Us Special Operations Forces Handbook

Book Description

2011 Updated Reprint. Updated Annually. US Special Operations Forces Handbook Volume 3

Us Special Combat Forces Handbook

Book Description

2011 Updated Reprint. Updated Annually. US Special Combat Forces Handbook

Special Operations Association

Book Description

U.S. Army Special Forces Handbook

Book Description

The essential guide to the operations of the Green Berets, America's most versatile and fascinating soldiers.

United States Special Operations Forces

Book Description

In this book, two national-security experts put the exploits of America’s special operation forces in historical and strategic context. David Tucker and Christopher J. Lamb offer an incisive overview of America’s turbulent experience with special operations. Starting with in-depth interviews with special operators, the authors illustrate the diversity of modern special operations forces and the strategic value of their unique attributes. Despite longstanding and growing public fascination with special operators, these forces and their contribution to national security are poorly understood. With this book, Tucker and Lamb dispel common misconceptions and offer a penetrating analysis of how these unique and valuable forces can be employed to even better effect in the future. The book builds toward a comprehensive assessment of the strategic utility of special operations forces, which it then considers in light of the demands of future warfare. This second edition of United States Special Operations Forces, revised throughout to account for lessons learned in the twelve years since its first publication, includes two new case studies, one on High Value Target Teams and another on Village Stability Operations, and two new appendixes charting the evolution of special operation missions and the best literature on all aspects of U.S. special operation forces.

Army Special Operations Forces

Book Description

Field Manual (FM) 3-05 is an Army keystone publication and the integrating manual for United States (U.S.) Army special operations forces (ARSOF). The acronym ARSOF represents Special Forces (SF), Rangers, Special Operations Aviation (SOA), Psychological Operations (PSYOP), and Civil Affairs (CA)-all supported by the Sustainment Brigade (Special Operations) (Airborne) (SB[SO][A]). PURPOSE FM: 3-05 describes the ARSOF strategic landscape, fundamentals, core tasks, capabilities, and sustainment involved in the full range of military operations. This manual serves as the doctrinal foundation for subordinate ARSOF doctrine, force integration, materiel acquisition, professional education, and individual and unit training. This manual is the keystone for the entire family of current and proposed ARSOF manuals (Figure Preface-1, page vi). SCOPE This manual describes the principles, fundamentals, guidelines, and conceptual framework to facilitate interoperability and the doctrinal foundation for the development of subsequent tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP); doctrine; and training literature. This Army keystone manual complements and is consistent with joint and Army doctrine. It provides the linkage from joint special operations (SO) and Army doctrine to ARSOF doctrine; therefore, great effort has been made to integrate joint and Army concepts and terminology into this manual. ARSOF are routinely committed to operational missions across the full range of military operations. APPLICABILITY: FM 3-05 provides the joint and land component force commander and his staff a broad understanding of ARSOF. This manual also provides guidance for ARSOF commanders who determine the force structure, budget, training, materiel, and operational requirements necessary to prepare ARSOF to conduct their core tasks. This Service doctrine is consistent with joint doctrine. This publication applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States, and United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: This manual is unclassified to ensure Armywide dissemination and to facilitate the integration of ARSOF in the preparation and execution of campaigns and major operations. Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men. The proponent of this manual is the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS). Submit comments and recommended changes to Commander, USAJFKSWCS, ATTN: AOJK-DTD-JA, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000, or by e-mail to [email protected].

Special Operations Forces

Book Description

In this volume, John Collins speaks with the authority of one who was literally present at the birth of the low intensity conflict era. His long-term, intimate, and direct contact with the esoteric world of special operations has few parallels. Their roots go back in time and history considerably farther, but today's Special Operations Forces are largely products of the past three decades. Their development has been in response to the pressures of world-wide situations perceived to bear upon or which actually do affect American strategic interests. The use of raw military power may not provide solutions to the complex problems involved and may even be counter-productive. Special Operations forces, uniquely suited to fill the quasi-military gap, require the highest degree of professional competence in the application of the classical principles of war. This is a big order. It is difficult in a few words to pay John Collins the tribute he deserves for continuing efforts to educate both the Congress and the U.S. Armed Forces concerning the capabilities and limitations of special operations and the forces they involve. This latest addition to his carefully researched studies combines history, philosophy, factual data, and reference materials in a single document that should be on the desks of civilian and military leaders whose responsibilities relate in any way to special operations.

