Women and Capital Punishment in the United States

Book Description

The history of the execution of women in the United States has largely been ignored and scholars have given scant attention to gender issues in capital punishment. This historical analysis examines the social, political and economic contexts in which the justice system has put women to death, revealing a pattern of patriarchal domination and female subordination. The book includes a discussion of condemned women granted executive clemency and judicial commutations, an inquiry into women falsely convicted in potentially capital cases and a profile of the current female death row population.

State V. Baker

Book Description

Sarah Baker has been charged with the first-degree murder of her husband, who was a well-known news anchor. The State alleges that Baker intended to divorce her husband and cut him out of her will, and that he was going to sue her for a large portion of the estate. Baker claims she shot him to protect herself when he advanced toward her with a kitchen knife threatening to kill her. The case features the use of expert forensic pathology, criminalistics, DNA testimony, and the defense of self-defense.