Unveiling the Circumgalactic Medium Using a Cloud-by-cloud, Multiphase, Bayesian Ionization Modeling Approach

Book Description

This thesis investigates the physicochemical nature of the gaseous structures in the vicinity of galaxies. Intervening absorption systems seen in the spectra of background quasars probe the circumgalactic medium (CGM) around galaxies and can provide insights into the nature of the gas. The CGM is a dynamic and multiphase interface between a galaxy and its surroundings. Unraveling the origin of the multiphase gas in the CGM is important because it potentially allows us to learn about the processes that supply inflowing gas to the galaxy, enrich the surroundings with metal-rich outflows, and send enriched material back to the galaxy as recycled accretion. First, I present a new method aimed at improving the efficiency of component-by-component ionization modeling of intervening quasar absorption line systems. I carry out cloud-by-cloud, multiphase modeling making use of CLOUDY and Bayesian methods to extract physical properties from an ensemble of absorption profiles. As a demonstration of the method, I focus on four weak, low ionization absorbers at low redshift, because they are multi-phase but relatively simple to constrain. We place errors on the inferred metallicities and ionization parameters for individual clouds and show that the values vary from component to component across the absorption profile. This method requires user input on the number of phases and relies on an optimized transition for each phase, one observed with high resolution and signal-to-noise. The measured Doppler parameter, b, of the optimized transition provides a constraint on the Doppler parameter of HI, thus providing leverage in metallicity measurements even when hydrogen lines are saturated. I present several tests of this methodology, demonstrating that I can recover the input parameters from simulated profiles. I also consider how the model results are affected by which radiative transitions are covered by observations (for example how many HI transitions) and by uncertainties in the $b$ parameters of optimized transitions. I discuss the successes and limitations of the method, and consider its potential for large statistical studies. This improved methodology will help to establish direct connections between the diverse properties derived from characterizing the absorbers and the multiple physical processes at play in the CGM. Next, I present an absorption line study of the physical and chemical properties of the Leo HI Ring and the Leo I Group as traced by 11 quasar sightlines spread over a ~ 600 kpc x 800 kpc region. Using HST/COS G130/G160 archival observations as constraints, I couple cloud-by-cloud, multiphase, Bayesian ionization modeling with galaxy property information to determine the plausible origin of the absorbing gas along these sightlines. I find absorption plausibly associated with the Leo Ring towards five sightlines. The absorption along these five sightlines is stronger in metal lines than expected from individual galaxies, indicative of multiple contributions, and of the complex kinematics of the region. Along three other sightlines, I find absorption likely to be associated with individual galaxies, intragroup gas, and/or large-scale filamentary structure. I also identify three sightlines within a 7° x6° field around the Leo Ring, along which I do not find any absorption. I find that the metallicities associated with the Leo Ring are generally high, with values between solar and several times solar. The inferred high metallicities are consistent with the origin of the ring as tidal debris from a major galaxy merger. Next, I analyze archival ultraviolet quasar spectra from HST/COS covering 47 absorption line systems produced by the CGM of galaxies that have galaxy imaging with HST with known impact parameters and orientations. I conducted a large statistical study with this sample to determine if the metallicities of any of the multiple structures depend on orientation. Cloud-by-cloud, multiphase Bayesian modeling was applied to provide constraints on metallicity, density, and temperature of multiple regions along the sightline. I find that the high metallicity clouds span a large range of velocities while the low metallicity clouds are found close to the systemic velocity of the galaxy. I also find that clouds close to the systemic velocity show a full range of metallicities. High-velocity clouds, on the other hand, show a tendency for tracing high metallicities. I do not find metallicity trends with azimuthal angle, inclination, impact parameter, or galaxy type. Despite the lack of a link between azimuthal angle and metallicity, the independent effects of inflows and outflows are seen in absorption systems using cloud-by-cloud modeling. Finally, I employ the same techniques that I have developed with real absorption systems to investigate absorption systems in cosmological simulations in order to assess the efficacy of the methods in extracting true properties from simulations. I find that the assumption of photoionization thermal equilibrium should be relaxed, particularly for the high ionization gas phases, and this assumption only holds in a particular regime of the CGM phase space. For a discrete distribution of clouds, the inferred posterior distributions contain the actual values in the simulations. For a complex and continuous distribution of clouds in simulations, I find that the properties of the best-constrained clouds agree well with the true values. These findings strengthen our confidence in reliably extracting the properties of the CGM from observational datasets.

