Urea as a Protein Supplement

Book Description

Urea as a Protein Supplement presents the significant advances that have been made in ruminant nutrition. This book examines the role of the rumen flora and fauna as synthesizers of protein from non-protein nitrogen sources such as ammonium compounds and urea. Organized into four parts encompassing 23 chapters, this book starts with an overview of the use of urea and other non-protein nitrogen sources in ruminant nutrition. This text then explores the various methods that may be used for the preparation of urea, which involves the dehydration of ammonium carbamate produced by the reaction of carbon dioxide and ammonia at high pressure and temperature. Other chapters consider the ways in which urea could be utilized to increase protein supplies. The final chapter deals with the hydrolysis of urea by urease to ammonia and carbon dioxide, which has been used as a method for determining urea for many years. Agricultural scientists and farmers will find this book useful.

Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition

Book Description

Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition is the third in a series of books on animal feeding and nutrition. These books are designed to keep readers abreast of the rapid developments in feeding and nutrition. These developments have resulted in changes in diets, the use of new feed processing methods, improved use of by-product feeds, and more supplementation with minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and nonprotein nitrogen compounds. The book is organized into four parts. Part I focuses on the nutrient requirements of beef cattle. Beginning with a review of rumen physiology and energy requirements, the remaining chapters discuss the vitamin, mineral, and protein, requirements of beef cattle. Part II on feedingstuffs includes studies on pasture and other forages; hay and haylage making; silage and crops for silage; and concentrates for beef cattle. Part III includes studies on breeding herd nutrition and management; and milk production and calf performance. Part IV on cattle finishing covers cattle finishing systems; feedlot disease; and economics of cattle feeding.


Book Description

Beef Cattle Science Handbook, Vol. 19

Book Description

The 1983 International Stockinen's School Handbooks include more than 200 technical papers presented at this year's Stockmen's School-sponsored by Wlnrock International-by outstanding animal scientists, agribusiness leaders, and livestock producers expert in animal technology, animal management, and general fields relevant to animal agriculture. The Handbooks represent advanced technology in a problem-oriented form readily accessible to livestock producers, operators of family farms, managers of agri-buslnesses, scholars, and students of animal agriculture. The Beef Cattle Science Handbook, the Dairy Science Handbook, the Sheep and Goat Handbook, and the Stud Managers' Handbook each include papers on such general topics as genetics and selection; general anatomy and physiology; reproduction; behavior and animal welfare; feeds and nutrition; pastures, ranges, and forests; health, diseases, and parasites; buildings, equipment, and environment; animal management; marketing and economics (including product processing, when relevant}; farm and ranch business management and economics; computer use in animal enterprises; and production systems. The four Handbooks also contain papers specifically related to the type of animal considered

Livestock in the Soviet Union

Book Description