Unmasking Mother Teresa’s Critics

Book Description

Mother Teresa was voted the most admired person of the 20th century, and is loved the world over. Still, she was not without her critics. This book closely examines their accusations. What virtually all of her critics have in common is an unabiding disdain for Catholicism—most were, or are, militant atheists. Their strong embrace of socialism is another conspicuous characteristic. What they abhor about Mother Teresa is her strong faith and her altruism. Mother Teresa's conviction that life begins in the womb, and that abortion is a violent act, does not sit well with her atheist critics. They are also contemptuous of her private, voluntary efforts to tend to the needs of the poor: socialists see such behavior as a deterrent to state programs, the only ones they find acceptable. No one was more harsh in his criticism of Mother Teresa than Christopher Hitchens. He locked horns many times with Bill Donohue, and some of those exchanges are recounted in this volume. Neither man was shy about defending his position, and both let loose on each other. This book, unlike the work of Mother Teresa's critics, offers plenty of evidence; the sources are amply noted. Those who have been curious about the charges made by her detractors will find this book an invaluable resource. It unmasks her critics and puts to rest the cruel myths they promoted about her.

The Unmasking Style in Social Theory

Book Description

This book examines the nature of unmasking in social theory, in revolutionary movements and in popular culture. Unmasking is not the same as scientific refutation or principled disagreement. When people unmask, they claim to rip off a disguise, revealing the true beneath the feigned. The author distinguishes two basic types of unmasking. The first, aimed at persons or groups, exposes hypocrisy and enmity, and is a staple of revolutionary movements. The second, aimed at ideas, exposes illusions and ideologies, and is characteristic of radical social theory since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment. The Unmasking Style in Social Theory charts the intellectual origins of unmasking, its shifting priorities, and its specific techniques in social theory. It also explores sociology’s relationship to the concept of unmasking through an analysis of writers who embrace, adapt or reshape its meaning. Such sociologists include Vilfredo Pareto, Karl Mannheim, Raymond Aron, Peter Berger, Pierre Bourdieu, Luc Boltanski and Christian Smith. Finally, taking conspiracy theories, accusations of social phobia and new concepts such as micro-aggression as examples of unmasking techniques, the author shows how unmasking contributes to the polarization and bitterness of much public discussion. Demonstrating how unmasking is baked into modern culture, yet arguing that alternatives to it are still possible, this book is, in sum, a compelling study of unmasking and its impact upon modern political life and social theory.

Mother Teresa - the Case for the Cause - Is Mother Teresa of Calcutta a Saint?

Book Description

Should Mother Teresa be Canonized? Ten years after her death, Mother Teresa of Calcutta still holds the moral imagination of the world. Those who question Mother Teresa's sanctity are treated as misguided souls who would better their time imitating her virtues than probing for her peccadilloes. The Christian world will praise Mother Teresa feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty. But what faithful Christian will praise her for saying: I've always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic. A non-Christian would approve of her saying: We never try to convert those who [we] receive to Christianity. A non-Christian would not approve of her doing: We ask those who are about to die in the Home for the Dying if they want a blessing by which their sins will be forgiven and they will see God. There is much to imitate in Mother Teresa's life. But are her critics correct to declare that Mother Teresa was not a saint? Asking this question of Catholics in particular and mankind in general, MOTHER TERESA: THE CASE FOR THE CAUSE contrasts the image of Mother Teresa's words and deeds, her virtues and her vices, against the image of Christianity "believed everywhere (ubique), always (semper), by all (ab omnibus)" and asks all readers to respond to Rome. Everyone has a canon of saints. Should Mother Teresa be in your canon?

Mother Teresa

Book Description

Mother Teresa: The Saint of Calcutta Mother Teresa is one of the most celebrated figures from the last millennium. For more than 50 years, she did things that announced her to the entire world. A polite and humble figure, loved and criticized in equal measures, this book celebrates the life of a little nun from Albania who taught the whole world a lesson. This is what you will learn insideThe book is divided into four chapters, each dealing with a tenet that concerns the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. In 2015, the Catholic Church canonized her, thus elevating her to the highest point all Catholics want, that of a saint. This is despite the considerable criticism levelled against her. The book also looks at the challenges Teresa faced when she started a charity congregation with just five rupees and a sari. There are the lessons she taught the world through her anecdotes and sayings as well. The book takes a deep look at the criticism levelled against her, offers a profile of her critics and the response to the criticism. While the media will look at the sensational headlines about this topic, the book's approach is deep and puts the whole issue into perspective. Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE: Autobiography: International charity Declining health and death Recognition and reception Spiritual life Journey to Sainthood Beatification CHAPTER TWO: Legacy And Standing: Challenges faced by Mother Teresa Strength of Character prevails CHAPTER THREE: Lessons from Mother Theresa: Over 30 Lessons of Love Mother Teresa's Character Traits Mother Teresa's traits from a psychological point of view CHAPTER FOUR: Criticism, Critics And Response To Criticism: Criticism in India Criticism from the world Response to Criticism The way she cared for the sick Her opposition to abortion and contraception Response to Hell's Angel criticism Response to other criticism Are you ready to open your heart and expand your spirit? Mother Teresa has a lot to tell ... you just have to listen. Start now - with this book: Mother Teresa: A Life Of Love - Lessons Of Wisdom And Humanity

