have often been proposed as the 'primordial building blocks' in the hierarchical scenario of structure formation, several lines of evidence suggest that this may not be true. Moreover, it is not clear to what extent dwarf galaxies, because they are metal poor and because of their kinematics and structure, can tell us about how star formation proceeded in the early universe. This volume provides an overview and the most recent advances in this debate. IAU Symposium 255 presents the most up-to-date developments in six key areas, including: Population III and metal-free star formation; metal-enrichment, chemical evolution and feedback; explosive events in low-metallicity environments; dust and gas as seeds for metal-poor star formation; metal-poor initial mass functions, stellar evolution and star-formation histories; and low-metallicity star formation in the local universe. This overview is at a level suitable for research astronomers and graduate students.

Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Book Description

Dwarf galaxy research constitutes an extremely vibrant field of astrophysical research, with many long-standing questions still unsettled and new ones constantly arising. The intriguing diversity of the dwarf galaxy population, observed with advanced ground-based and space-borne observatories over a wide spectral window providing an unprecedented level of detail, poses new challenges for both observers and theoreticians. The aim of this symposium was to bring together these two groups to exchange ideas and new results on the many evolutionary aspects of and open issues concerning dwarf galaxies. The main topics addressed include: the birth of dwarf galaxies: theoretical concepts and observable relics across wavelengths and time, the morphological, structural and chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies, possible evolutionary connections between early-type and late-type dwarfs, the star formation history of dwarf galaxies and its dependence on intrinsic and environmental properties, the origin and implications of starburst activity in dwarf galaxies, the fate of dwarfish systems born out of tidally ejected matter in galaxy collisions.

From Lithium to Uranium (IAU S228)

Book Description

Proceedings of IAU S228 detailing progress in our knowledge of element production and evolution.

Galaxies and their Masks

Book Description

Freeman, Fellow of the Royal Society.