Unveiling the Mystery of the Bride of Christ

Book Description

Unveiling the Mystery of the Bride of Christ clears up the mystery of the bride by leading you on a journey through the scriptures, showing without a shadow of a doubt who the bride is and what her preparation is all about. The early church knew and understood that God, through his Holy Spirit, was preparing a people, a special group, who would embrace a coming revealed truth and be qualified to reign with Christ at his return when the kingdom of God would be set up on the earth. This special group is the bride of Christ, and understanding the mystery of the bride will captivate and motivate believers into achieving their destinies as ordained by Creator God. In this book, you will discover: The plan of God for mankind Why you were born for such a time as this What role the Bride will play What makes the Bride special What is covenant relationship Who are the jewels of God Why God must send Elijah in these last days What Torah is all about Why obedience is so important How the love of God is perfected in the believer The meaning of firstfruits What the key of David is all about The true meaning of the parable of the 10 virgins

Jesus the Bridegroom

Book Description

The bestselling follow-up to Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. Includes a reader's guide and an excerpt from Pitre's The Case for Jesus. In Jesus the Bridegroom, Brant Pitre once again taps into the wells of Jewish Scripture and tradition, and unlocks the secrets of what is arguably the most well-known symbol of the Christian faith: the cross of Christ. In this thrilling exploration, Pitre shows how the suffering and death of Jesus was far more than a tragic Roman execution. Instead, the Passion of Christ was the fulfillment of ancient Jewish prophecies of a wedding, when the God of the universe would wed himself to humankind in an everlasting nuptial covenant. To be sure, most Christians are familiar with the apostle Paul’s teaching that Christ is the ‘Bridegroom’ and the Church is the ‘Bride’. But what does this really mean? And what would ever possess Paul to compare the death of Christ to the love of a husband for his wife? If you would have been at the Crucifixion, with Jesus hanging there dying, is that how you would have described it? How could a first-century Jew like Paul, who knew how brutal Roman crucifixions were, have ever compared the execution of Jesus to a wedding? And why does he refer to this as the “great mystery” (Ephesians 5:32)? As Pitre shows, the key to unlocking this mystery can be found by going back to Jewish Scripture and tradition and seeing the entire history of salvation, from Mount Sinai to Mount Calvary, as a divine love story between Creator and creature, between God and Israel, between Christ and his bride—a story that comes to its climax on the wood of a Roman cross. In the pages of Jesus the Bridegroom, dozens of familiar passages in the Bible—the Exodus, the Song of Songs, the Wedding at Cana, the Woman at the Well, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and even the Second Coming at the End of Time—are suddenly transformed before our eyes. Indeed, when seen in the light of Jewish Scripture and tradition, the life of Christ is nothing less than the greatest love story ever told.

Song of Solomon

Book Description

The Book of First Kings 4:32 says that Solomon wrote 1005 songs. A song is poetry like the Psalms that were sung to bring forth a message from God. God deemed this song important enough to keep it in His manual, the Bible. The Books of First and Second Samuel are the historical books of David, but His love and emotions for God were written in his Psalms. Likewise, the Book of Revelation is a historical book of the bride of Christ, but the Song of Solomon is the love and emotions of Christ and His bride. This book is being published at the same time as Revelation to be companion books with the same overview. God desired a people who would be adopted into His kingdom. Christ would redeem every person who would acknowledge the plan of God to become children of the Most High God. The Bible was inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16). The Book of Song of Solomon shows the love of the Lord Jesus to His bride, the Church, who is called Shulamite. Shulamite in Hebrew is the feminine noun for Solomon. Solomon in Hebrew is shalom meaning peace unto wholeness. This wholeness comes from a relationship with the Lord which is offered to everyone, male or female, Jewish or Gentile (non-Jewish). Do not think of Solomon in this book as the king, for he too is a believer in the Lord, so therefore He too can be the Shulamite. This is not a picture of Solomons love for a woman, but instead the story of how Solomon came to love the Lord and grow spiritually throughout His life. Both Books (Revelation and Song of Solomon) are actually a symbolic picture of the Ancient Jewish Wedding. The bride is the Church, and therefore, seen as female, yet we know that God is identified as being present in both male and female. Therefore, Solomon is writing as a believer growing in his walk with the Lord. Song of Solomon, like all books in the Old Testament, point to Jesus. It cant be about Solomon and his love for a woman; IT HAS TO BE ABOUT JESUS. Therefore, it shows how a believer grows in their relationship with Jesus. The Jewish wedding takes us from the first time we see Jesus in the spirit and are engaged (salvation) to the time we see Jesus face to face in marriage (our resurrection) to the time we return with Christ to rule and reign as His wife (Millennium) to the time we live in the new heaven and earth (eternity). The intention of this book is to experience in the spirit the life of the believer growing in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Mysteries of the Bridechamber

