User's Guide to the Second Amendment

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There is a newer version of this book.

User's Guide to the Second Amendment

Book Description

This is the abridged version of the book. The complete version of the book is normally available in eBook form on Kindle. The most comprehensive collection of source documents [mostly excerpts due to the volume of such documents] from the founders, constitutional law scholars, and the courts on the second amendment and the individual civilian right to keep and bear arms.-------------------Editorial Reviews: Library Journal: Dittmer, a citizen expert who is not a historian or legal scholar, has collected here historical documents, philosophical treatises, and legal opinions pertaining to the origins and history of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms. Dittmer's coverage extends from the 17th century to recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. In his commentary, Dittmer takes an expansive view of the amendment. He ranks the right to bear arms as fundamental and places it in the context of the First, Tenth, and 14th amendments. As the right is an individual and collective privilege, Dittmer argues, it should not be subject to restriction by taxation or regulation. He plainly espouses the libertarian, "pro" view that the amendment protects every individual's right to own guns for all legal uses in and outside the home. VERDICT This title will appeal to gun rights advocates and those interested in immersing themselves in the documentary background of the Second Amendment debate.-Mark Jones, Mercantile Lib., Cincinnati--

The Second Amendment Primer

Book Description

A simple guide to understanding your Second Amendment...

The Essential Second Amendment Guide

Book Description

The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees your right to keep and bear arms. You have a right to own a gun for defense of family and home. You have a right to own a gun for hunting, shooting or collecting. You have the right to own a gun to break the chains of tyranny. Our Founding Fathers said it. Our Constitution guarantees it. Our courts affirm it. Our laws protect it.Yet there are politicians, bureaucrats and members of the media elite who want to trample our freedoms. They say we can't be trusted to own a firearm. They say our freedoms are the cause of crime. They say that the government has the right to determine whether we need to own a gun. They say there is no human right to self-defense. They portray law-abiding gun owners as the members of some lunatic fringe. They attack us in the press and call us second-class citizens. This indispensable book contains battle-tested arguments and an arsenal of facts, figures and anecdotes that freedom advocates can use every day.


Book Description

Citizen Soldier Handbook: Saving Our Second Amendment

Book Description

"Citizen Soldier Handbook: Saving Our Second Amendment" is a manual for you to underline, scribble in, fill with Post-It's and notes. This Action Manual is meant for Citizens - Free Men and Women - who want to keep and safeguard our Constitutional Rights. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms was designed to keep our Citizens free from the overbearing and tyrannical nature of government. As Thomas Jefferson noted, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." The 2nd Amendment is not for hunting but for Freedom. This Action Manual protects our 200 year old Right to Bear Arms with modern methods, strategies and tactics. •Email campaigns•Publicity•Emergency Preparedness - lead by example•Pressuring PoliticiansAnd more! The books almost 300 pages are not talk, talk, talk, but Action, Action, Action. You undertake the action to help you, your family and your community. And our Great Country. Jefferson said, "The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." We live in uncertain economic times where police departments, city services and other infrastructure is under enormous economic pressure to cut back. The city attorney of San Bernardino (CA) suggested that its citizens armed themselves and lock their doors, given that city's precipitous rise in murder and assaults. Residents of Oakland (CA) patrol their streets, given the lack of police response in their neighborhoods. Responsible citizens with Rights matter in America. During the riots in Los Angeles, many Americans defended their homes, their livelihoods and other people's families against marauding gangs because they had Rights. You can too. Thomas Jefferson was fond of quoting ancient wisdom, including this notable quote about a good armed Citizen.“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” -Cesare Beccaria)Fight for your Rights TODAY for tomorrow may be too late. And too late for your children."Citizen Soldier Handbook: Saving Our Second Amendment"


Book Description

A provocative, timely, and deeply-researched history of gun culture and how it reflects race and power in the United States

Whose Right Is It? The Second Amendment and the Fight Over Guns

Book Description

Discover the truth about the Second Amendment, the NRA, and the United States’ centuries-long fight over guns in this first-of-its-kind book for middle grade readers. "A compelling, clear analysis of one of our country’s oldest dilemmas: how to balance gun rights with public safety. It tells the full and true story of the Second Amendment, and points to a way to bring sanity to our gun laws. A remarkable primer for all ages." —Michael Waldman, author of The Second Amendment: A Biography For the majority of the United States’ history, the right to own a gun belonged to a “well regulated militia.” That changed in 2008 with the historic District of Columbia v. Heller case, which ruled that the Second Amendment protected an individual’s right. In the years since, the debate over gun legislation has reached a crescendo. And the issue grows ever relevant to children across America, with an estimated three million exposed to shootings every year. From metal detectors to see-through backpacks to shooting drills, kids face daily reminders of the threat of guns. Hana Bajramovic's Whose Right Is It? The Second Amendment and the Fight Over Guns reveals how a once obscure amendment became the focus of daily heated debate. Filled with historical photos and informative graphics, the book will show young readers how gun legislation has always been a part of American history and how money, power, and systemic racism have long dictated our ability to own guns. A Junior Library Guild Selection "Hana Bajramovic provides readers with a compelling overview on the history of guns in the United States and the changing, conflicting interpretations of the Second Amendment certain to stimulate conversation and thinking on the part of future generations." —Award-winning author Doreen Rappaport

The Effects of Rights

Book Description

Disclaimer: This is a selection from the User's Guide to the Second Amendment, if you have that book then you already have this one. This is a sourcebook on the effects of having rights.