
Book Description

In “Undeserved: Grasping Gods Grace”, Christopher invites you to join his journey of learning how to accept the grace of God into our lives. It is so easy to say that we are covered by His grace, but how do we live in it? How do we take this free gift that God has given us, open it up, and give thanks to our Father for it?

This Undeserved Life

Book Description

A memoir about loss and grief, finding Jesus and grace amidst the most painful parts of our stories.

Chasing Undeserved Grace

Book Description

This book is about my life struggles, what I’ve been through and how I came out of the fire to the other side. It portraits me struggling in adult relationships, in daily life, and the undeserving grace I have received from God. Mercy and grace had gone hand in hand in my life to form a vessel of belief. There is hope, but only one answer, one way. Walking hand in hand with Jesus is the only way.


Book Description

We often wear the tattered remnants of unfathomable hurt and trauma heaped upon us by others. Dysfunction grows as the pain pours over us. Trapped in a chaotic existence, we desperately seek a different direction without knowing how to find it. Carrying the scars inflicted on us, we wound ourselves more deeply with the sharp weapon of shame. What do you do when forgiveness is undeserved? When you are a victim of unimaginable pain? How do you move on? How do you escape from the ties of your tormentors? How can you find freedom and peace? Julie Giles knows the devastating agony of horrific abuse. She has lived a life bound by this and a life set free. She has struggled, suffered, and pushed to release the weight of a past bound by distrust and destructive patterns. She speaks with an honest vulnerability that will stir your soul and inspire you to grow. In her poignant book you will learn: - How to interrupt dysfunctional patterns - Freedom from pain - Release from shame - Courage to confront past problems - The role of forgiveness

Our Unknown, Undeserved, Preplanned Journey

Book Description

Life is often referred to as a journey. Without a doubt, every person who uses that analogy does so from at least a different perspective and likely a different reason. Sometimes it is because they have found life hard, and the term journey represents the struggle and its length they have experienced. There is some of that factor in our so titling the book. Other times, it is used to express finding life delivering beyond their expectations, and the experience took them where they never imagined going. There is that factor in our so titling the book also. Sometimes it is because life seems mundane, repetitious, and they feel caught in its cycle. There is nothing of that in our book. There is a poem called "Footprints in the Sand" by Mary Fishback Powers that illustrates the caring hand of God she experienced in hard times of life when she saw only one set of prints. Too often, that is all we look for""help in the parts of life's journey we think we need help with. True, we should look for that, but the promise of God to his children is, "I will never leave nor forsake you;" good or hard times. This book was written to demonstrate the truth and reality of that promise made over 200 times in various wordings of the Bible. This book was written""no, had to be written""so every child of God is alertly looking for what God is doing for them every day in ways they have not considered before. Then experience the amazement of realizing their Journey has been part of the Creator's plan from the beginning, who works all things according to his good and perfect will, so that they can know purpose and blessing in life and not just an aimless Journey.

Race and the Undeserving Poor

Book Description

"Over recent years, tabloid readers have become familiar with the concept of the 'white working class', those thought to have been 'left behind' by globalization, including immigration. Such sentiments were weaponized by politicians on all sides to fuel the anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Brexit campaign. And this racialized narrative has emerged repeatedly in mature democracies - in the political campaigns of Trump, Le Pen and others - and continues to gain traction in the guise of economic nationalism and populism. The need to understand the putative emergence of the white working class has become both intellectually significant and politically urgent. In Race and the Undeserving Poor, Robbie Shilliam does just this. He charts the development over the past 200 years of a shifting postcolonial settlement that has produced a racialized distinction between the 'deserving' and 'undeserving' poor, the latest incarnation of which is a distinction between a deserving, neglected white working class and 'others' who are undeserving, not indigenous, and not white. Shilliam's analysis shows that the white working class are not an indigenous constituency, but a product of the struggles to consolidate and defend imperial order that have shaped British society since the abolition of slavery." --

