Until the Mashiach

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Book Description

Days of Mashiach

Book Description

"Days of Mashiach" is a collection of original and off-beat stories about Jewish life in Israel and the Diaspora. Written with a keen and humorous eye on the Jewish experience in our time, the stories center around the redemption of the Jewish People, the ingathering of the exiles, repentance, settlement of the Land of Israel, and Mashiach.

The Days of Mashiach and Beyond

Book Description

Explore the depths of prophecy, resurrection, and the eagerly awaited arrival of the Mashiach in "The Days of Mashiach and Beyond." This comprehensive and enlightening work delves into profound questions that have intrigued humanity for generations. Within the pages of this book, you'll embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of Jewish tradition and prophecy. It tackles intriguing topics such as the dual occurrences of the Resurrection of the Dead, the enigmatic appearance of false messiahs throughout history, and the compelling question of whether we can actively hasten the arrival of the Mashiach. One of the fascinating aspects explored is the concept of two King Mashiachs, shedding light on the intricate layers of this divine plan. The age-old debate of whether the Third Temple will descend from Heaven fully constructed or be built by human hands is examined, providing a glimpse into the profound spiritual significance of this event. The book offers detailed insights into the mechanics of the Resurrection of the Dead, a concept deeply rooted in Jewish theology. It addresses intricate questions, such as the status of a spouse who remarried after their first partner's death, and to whom they will be married after both return from the Resurrection of the Dead. As the narrative unfolds, you'll be transported through time, tracing the history of the Mashiach's spirit from before the world's creation to our present day, just before the Mashiach's anticipated arrival. The book documents what will transpire before the Mashiach's coming and what transformations will unfold afterward, including the prophesied War of Gog and Magog, the monumental task of rebuilding the Third Temple, and the awe-inspiring Resurrection of the Dead. Drawing extensively from the Talmud, Midrash, Biblical sources, and the wisdom of the Sages of Israel across generations, this work is meticulously researched and annotated, providing a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of these profound subjects. The book concludes with practical steps that readers can take to contribute to the hastening of the Mashiach's arrival, making it a call to action for all who long for the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy.


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Through Fire and Water

Book Description

Why did Rebbe Nachman's followers never choose another rebbe? How has the Breslov Movement survived and flourished for over 180 years without a dynasty of rebbes? To find the answer, meet Reb Noson -- Rabbi Noson Sternhartz (1780-1844), Rebbe Nachman's closest disciple, who devoted his life to bringing the Rebbe's message of faith, hope and joy out into the world. A young rabbinic scholar, and astute businessman as well, what made Reb Noson feel his life was empty and futile? What drove him to persevere in the face of familial opposition in order to follow Rebbe Nachman? What powered him to singlehandedly print the Rebbe's books and fire a new generation of chassidim in the face of relentless persecution, a gruesome assassination attempt, and a campaign to have him sent to Siberia? This thoroughly-researched biography will keep you absorbed for hours as you relive Reb Noson's life with him step by step. Includes full background information, appendices, maps and indices. Also available in Hebrew.

From Central Park to Sinai

Book Description

The Rabbi who Found Messiah

Book Description

Investigates the story of the 108-year-old Jewish rabbi who proclaimed he knew the name of the real Messiah, cryptically sealed it in a message, and ordered it not be revealed until one year after his death.

The Human Challenge

Book Description

Every human being is presented with the ''human challenge'': How do I grow? How do I become wise? How do I sanctify the world around me and make it a better place? How do I work on my character? How do I integrate work and food and intimacy into my life's goals? This volume is an attempt to answer these questions for the intelligent and sensitive adult reader. It draws significantly on deeper Jewish thought, balancing brevity with profundity. The Human Challenge provides a rich and exciting entry point for those who are at the early stages of their relationship with Judaism as well as significant benefit to those with an extensive background, as it provides a methodical and sourced overview of topics that may otherwise remain as fragmented insights.

Yeshua Ben Yosef

Book Description

The prophecies found throughout the Old Testament are true sources of revelation and wisdom delivered by God to men. By them, God reveals His works and plans, and how His will comes to pass when each of them is fulfilled. Each prophecy about Messiah fulfilled in the life of Yeshua Ben Yosef, makes him increasingly connected with the will of God and reveals a Messiah that is the greatest divine plan before the creation of all things.Although many followers of Yeshua understand his accomplishments and achievements, few understand his true missions and goals. The plan of redemption formulated by God through the Messiah, despite having a clear and direct appearance, is somewhat obscure since the focus of his mission is very poorly understood. Yeshua's deepest statement was that he was the Messiah, but there are many doubts about what it really means to be the Messiah and how the Jewish mentality, the very one that led Yeshua to declare himself as such, defines the personality of Messiah and the reasons for the plan that should be carried through him.A thousand years before his coming, prophets throughout Israel began to reveal how this plan of God would work out. Through their words, God reveals much more than human understanding can absorb. Every Tanakh's prophecy that was fulfilled in the life of Yeshua, has hidden and profound revelations about his person, the missions of Mashiach and God's plan of redemption.This book brings, in a way never seen before, studies on the most well-known prophecies that have materialized in Yeshua's life and how they can reveal what the eyes do not see, thus bringing an understanding of Yeshua's true work, life, personality and most importantly, for whom he really came.WARNINGTHIS BOOK HAS NOT BEEN ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN ENGLISH AND A NON-NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER HAS TRANSLATED IT. THUS IT STILL CONTAINS GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, AS WELL AS SPELL ERRORS AND IT COULD BE UNCLEAR IN SOME PARTS. ERRORS THAT WILL BE FIXED SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE AND FOR THIS REASON, THIS BOOK WILL BE SOLD FOR THE MINIMUM PRICE STIPULATED BY AMAZON. IF THAT, SOMEHOW, ANNOYS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK.