Unfurling the Heart

Book Description

McGearhart weaves a tale of a woman enchanted with love, a man obsessed with adventure, and how love's persuasion makes dreams come true.

Unfurling: Voice Is a Revolution: The Heart of It Anthology #3

Book Description

Award-winning children's book artist and author Maya Christina Gonzalez's experimental illustrations and simple poetic narrative highlight the poems, stories, and art of 18 new and emerging diverse children's book ArtistAuthors. Love, creativity and power fill the pages!


Book Description

A poem is a flower bud - such a small package, yet it holds so much in every petal, every word. When the outer layer unfurls, the old, familiar scales fall from your eyes, and everything is transformed. Perhaps that is what beauty is: a transformation. I hope these poems will transform for you simple things into small wonders, that they'll brush the scales from your eyes so every ordinary thing becomes extraordinary. I hope these poems remind you that there is hope growing everywhere, even in the hardest things. And I hope they'll turn your heart to seek the One who is Beauty itself. Find yourself a cozy spot and some relaxing music, and let the u n f u r l i n g begin.


Book Description

These books are about listening. It addresses the wisdom already within you. It was there before you were born, and it will be there after you leave. It is beyond the distractions of the body, conflicts with the emotions, and the contradictions of the mind. It is about who you are and listening to who you are. It is to help you find your own direct knowledge with your energy and the truth in creating abundance and balance in your life. It is about the stillness of your soul and all its inner harmonies, which are your spiritual expression. It brings forth your innocence, truth, blessings, miracles, consecration, grace, and living love. You are a creative being whose keys to emergence lies deep within. This emergence is beyond space and time, and it plays as your inner verse. You are poetry of being. It is time for you to claim it and to love yourself and all the other sources within you. It is your soul awareness.

Consciousness Rising

Book Description

Consciousness Rising provides hope for the future of humankind. Thomas Capshew outlines a roadmap and vision of what our lives and world will be like when we become the Love we were created to be. Working from the premise that humans emanate from our common Creator, Capshew describes ways we have found value in each other that come up short. Over millennia, this practice has created and normalized a shared “dominator consciousness,” devaluing other humans to seek survival through wealth and power: power over. We have been living under this illusion, sapping our potential. Capshew defines the intelligence that created the universe as “Consciousness” and the energy used by Consciousness to conceive and maintain the seen world as “Love”. The author emphasizes that our Creator designs us with inherent value. Consciousness creates power with. Power with creates harmony with our Creator and with each other. When in harmony, our heart directs our life, aligning us with our inherent passion and purpose for living. Finally, Capshew illuminates ways to create a collective human consciousness that works for all people and our planet to provide conditions for life to thrive. Consciousness is rising. Consciousness has provided within us and around us the resources we need to become the Love we were created to be. As we clear the wounds of our individual and collective past, we cannot help but join Consciousness rising.

By the Light of the Rabbit Moon

Book Description

One rabbit wakes up. Then another. In the magic light of the full moon they see stories reflected from another world. A world tied to their own, but far in the distance. Join the rabbits as they discover a bridge powerful enough to bring different worlds closer together. And the courage to cross it themselves. Be illuminated By the Light of the Rabbit Moon where stories can change who we are, open us up to our own stories and ultimately build bridges between worlds. Continuing to stretch the concept of anthology, award-winning children's book artist and author Maya Christina Gonzalez takes us on another playful journey through story in this second book for the Heart of It Collection. A fresh and wordless tale spotlights the work of 29 new and emerging diverse children's book ArtistAuthors. Stories about nature, magic, identity and love abound. All provide seeds and possibilities to inspire kids to tell their story, share their art and know that in both the telling and the listening, our stories have the power to bring worlds closer together. Featured ArtistAuthors: Ale Barahona, Michelle Biyal, Victoria Bruno, Debbie Burran, Cecille Cervancia, Samantha Matalone Cook, Adrianne Beth Galvez, Silvia Garcia, Carol Green, Virginia Grise, TeMika Grooms, Teresa Lakier, Robert Liu-Trujillo, Nguyen Louie, Danielle Lucas, Ann Magee, Melina Mangal, Shanimarie Ogilvie, Gayle E. Pitman, Bernice Avella Popp, Nashanta C. Robinson, Karen Simpson, Roxana A. Soto, Carole Stedronsky, Yoly Petra Stroeve, Chantra Tham, Sonal Vyas, Cynthia A. Weber, Laurie L. Young"

Heart's Flower

Book Description

Shinkei (1406-75), one of the most brilliant poets of medieval Japan, is a pivotal figure in the development of renga (linked poetry) as a serious art. In an age when anyone who wished to signal his denial of mundane concerns or make his way in the world with relative freedom donned the robes of a monk, Shinkei stood out by being a practicing cleric with a temple in Kyoto, the Japanese capital. His priestly duties and his devotion to Buddhist ideals are directly reflected in the intensely pure, lyrical longing for transcendence that is the most notable quality of his sensibility. Shinkei's life and work also provide a vivid portrayal of a tumultuous period of Japanese history that was one of the defining moments of its culture, when Zen Buddhism began to directly influence the arts. The book is in two parts. The first part is a literary biography based primarily on Shinkei's own writings - his critical essays, waka sequences, hokku collections, and commentaries - supplemented by various external sources. What emerges is the compelling portrait of a man who bore witness to the tragic anarchy of his times while clinging to the ideal of poetic practice as a mode of being and access to Buddhist enlightenment. Shinkei became embroiled in the factional struggles preceding the Onin War (1467-77) and died a refugee in what is now Kanagawa. The second part consists of annotated translations of Shinkei's most representative poetry: (1) selected hokku (opening verse of a sequence) and tsukeku (linked pairs of verses), along with Muromachi-period commentaries on them; (2) two 100-verse renga sequences - the first a solo composition from 1467, and the second a collaboration with Sogi and other poet-priests and samurai from 1468; and (3) a selection of one hundred waka poems highlighting Shinkei's most characteristic mode of ineffable remoteness. Throughout, the author's annotations seek to define and clarify the unique genre called "linked poetry."

Unfurling, A Mixed-Media Workshop with Misty Mawn

Book Description

This inspiring creative manual offers a unique, participatory experience that teaches core art skills and shares a range of exploratory techniques for the aspiring artist. Exercises include drawing, painting, portraiture, collage, photo arts, origami, and

When the Heart Waits

Book Description

The bestselling author's inspiring autobiographical account of personal pain, spiritual awakening, and divine grace. "Inspiring. Sue Monk Kidd is a direct literary descendant of Carson McCullers."—Baltimore Sun "Grounded in personal experience and bolstered with classic spiritual disciplines and Scripture, this book offers an alternative to fast-fix spirituality."—Bookstore Journal Blending her own experiences with an intimate grasp of spirituality, Sue Monk Kidd relates the passionate and moving tale of her spiritual crisis, when life seemed to have lost meaning and her longing for a hasty escape from the pain yielded to a discipline of "active waiting."