Uranium Paris

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Forty Years of Uranium Resources, Production and Demand in Perspective

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The "Red Book", jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, is a recognised world reference source on the uranium industry. This publication collates and analyses key information drawn from the twenty editions of the Red Book published between 1965 and 2004, in order to set out a comprehensive review of developments in the world uranium industry from the birth of civilian nuclear energy through to the beginning of the 21st century. It summarises developments in the major uranium-producing countries and topics covered include: installed nuclear capacity, reactor-related uranium requirements, market price, exploration, resources, production, natural and enriched uranium inventories, thorium, mine start-up and closure histories, environmental aspects of uranium mining and processing.

Uranium 2011

Book Description

In the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, questions are being raised about the future of the uranium market, including as regards the number of reactors expected to be built in the coming years, the amount of uranium required to meet forward demand, the adequacy of identified uranium resources to meet that demand and the ability of the sector to meet reactor requirements in a challenging investment climate. This 24th edition of the "Red Book", a recognised world reference on uranium jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, provides analyses and information from 42 producing and consuming countries in order to address these and other questions. It offers a comprehensive review of world uranium supply and demand as well as data on global uranium exploration, resources, production and reactor-related requirements. It also provides substantive new information on established uranium production centres around the world and in countries developing production centres for the first time. Projections of nuclear generating capacity and reactor-related requirements through 2035, incorporating policy changes following the Fukushima accident, are also featured, along with an analysis of long-term uranium supply and demand issues

Uranium Enrichment and Nuclear Weapon Proliferation

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Originally published in 1983, this book presents both the technical and political information necessary to evaluate the emerging threat to world security posed by recent advances in uranium enrichment technology. Uranium enrichment has played a relatively quiet but important role in the history of efforts by a number of nations to acquire nuclear weapons and by a number of others to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. For many years the uranium enrichment industry was dominated by a single method, gaseous diffusion, which was technically complex, extremely capital-intensive, and highly inefficient in its use of energy. As long as this remained true, only the richest and most technically advanced nations could afford to pursue the enrichment route to weapon acquisition. But during the 1970s this situation changed dramatically. Several new and far more accessible enrichment techniques were developed, stimulated largely by the anticipation of a rapidly growing demand for enrichment services by the world-wide nuclear power industry. This proliferation of new techniques, coupled with the subsequent contraction of the commercial market for enriched uranium, has created a situation in which uranium enrichment technology might well become the most important contributor to further nuclear weapon proliferation. Some of the issues addressed in this book are: A technical analysis of the most important enrichment techniques in a form that is relevant to analysis of proliferation risks; A detailed projection of the world demand for uranium enrichment services; A summary and critique of present institutional non-proliferation arrangements in the world enrichment industry, and An identification of the states most likely to pursue the enrichment route to acquisition of nuclear weapons.

Uranium Paris

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The uranium market is a particularly volatile and unpredictable international commodity market. This book, originally published in 1981, analyses the factors responsible for the price rise and falls of uranium in the 1970s. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the international uranium market from its inception and the conditions of price developments in mineral markets in general. The analysis of the uranium market contained in this book provides valuable insights to all those involved int eh different facets of the nuclear industry, as well as illustrating how policitical decisions with little concern for the ensuing economic implications can create havoc in international commodity markets.

Uranium Paris

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The French Uranium Mining Industry

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Uranium 2007

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Uranium Ore Deposits

Book Description

An important prerequisite to the long-term use of nuclear energy is information on uranium ore deposits from which uranium can be economically exploited. Hence the basic purpose of this book is to present an overview of uranium geology, data characteristic for uranium deposits, and a synthesis of these data in the form of a typological classification of uranium deposits supported by more detailed descriptions of selected uranium districts and deposits. An additional goal is to provide access for the interested reader to the voluminous literature on uranium geology. Therefore a register of bibliography as global as possible, extending beyond the immediate need for this book, is provided. The volume presented here was not originally designed as a product for its own sake. It evolved as a by-product during decades of active uranium exploration and was compiled thanks to a request by the Springer Publishing Company. Routine research work on identifying characteristic features and recognition criteria of uranium deposits, combined with associated modeling of types of deposits for reapplication in exploration, provided the data bank. The publisher originally asked for a book on uranium deposits structured as a combined text- and reference book. The efforts to condense all the text into a single publication were soon doomed. The material grew out of all feasible proportions for a book of acceptable size and price, a wealth of data on uranium geology and related geosciences having become available during the past decade, too vast for one volume.