Book Description

Jesus was an initiate and adept of the ancient Judaic mysteries who strove to reinstate the tradition of the bridechamber sacrament in his time • Shows that Jesus sought to establish equity of masculine and feminine in both spiritual practice and social traditions, particularly in the sacrament of marriage • Reinterprets Jesus’ key teachings in light of the ancient tradition of sacred consortship • Reveals what happened to the gnostic heart of Christianity that Jesus embodied Jesus was a high-initiate and master adept of the ancient Judaic mysteries who strove to free people from the dead hand of the ritualists. He was trained in a dissident Jewish brotherhood that arose in Egypt before he was born, which sought to bring back the ancient Judaic mysteries outlawed by the Jerusalem temple. At the heart of this movement was a yogic-based practice known in the apocrypha as the Gnosis of the Heart, which espoused the union of both sexes in a secret initiatic teaching. As a fearless social reformer, Jesus wanted to restore the authority of the feminine principle, including asserting the equality of man and woman in the social contract of marriage. He reinstated in his own life the tradition of sacred consortship--a rite known to early Church fathers as the bridechamber sacrament, whereby the marriage of the masculine and feminine energies was effected. This rite, Victoria LePage suggests, was the primary focus of Jesus’ teachings, the very heart of his exhortations to love thy neighbor, and the source of his healing power. Mysteries of the Bridechamber explains how, as a master adept of the Temple of Solomon, Jesus derived these teachings directly from ancient Judaic mystery traditions, revealing both a life story for Jesus that differs markedly from the version the Church has offered as well as a spiritual practice based on a mystical wisdom tradition of self-initiation and transformation.


Book Description

In Ephesians 5:32, the apostle Paul refers to the concept of "the Bride of Christ" as a great mystery. This mystery is explained in this book in the most revelatory way. According to the book of Genesis, both the male and female human beings are made in the image and likeness of God. It is easy to understand that both male and female are made in the image of God, which means they both reflect God's characteristics. However, it is not as straightforward as to why the female physical form is in the likeness of God. This is explained in this book. The revelations explained will make you realize the sacredness of the divine masculine characteristics reflected by men, and the divine feminine traits reflected by women. In some cultures, men are put down. In other cultures, women are looked down upon. Putting down men or women is playing into Satan's hands to mock the image of God. How could any part of God be inferior? Every part of God and everything about Him is infinite and infinitely honorable. Among other concepts discussed in this book are "the Power of Feminine Wisdom," "Building God's Home," "the Roles of Masculinity and Femininity in Marriage," "Completing the Glory Spectrum in the Family," "Women in Ministry," and "The Valley of the shadow of Death".

Unveiling Grace

Book Description

A gripping story of how an entire family, deeply enmeshed in Mormonism for thirty years, found their way out and found faith in Jesus Christ. For thirty years, Lynn Wilder, once a tenured faculty member at Brigham Young University, and her family lived in, loved, and promoted the Mormon Church. Then their son Micah, serving his Mormon mission in Florida, had a revelation: God knew him personally. God loved him. And the Mormon Church did not offer the true gospel. Micah's conversion to Christ put the family in a tailspin. They wondered, Have we believed the wrong thing for decades? If we leave Mormonism, what does this mean for our safety, jobs, and relationships? Is Christianity all that different from Mormonism anyway? As Lynn tells her story of abandoning the deception of Mormonism to receive God's grace, she gives a rare look into Mormon culture, what it means to grow up Mormon, and why the contrasts between Mormonism and Christianity make all the difference in the world. Whether you are in the Mormon Church, are curious about Mormonism, or simply are looking for a gripping story, Unveiling Grace will strengthen your faith in the true God who loves you no matter what.

Revealed: The Mystery of The Bride of Christ

Book Description

Does God have a female counterpart?! In Ephesians 5:32, the apostle Paul refers to the concept of "the Bride of Christ" as a great mystery. This mystery is explained in this book in the most revelatory way. According to the book of Genesis, both the male and female human being are made in the image and likeness of God. It is easy to understand that both male and female are made in the image of God, which means they both reflect God's characteristics. However, it is not as straightforward as to why the female physical form is in the likeness of God. This is explained in this book. The revelations explained will make you realize the sacredness of the divine masculine characteristics reflected by men, and the divine feminine traits reflected by women. In some cultures, men are put down. In other cultures, women are looked down upon. Putting down men or women is falling trap to Satan's plot of mocking the image of God. How could any part of God be inferior? Every part of God and everything about Him is infinite and infinitely honorable. Among other concepts discussed in this book are "the Power of Feminine Wisdom," "Building God's Home," "the Roles of Masculinity and Femininity in Marriage," "Completing the Glory Spectrum in the Family," "Women in Ministry", and "The Valley of the shadow of Death".

The Bride of Christ Revealed

Book Description

This book is about the bride of Christ. God revealed her to the author. Jesus came, bringing salvation at the cross. He died for our salvation. He sent back the Holy Ghost to get a bride for the son Jesus. And when he is done, he will come and get her. Everybody thinks their church is the bride of Christ. It isn't so if your church is like the Philadelphia church: This church had a key of David. He had a door that no man could shut. She had a little strength and kept his Word and had not denied his name. She was going to be kept from the hour of temptation, which will come upon the word to try them that dwell. He told her to hold fast, let no man take our crown. She will be made a pillar in the temple of God and the name of my God, which is new Jerusalem. I will write upon him my new name, new Jerusalem. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Take his name and not deny that name, and his name is the Word of God (John1:1 and Revelation 19:13).

Rich Wounds

Book Description

Profound reflections on the cross that help you to meditate on and marvel at the sacrificial love of Jesus. This book can be used as a devotional, especially during Lent and Easter. These profound reflections on the cross from David Mathis, author of The Christmas We Didn’t Expect, will help you to meditate on and marvel at Jesus’ life, sacrificial death, and spectacular resurrection-enabling you to treasure anew who Jesus is and what he has done. Many of us are so familiar with the Easter story that it becomes easy to miss subtle details and difficult to really enjoy its meaning. This book will help you to pause and marvel at Jesus, whose now-glorified wounds are a sign of his unfailing love and the decisive victory that he has won: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) This book can be used as a devotional. The chapters on Holy Week make it especially helpful during the Lent season and at Easter.