The Catholic Advantage

Book Description

The controversial president of The Catholic League shows how the Church may be the best guide for achieving long-term health and happiness. Religious Americans are by far the healthiest and happiest of any segment of the population--this is true across religions according to recent Gallup polls. Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, goes a step further to show that Catholicism will not only make you healthy and happy, but it will ultimately lead you to heaven too. In his latest book, The Catholic Advantage, Donohue turns his attention to the ways Catholicism is experienced by believers. He explores a simplified and practical way of looking at the faith, demonstrating how Catholic living enhances our well-being. With exciting new research and time-honored wisdom, Donohue shows how the application of beliefs, bonds and boundaries lead to a bountiful life, while the atheism, narcissism, and hedonism of secular intellectuals and celebrity culture paves the path to misery. Donohue writes, "Catholics who have faithfully followed the precepts of their religion, and have lived a life of good health and happiness, are nicely positioned to experience even greater happiness in heaven. Anyone who bats three for three, especially given these stakes, must be doing something right."

Inside the Atheist Mind

Book Description

"There is only one way to deal with bullies, even in this politically correct world—and that is to crush them." USA Today bestselling author Anthony DeStefano is tired of playing nice. After years of responding patiently and agreeably to the pseudo-intellectual arguments and tactics of today’s militant atheists, he’s had enough. In this entertaining, no-holds-barred retort to atheism and its proponents, DeStefano reveals the intellectual bankruptcy at atheism’s core and equips believers to respond to its hollow arguments. A witty and devastating takedown of the "new atheist" position, Inside the Atheist Mind systematically debunks the theories of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and others, revealing how inconsistent, illogical, and frankly ludicrous their conclusions truly are. Poking fun at atheists in a clever and intelligent way, DeStefano demonstrates just how full of holes the new atheism is and reveals that it is actually a "religion" of its own, complete with a creed, a set of commandments and sacraments, and a rigid moral code with rewards and punishments. More than that, DeStefano exposes that atheism is itself a "superstition" of the worst kind. Using irony and a healthy dose of playful sarcasm, Inside the Atheist Mind lampoons, teases, and deflates the atheist position, unmasking it for what it is--an empty, intellectually barren philosophy, devoid of any logic and common sense.

The Trial of Henry Kissinger

Book Description

In this incendiary book, Hitchens takes the floor as prosecuting counsel and mounts a devastating indictment of Henry Kissinger, whose ambitions and ruthlessness have directly resulted in both individual murders and widespread, indiscriminate slaughter.

A Bedside Book of Saints

Book Description

Discusses the lives of Christian saints, and includes Saint Agatha, Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, Saint Luppus, Peter the Hermit, Saint Vitus, and many others.

Saint Pope Paul VI

Book Description

Pope Paul VI was one of the most perceptive and visionary popes in the modern era, foreseeing not just the rise of secularism, but the negative effect it would have on the family and the human soul. Yet despite the tremendous spiritual and theological value of Pope Paul VI’s writings, much has been forgotten, lost in the decades of controversy and dissent — until now. In these pages, Matthew Bunson resurrects the time-tested teachings of Pope Paul VI, showing how his prophetic reflections on modernity are needed in our own age more than ever. Guided by the deep spirituality and approachable theology of Paul VI, you’ll come to understand the root causes of secularism, the risks of globalization, the damage caused by the isolation of young people in the modern world, and why human dignity must be safeguarded in the face of scientific advances. Widely recognized as the first modern pope, Pope Paul VI led the Catholic Church in the wake of the controversies surrounding how to implement and interpret the Second Vatican Council. On one side he battled a reluctant Vatican bureaucracy resistant to authentic reform, while on the other side he guided the faithful in a time of rampant confusion. Bunson also details the graceful and holy way in which Pope Paul VI handled the many dissenting voices raised against the Church’s teachings on contraception, and how he fought for the dignity of the human person as he faced criticism from both the left and the right. Read this book, and you’ll enter into the mind of one of the Church’s newest saints, better prepared not just to defend the teachings of the Church, but to do so in an approachable and holy way.

Mother Teresa

Book Description

Mother Teresa of Calcutta--few figures in the twentieth century have received such adulation. This diminutive Albanian nun was frequently cited as the living embodiment of Christian kindness, received the Nobel Peace Prize, and was hailed as a living saint. Yet the respect she received was not unanimous, and toward the end of her life serious, measured criticisms were directed at this modern icon, who had once seemed beyond reproach. In her fascinating work, Anne Sebba looks carefully at all these views, giving the only objective account of Mother Teresa's life and work. The first half of the book follows the life of young Agnes Bojaxhiu, from her childhood in Serbian-dominated Skopje, to her decision to join the religious life, to her arrival in India during the British Raj. In the second half, Anne Sebba examines the many difficult issues surrounding Mother Teresa's work: her attitudes toward abortion and rape, her association with dictators such as the Duvaliers in Haiti, her medical practices, and her fund-raising ethics. Alongside these aspects, Anne Sebba also highlights Mother Teresa's dedication to the sick, dying, and destitute, and looks at the motivation that drove this remarkable woman. Hers was an extraordinary life, full of paradox. She was a woman of enormous courage, love, and determination, and her legacy poses some of the most profound questions of our age.