Unicist Standard Language

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. The Unicist Standard Language is a bridge builder to understand, communicate and influence the management of human adaptive systems through the logical reading of their ontology. There are two possible languages in consultation books, one for “patients” and one for “doctors.” This is a book for “doctors.”

Unicist Business Therapeutics: Ontology based and Object driven Therapeutics

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. Here you will find all the fundamentals you need to manage when solving structural problems in businesses. It is usable by all those who can see organizations as entities with independent life from their members. It requires dealing with the needs of shareholders, stakeholders and the markets and considering these agents as interdependent entities.

Unicist Reflection: to focus on solutions

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. Unicist Reflection has been developed to deal with complex human adaptive systems, such as businesses, to develop scenarios, diagnoses and strategies to achieve possible results. Unicist Reflection requires having a final picture in mind. It requires positive thinkers; individuals who see the bottle half full, not half empty.

Unicist Organization

Book Description

Unicist Organization is a consultation book for "business architects" that need to make accurate diagnoses and design adaptive organizational processes. There are two possible languages in consultation books, one for "patients" and one for "doctors." This is a book for "doctors."It fosters the Ontology based and Object driven Organization in organizational design.This book is part of the Collection of the Unicist R&D books that were developed by Peter Belohlavek, synthesizing the ontological researches that began in 1976. It provides an ontology based and object driven approach to organizations, regarding them as a complex adaptive system. This book goes into the depth of human complex adaptive behavior. It covers, among other subjects: institutionalization, the unicist ontology of family businesses, business organization, the natural organization, structural diagnostics, natural models in business evolution, the client centered management model, the personalized organization, the unicist ontology of outsourcing & insourcing, business catalysts, business synergy, the unicist ontology of object driven organization and object driven management, business cybernetics, the ontology of leadership, quality assurance, continuous improvement, change management, big change management, research and innovation, principles of organizational equilibrium.

Unicist Business Diagnostics

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. The unicist technology for diagnostics approaches problems based on their nature. Problems turn complex when results must be achieved, and require a high accuracy of the diagnoses, prognoses and action plans to solve them. Unicist technologies for diagnostics were developed to ensure results.

Unicist Business Strategy

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. The purpose of a business strategy is to influence the market and the environment to achieve business goals. The unicist approach defines that a strategic approach includes both a “maximal strategy” and a “minimum strategy” to adapt to the market and the environment.

Unicist Marketing

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. Unicist Marketing is based on the use of unicist segmentation that allows, on the one hand, an accurate definition of the “what”, “what for”, “why” and “how” a segment buys, and on the other hand, the transformation of this abstract knowledge into marketing objects to influence the client and expand the markets.

Unicist Strategy for Business Architects: The Mind of the Strategist

Book Description

Unicist Strategy for Business Architects provides the fundamentals that are needed to design and develop businesses.This book is about how the mind of a strategist can influence reality in the business world. It will give you access to the basic laws of business, the structural characteristics of strategists and the ways to avoid the building of parallel realities that drive to failure and defeat.It is part of the Unicist Architecture Collection of Peter Belohlavek, which synthesized the structural-functionalist approach to business architecture. This book covers, among other subjects: the unicist approach to strategy, the mind of the strategist: the strategic attitude, the strategic ideology, the strategic action, the basic laws of Unicist Business Strategy, Fears: the strategy killers, limits of the possibilities for strategy building, responsibility avoidance: the anti-strategic approach and the antidote to anti-strategies. It provides the fundamentals to understand and respect the nature of the strategist to build and implement successful strategies.

Unicist Country Scenario Building

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. To forecast and then influence the environment, Unicist Anthropology has sought to explain the evolution of societies through the interaction of the driving forces and the most deeply hidden regulating concepts. Underlying every functional concept, there are implicit cultural archetypes which gravitate towards the concept that they represent.

RobotThinking: The Nature of Automation

Book Description

These books were written as consultation books to be used to solve problems. They are essentially analogous to medical books for individuals who decided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of things in order to manage the root causes of problems. This book is about robotics, perhaps the “hardest” aspect of automation processes. But it also includes its “softest” side: the human being. It describes conceptual structures using unicist technologies. These technologies are homologous to the conceptual engineering solutions developed at the University of Osaka.