Urban Intersection Improvements for Pedestrian Safety

Book Description

This purpose of the study was to identify problems associated with pedestrian-vehicle interactions at intersections, develop countermeasure concepts that would reduce these problems, and evaluate the most desirable countermeasures to determine their effectiveness. As an additional phase, Federal Highway Administration included a study to evaluate alternatives to full signalization at pedestrian crossings. The study was divided into three phases: Phase I was reported in Volume II, Identification of Safety and Operational Problems and was directed at identifying and defining the safety and operational problems associated with the interaction of pedestrians and vehicles at intersections. Phase II was divided into two tasks. Task A conducted research dealing with signal timing for the pedestrian. Task B was directed towards pedestrian signal display and operation research. Task A reported in Volume III, Signal Timing for the Pedestrian was directed at making recommendations concerning improvements in the timing of pedestrian traffic signals, both to maximize safety and to minimize delay. The report was divided into three sections: 1. Timing for a Combined Pedestrian-Vehicle Interval. 2. Alternative Phasing Schemes. 3. Other Areas of Pedestrian Signal Research. Task B was reported in Volume IV. Pedestrian Signal Displays and Operation was directed at evaluating pedestrian signal displays and operations. The study was divided into three parts: 1. Lunar vs. Clear White "WALK" Lens Study. 2. Word Message and Operation Study. 3. Symbol Message Study. Phase III reported in Volume V, Evaluation of Alternatives to Full Signalization at Pedestrian Crossings, was to develop traffic control devices that could be used as alternatives to full signalization at pedestrian crossings that are located at intersections. These traffic control devices were evaluated at the intersection of an arterial street with a low-volume residential street where adequate gaps in the traffic steam do not exist to allow pedestrians to cross the arterial street safely. The study was divided into two parts: identification of alternative pedestrian crossing designs, and field evaluations.

Pedestrian Facilities Users Guide: Providing Safety and Mobility

Book Description

This guide is intended to provide information on how to identify safety and mobility needs for pedestrians with the roadway right-of-way. Useful for engineers, planners, safety professionals and decision-makers, the guide covers such topics as: the Walking Environment including sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks, roadway lighting and pedestrian over and under passes; Roadway Design including bicycle lanes, roadway narrowing, reducing the number of lanes, one-way/two-way streets, right-turn slip lanes and raised medians; Intersections with roundabouts, T-intersections and median barriers; and Traffic calming designs.

NCHRP Report 562

Book Description