Theory of Categorial Conversion

Book Description

The Theory of Categorial Conversion is advanced by Professor Kofi Kissi Dompere as mathematical-philosophical and game-theoretic foundations to solve the problem of socio-natural transformation as governed by some internal process in relation to Marx, Schumpeter and Nkrumah. Dompere' s methodology is based on the Africentric principles of opposites made up of actual-potential polarity, negative-positive duality with relational continuum and unity under cost-benefit rationality and Asantrofi-Anoma principle supported by fuzzy paradigm of thought. Socio-natural transformations are seen in terms of game theories in a fuzzy-stochastic space admitting of defective-deceptive information structures in quality-quantity space within the subjective-objective duality. The main premise of the monograph is that there exists a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for internal self-transformation. The necessary conditions are made up of categorial moments and categorial transfer functions forming the domain of control instrumentation in creating the sufficient conditions for categorial-conversion processes.Dompere presents an important methodological framework for the study and construction of the theories of socioeconomic development and political change, as well as info-dynamics connecting knowledge, sciences, innovation and engineering to the space of knowing, under qualitative-quantitative transformational dynamics with defective-deceptive information structures in the games for power and dominance by duals and poles in conflicts. The necessary conditions of socio-natural transformation are internally derived based on the relational structure of matter-energy-information activities within the dynamics of qualitative dispositions of dualities of actual-potential polarities. The theory consists of category formation showing ontological-epistemological categories, and categorial dynamics shows elemental conversions of categorial varieties in a continuum. The logical tools and the paradigm of thought for the theoretical development of Nkrumah's framework involve self-excitement, self-correction and self-control systems induced by internal contradictions. The set of necessary conditions constitutes the natural necessity that constrains cognitive freedom in socio-natural transformations. Had this conceptual system been familiar to economists and social scientists, the construct of the theories of socioeconomic development and transformations would have been increasingly successful.

Sappho Goes to Law School

Book Description

Robson tackles controversial legal questions, including the treatment of lesbian criminal defendants; lesbianism and violence; the courts' tendency to resort to stereotypes, such as "the good lesbian" and "the bad lesbian"; the numerous debates enveloping same-sex marriage; and the outcome of child custody cases involving lesbians. She also repudiates the recent habit of legal theorists to address lesbians as "alternative family."

The Essence of Hegel's Philosophy

Book Description

This extraordinary collection contains all the major works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, including the criticism of his work, his biography and all other information necessary to understand and contemplate the works of the father of absolute idealism. Contents: Introduction: The Life and Work of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Books: The Phenomenology of Mind The Science of Logic The Philosophy of Mind The Philosophy of Right The Philosophy of Law The Philosophy of Fine Art Lectures on the Philosophy of History Lectures on the History of Philosophy Lectures on the Proofs of the Existence of God The Criticism of Hegel's Work and Hegelianism: The Basis of Morality by Arthur Schopenhauer Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche Key to Understanding Hegel by William Wallace

Hegel: Collected Works

Book Description

This extraordinary collection contains all the major works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, including the criticism of his work, his biography and all other information necessary to understand and contemplate the works of the father of absolute idealism._x000D_ Contents:_x000D_ Introduction:_x000D_ The Life and Work of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel_x000D_ Books:_x000D_ The Phenomenology of Mind _x000D_ The Science of Logic_x000D_ The Philosophy of Mind_x000D_ The Philosophy of Right_x000D_ The Philosophy of Law_x000D_ The Philosophy of Fine Art_x000D_ Lectures on the Philosophy of History_x000D_ Lectures on the History of Philosophy_x000D_ Lectures on the Proofs of the Existence of God_x000D_ The Criticism of Hegel's Work and Hegelianism:_x000D_ The Basis of Morality by Arthur Schopenhauer _x000D_ Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche _x000D_ Key to Understanding Hegel by William Wallace

Ipseity and alterity

Book Description

L'’ouvrage aborde la question de la relation entre le soi et l’autre. Il rassemble des contributions proposées par des chercheurs dans les domaines de la philosophie, de la littérature et des sciences humaines. Ce livre soulève plusieurs questions telles que : Est-il toujours possible de comprendre la personne individuelle sans la référence aux autres personnes ? Dans quelle mesure l’identité personnelle dépend-elle des différences entre les personnes ? L’interprétation de l’Autre est-elle toujours complète ? etc. L’ouvrage offre une discussion scientifique originale qui s’adresse tout particulièrement aux enseignants, aux chercheurs et aux étudiants intéressés par cette question de l’Ipséité et de l’Altérité.