Uniformity with God's Will

Book Description

The way to perfection is simple—to unite one’s will with God’s, putting into action the prayer “Thy will be done.” In this precious booklet, St. Alphonsus Ligouri explains the importance of conforming one’s will to God’s and how to do so; how to gain peace of mind and serenity by trusting in God, accepting what He wills for our lives and following His commands.

Uniformity with God's Will

Book Description

In Volume 1, Opere Ascetiche di S. Alfonso M. de Liguori, Roma, 1933, "Uniformity with God's Will" is included as one of three works under the heading, "Lesser Works on Divine Love." There is no preface in the Italian original. However, it has been thought well to provide one here. Prof. Candido M. Romano (1) says this brochure was written probably in 1755, as appears from a letter by the Saint, under date of Nov. 2, 1755, to Sister Giannastasio, at Cava. Romano goes on to say: "This (i.e. God's will) was for Alphonsus a theme of predilection, a theme dearest to his heart. Just as St. Ignatius stressed 'the greater glory of God,' St. Alphonsus in all his works, gave prominence to 'the greater good pleasure of God.' Most likely the occasion that brought forth this treatise was the death, in 1753, of Father Paul Cafaro, C.SS.R., St. Alphonsus' confessor and director. The death of this worthy priest deeply affected the Saint and he expressed his sentiments in a poem on God's will. The wide acclaim it received may have suggested to him the thought that a tract on the same subject would be helpful to the souls of others. If this be true, his surmise proved correct, for the appearance of his subsequent pamphlet was greeted with instant favor." Cardinal Villecourt, in his Life of St. Alphonsus, quotes long passages from this pamphlet and ends by saying: "Our Saint frequently read it himself and when his sight had failed he arranged to have it read to him by others." This brochure bears the stamp of Alphonsian simplicity of style and solidity of doctrine. Moreover the instances he cites from the lives of the saints have a gentle graciousness and contain a fragrance that is redolent of the Fioretti of St. Francis of Assisi. Through God's grace and our Lady's prayers may a diligent reading of the book bring us far along the way of perfection by the cultivation of uniformity with God's holy will!

Uniformity with God's Will

Book Description

'Uniformity with God's Will' is a pamphlet written by Alphonsus Liguori, an Italian Catholic bishop and theologian, best known for founding the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, known as the Redemptorists, in November 1732. Here, he lays out the central idea that when those of Christian faith align their free will to God's, serenity and salvation await.

How to Converse with God

Book Description

Attaining Salvation

Book Description

The promise of Eternal life has been a clarion call to the Saints for centuries, rousing them to action and heroic virtue. Some have retreated into the deserts to undergo every sort of torment so that they would be more sure of reaching Heaven. The knew that, compared with Eternity, this life is but a shadow. St Alphonsus Liguori's Attaining Salvation is a timeless, priceless compass for that journey. Written when the great Doctor of the Church was 77 years old, this treasury of reflections shines with the mature learning of a brilliant mind and a life filled with the study and service of God. With 45 short chapters filled with provocative Scripture quotes, this book is at once challenging and easy to understand. It can be read a little at a time or all at once with equal benefit. The chapters cover a wide range of topics, including: The Thought of Eternity, We Are Pilgrims on Earth, I Must One Day Die, Necessity of Mental Prayer, The Mercy of God, Detachment from Creatures, Lukewarmness, and Purity of Intention. Attaining Salvation is a beautiful gem that will instruct and inspire every reader because it is written with the commanding insight of one of the Church's great saints. Its words do not just feed the intellect; they nurture the soul. It is St Alphonsus Liguori at his best.

The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ

Book Description

This inspiring book, reissued in a new translation for the modern reader, is considered to be Saint Alphonsus Liguori's best devotional work. Divided into seventeen small chapters, each preceded by prayers and intercessions, it offers practical prescriptions for living a holy life.

The Ways of Mental Prayer

Book Description

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

The Great Means of Salvation and of Perfection

Book Description

In order, then, to attach ourselves to this great means of salvation, we must first of all consider how necessary it is to us, and how powerful it is to obtain for us all the graces that we can desire from God, if we know how to ask for them as we ought. Hence, in the first part, we will speak first of the necessity and power of prayer; and next, of the conditions necessary to make it efficacious with God. Then, in the second part, we will show that the grace of prayer is given to all; and there we will treat of the manner in which grace ordinarily operates. Aeterna Press

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence

Book Description

"To remain indifferent to good fortune or to adversity by accepting it all from the hand of God without questioning, not to ask for things to be done as we would like them but as God wishes, to make the intention of all our prayers that God's will should be perfectly accomplished in ourselves and in all creatures is to find the secret of happiness and content."

What Will Hell Be Like?

Book Description

Selections from St. Alphonsus' writings. Covers virtually every aspect of Hell. Shows it exists, describes its torments, proves it is eternal, demonstrates it is not unjust and answers a host of questions. Best short antidote for today's irreligion that we know.