The Undeserving Rich

Book Description

It is widely assumed that Americans care little about income inequality, believe opportunities abound, admire the rich, and dislike redistributive policies. Leslie McCall contends that such assumptions are based on both incomplete survey data and economic conditions of the past and not present. In fact, Americans have desired less inequality for decades, and McCall's book explains why. Americans become most concerned about inequality in times of inequitable growth, when they view the rich as prospering while opportunities for good jobs, fair pay and high quality education are restricted for everyone else. As a result, they favor policies to expand opportunity and redistribute earnings in the workplace, reducing inequality in the market rather than redistributing income after the fact with tax and spending policies. This book resolves the paradox of how Americans can express little enthusiasm for welfare state policies and still yearn for a more equitable society, and forwards a new model of preferences about income inequality rooted in labor market opportunities rather than welfare state policies.

The Undeserving Poor

Book Description

First published in 1989, The Undeserving Poor was a critically acclaimed and enormously influential account of America's enduring debate about poverty. Taking stock of the last quarter century, Michael B. Katz's new edition of this classic is virtually a new book. As the first did, it will force all concerned Americans to reconsider the foundations of our policies toward the poor, especially in the wake of the Great Recession that began in 2008. Katz highlights how throughout American history, the poor have been regarded as undeserving: people who do not deserve sympathy because they brought their poverty on themselves, either through laziness and immorality, or because they are culturally or mentally deficient. This long-dominant view sees poverty as a personal failure, serving to justify America's mean-spirited treatment of the poor. Katz reminds us, however, that there are other explanations of poverty besides personal failure. Poverty has been written about as a problem of place, of resources, of political economy, of power, and of market failure. Katz looks at each idea in turn, showing how they suggest more effective approaches to our struggle against poverty. The Second Edition includes important new material. It now sheds light on the revival of the idea of culture in poverty research; the rehabilitation of Daniel Patrick Moynihan; the resurgent role of biology in discussions of the causes of poverty, such as in The Bell Curve; and the human rights movement's intensified focus on alleviating world poverty. It emphasizes the successes of the War on Poverty and Great Society, especially at the grassroots level. It is also the first book to chart the rise and fall of the "underclass" as a concept driving public policy. A major revision of a landmark study, The Undeserving Poor helps readers to see poverty-and our efforts to combat it—in a new light.

Grace God's Undeserving Favor

Book Description

Grace is not a theology. It is not a subject matter. It is not a doctrine. It is a person, and his name is Jesus." -"God's forgiveness is not given in installments." -"What man calls 'balance, ' God calls 'mixture'." -"God gave you an eternal 'A+' for your right standing with Him." -"God's throne is not a throne of judgment. It is a throne of grace, a throne of unmerited favor." -"Grace brings about a restraint and change that is supernatural." -"When you fall in love with Jesus, you will fall out of love with sin." -"The gospel of grace is simple, and it takes theologians to complicate it." -"You are standing in favor with God. You are no longer in condemnation... In His eyes we are all His favored, accepted and holy." -"Knowing that you are completely forgiven at all times destroys the power of sin in your life." -"Anyone who doesn't focus on Jesus Christ and His finished work has neither the wisdom of God nor the power of God..."

The Most Undeserving Case

Book Description

The author asks you: Is this a story of the longest standing oppression in the history of humanity? ...thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. – Genesis 3:16 – c. 1600 BCE. ...the male is by nature superior, and the female inferior... – Aristotle – c. 340 BCE. ...even the most undeserving case will win if there is no one to testify against it. – Christine de Pizan. 1405 CE. ...have they not all violated the principle of equality of rights by quietly depriving half of mankind of the right to participate in the formation of the laws...? – Nicolas de Condorcet – 1790 CE. ...the adoption of this system of inequality never was the result of deliberation, or forethought, or any social ideas, or any notion whatever of what conduced to the benefit of humanity or the good order of society. – J.S. Mill – 1869 CE. ...All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. – Declaration of Human Rights – 1948 CE. The format of the book is encyclopaedic. Each chapter follows on from the previous one but also is an episode in its own right. ... that our descendants, by becoming more learned, may become more virtuous and happier, and that we do not die without having merited being part of the human race. – Denis Diderot – 1750 CE.