An Application of Cloud-by-Cloud, Multiphase, Bayesian Modeling on System C Towards Quasar PG1206+459

Book Description

We apply a novel cloud-by-cloud, multiphase, Bayesian sampling method on absorption lines towards quasar PG1206+459. This method increases the efficiency at which different parameters can be tested, allowing for systems to be explored much faster compared to prior works. Previous studies of quasar PG1206+459 have designated three separate subsystems: A, B, and C. This study will focus on subsystem C. The entire system spans a velocity range from ~ -700 km/s to 900 km/s, whereas subsystem C covers the ~ 600 km/s to 900 km/s range. We present a detailed analysis of this subsystem, finding that the absorption is best explained using five clouds constrained on three transitions: MgII, CIII, and OVI, each corresponding to a separate phase (low, intermediate, and high). In the future, we will apply this method to the remaining two subsystems and provide a complete overview of the PG1206+459 system.

High-Velocity Clouds

Book Description

On the occasion of the retirement of Ulrich Schwarz, a symposium was held in Groningen in May of 1996, celebrating his contributions to the study of the int- stellar medium, including his work on the high-velocity clouds. The coming together of many specialists in the latter ?eld prompted the idea of compiling a book c- taining their contributions, and summarizing the status of our understanding of the high-velocity cloud phenomenon. This seemed especially worthwhile at the time, since many exciting developments were taking place. After the discovery of some H i clouds with high velocities, about 40 years ago, the subject had been dominated by 21-cm observations of H i emission. Starting in the mid-1980s much progress was being made because of the availability of new instruments, such as large ground-based optical telescopes and UV observatories in space. The connections between the work on high-velocity clouds and other studies of the properties of the (hot) interstellar medium also became clearer.

The Origin of the Galaxy and Local Group

Book Description

This volume contains the updated and expanded lecture notes of the 37th Saas-Fee Advanced Course organised by the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy. It offers the most comprehensive and up to date review of one of the hottest research topics in astrophysics - how our Milky Way galaxy formed. Joss Bland-Hawthorn & Ken Freeman lectured on Near Field Cosmology - The Origin of the Galaxy and the Local Group. Francesca Matteucci’s chapter is on Chemical evolution of the Milky Way and its Satellites. As designed by the SSAA, books in this series – and this one too – are targeted at graduate and PhD students and young researchers in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. Lecturers and researchers entering the field will also benefit from the book.

Back to the Galaxy

Book Description

The proceedings of the third October Astrophysics Conference represent a summary of the current state of knowledge of the large-scale properties of the Milky Way. Virtually all the new relevant data are presented, including those from the current space-borne observatories like the Cosmic Background

Neutrino Mass

Book Description

Reviews the current state of knowledge of neutrino masses and the related question of neutrino oscillations. After an overview of the theory of neutrino masses and mixings, detailed accounts are given of the laboratory limits on neutrino masses, astrophysical and cosmological constraints on those masses, experimental results on neutrino oscillations, the theoretical interpretation of those results, and theoretical models of neutrino masses and mixings. The book concludes with an examination of the potential of long-baseline experiments. This is an essential reference text for workers in elementary-particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics.

