Supplement to the User's Guide for the Stand Prognosis Model

Book Description

Version 4.0 of the Prognosis Model was released in September 1981. Since then, a regeneration establishment model has been completed and small-tree increment models have been greatly refined. The COVER model has also been added to predict shrub development and total canopy cover. Thus, the representation of the vegetative component of the stand is basically complete and the Stand Prognosis Model can be linked more readily to models for nontimber resources.

User's Guide to CHEAPO II

Book Description

Since its introduction in 1979, CHEAPO, a computer based economic analysis program, has allowed users of the Stand Prognosis Model to evaluate silvicultural alternatives from an economic point of view. Subsequent modifications to the Prognosis Model have rendered CHEAP0 obsolete. This users guide covers a new computer model, CHEAP0 II, which is compatible with version 5.1 of the Prognosis Model and expands its economic analysis capabilities.