Book Description
This book completes Jean-Pierre Barral's widely acclaimed four-volume exploration of the osteopathic implications of the dysfunctions of the internal viscera. The focus of this volume is on the pelvis, especially of women. The introduction provides an overview of the relationships of the pelvis and spine. Tests which are particularly useful for pelvic disorders, including the genitohumeral and completed Las gue's tests, are detailed. Also included are imaging studies that demonstrate the utility of the viscersl manipulative approach to the pelvis. Chapter 2 focuses on the bladder, and especially the treatment of stress incontinence and the effects of the various systems of pressure on the lower pelvis. The role of bladder restrictions in low back pain, lower leg problems, and hip pain is explained. Chapter 3 discusses the uterus, focusing on the cervix. The reader will gain an appreciation for the osteopathic view of the importance of the different motions affecting the uterus, and how they can become dysfunctional. Chapter 4 concludes the tour of the female pelvis with the uterine tubes and ovaries. The holistic osteopathic viewpoint is typified by Barral's presentation of the various elements that must work in harmony for fertilization to occur.