Clusters of Galaxies: Physics and Cosmology

Book Description

Clusters of galaxies are large assemblies of galaxies, hot gas and dark matter bound together by gravity. Galaxy clusters are now one of the most important cosmological probes to test the standard cosmological models. Constraints on the Dark Energy equation of state from the cluster number density measurements, deviations from the Gaussian perturbation models, the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect as well as the dark matter proles are among the issues to be studied with clusters. The baryonic composition of clusters is dominated by hot gas that is in quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium within the dark matter-dominated gravitational potential well of the cluster. The hot gas is visible through spatially extended thermal X-ray emission, and it has been studied extensively both for assessing its physical properties and as a tracer of the large-scale structure of the Universe. Magnetic fields as well as a number of non-thermal plasma processes play a role in clusters of galaxies as we observe from radioastronomical observations. The goal of this volume is to review these processes and to investigate how they are interlinked. Overall, these papers provide a timely and comprehensive review of the multi-wavelength observations and theoretical understanding of clusters of galaxies in the cosmological context. Thus, the volume will be particularly useful to postgraduate students and researchers active in various areas of astrophysics and space science. Originally published in Space Science Reviews in the Topical Collection "Clusters of Galaxies: Physics and Cosmology"

The Story of Helium and the Birth of Astrophysics

Book Description

What if one of the most thrilling stories in the history of science turned out to be wrong? Can urban legends creep into the hallowed grounds of scientific history? As incredible as it may sound, the story of one of the most important elements in modern times – helium - has been often misrepresented in books, encyclopedias, and online sources, despite the fact that archival materials tell a different story. Open the entry for Helium in any encyclopaedia and you will read a false story that has been repeated over the years. ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica’, for example, says that helium was discovered by the French astronomer Pierre Janssen while observing a total solar eclipse from India in 1868. Apparently he noticed something new in the spectrum of the sun, which he thought was the signature of an undiscovered element. The truth is that Janssen never saw any sign of a new element during his observations in India. His reports and letters do not mention any such claim. Other sources would have you believe that helium was jointly discovered by Janssen and Norman Lockyer, a British scientist, and that their discovery letters reached Paris the same day, one sent from India, and the other from England. Again, the truth is completely different. Two letters from Lockyer and Janssen did reach Paris the same day in 1868, but their letters did not mention any new element. What they had discovered was a new way of observing the Sun without a solar eclipse. This would ultimately lead to the discovery of helium, in which Lockyer would play a prominent role, but not Janssen. At the same time, Norman Robert Pogson, a disgruntled British astronomer stationed in India did notice something peculiar during the eclipse. He was the first one to notice something odd about the spectrum of the Sun that day, and his observations would prove crucial to Lockyer’s own investigations of helium. But Pogson’s report was never published in any peer reviewed journal and it languished on the desk of a local British officer in colonial India. This book tells the real story behind the discovery of helium, along with biographical sketches of the scientists and descriptions of the milieu in which they worked. It will convey the excitement, confusion, and passion of nineteenth century scientists, using their own words, from their letters and reports. “The Story of Helium and the Birth of Astrophysics” chronicles one of the most exciting discoveries ever made and explains why it also marked the birth of a new branch of science called ‘astrophysics.’

Stellar Astrophysics

Book Description

Stellar Astrophysics contains a selection of high-quality papers that illustrate the progress made in research into the structure and evolution of stars. Senior undergraduates, graduates, and researchers can now be brought thoroughly up to date in this exciting and ever-developing branch of astronomy.

Formation of Structure in the Universe

Book Description

This advanced textbook provides an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the very active field of structure formation in cosmology. It is written by eleven world-leading authorities. Written in a clear and pedagogical style appropriate for graduate students in astronomy and physics, this textbook introduces the reader to a wide range of exciting topics in contemporary cosmology: from recent advances in redshift surveys, to the latest models in gravitational lensing and cosmological simulations. The authors are all world-renowned experts both for their research and teaching skills. In the fast-moving field of structure formation, this book provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a welcome textbook which unites the latest theory and observations.