Field Manual FM 3-18 Special Forces Operations

Book Description

FM 3-18 is the principal manual for United States Army Special Forces (SF) doctrine. It describes SF roles, missions, capabilities, organization, mission command, employment, and sustainment operations across the range of military operations. Topics include: *The History of Special Forces-World War II, The Cold War, and *Modern Special Forces *The Role of Special Forces *Special Forces Guidance and Principal Tasks *The Organization of Special Forces-US Special Operations Command and the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School *Employment of Special Forces-County Teams, Theater of Operations, and Training Programs *Unconventional Warfare and Foreign Internal Defense

Army Special Operations Forces

Book Description

Field Manual (FM) 3-05.130, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare, establishes keystone doctrine for Army special operations forces (ARSOF) operations in unconventional warfare (UW). It is basedon lessons learned from both historical and contemporary UW operations. It is also based on existing, long-standing Army Special Forces (SF) UW doctrine; recently developed doctrine, such as counterinsurgency (COIN); and emerging affiliated concepts, such as irregular warfare (IW).Since 11 September 2001 and the onset of the War on Terrorism (WOT), existing UW doctrinal publications have undergone intense scrutiny and timely revision. A majority of existing ARSOF manuals have incorporated recent lessons learned and updated tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) of immediate utility to the conductof war. For this reason, the Army has classified most of these revised manuals. UW remains an enduring and effective means of warfighting and is recognized as a central effort in the WOT. Although the classification of existing doctrine is prudent for operational security, it limits the distribution of concepts necessary for aneffective joint, interagency, and multinational effort. ARSOF and other audiences require an unclassified conceptual manual useful to understanding the nature of UW and its role in the nation's application of power.This manual provides that unclassified conceptual treatment.ARSOF execute and are the functional proponent for UW under United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Directive 10-1, Terms of Reference for Component Commanders, and other authorities. Currently, there exists no authoritative interagency or joint doctrine specifically for UW-although sufficient joint doctrine does exist for general campaign design and execution of joint and Army operations. This manual is the overarching doctrinal reference that specifically addresses UW as conducted by ARSOF. Detailed TTP for UWcan be found in FM 3-05.201, (S/NF) Special Forces Unconventional Warfare (U). The first chapter establishes what UW is and includes a comparison of traditional and emerging concepts withwhich UW is sometimes confused. Chapter 2 discusses the international environment and United States (U.S.) instruments of national power within which all military operations-including UW-occur. Chapter 3 addresses policy and doctrine that define, enable, and constrain UW. Chapter 4 outlines planning considerations for UW.The next three chapters provide a more focused operational discussion of ARSOF's three main component disciplines: SF operations, Psychological Operations (PSYOP), and Civil Affairs operations (CAO). Chapter 8, which concerns supporting elements and activities of UW, concludes the basic manual. The appendixes contain useful supplemental information. The first seven appendixes (A-G) provide expanded and detailed information on U.S. instruments of national power within the broader context of the international environment. Appendix H is a survey of definitions and current academic considerations concerning historical and cultural concepts usefulto the assessment of human environments. Appendix I provides a historical survey of UW. Appendix J contains an outline sketch of change and constancy in the definition of UW. Current doctrinal references and an expanded bibliography provide a guide for further reading and mature understanding of UW within the endeavor of war.Both the text and the Glossary identify terms that have joint or Army definitions. FM 3-05.130 is the proponent field manual (the authority) for UW, but is not the proponent for any other Army term.