Using Hydrodynamic Simulations to Understand the Structure and Composition of the Circumgalactic Medium of Milky Way-sized Galaxies

Book Description

We explore the structure and evolution of baryons within Milky Way-sized halos (M ~ 1012 Msun) via hydrodynamic simulations. First, we employ a two-fluid model to study the dynamics of a relativistic, diffusive cosmic ray proton (CR) fluid interacting with the thermal interstellar medium (ISM). This model was implemented into the eulerian hydrodynamics code enzo, used throughout this dissertation. After testing this model on analytically tractable scenarios in one dimension, it is unleashed upon an idealized disk simulation in a rapidly-star forming setting, where we find evidence for robust, mass-loaded winds driven by the diffusive CR fluid. These winds reduce the galaxy’s star formation rate (SFR) and circulate on order as much mass into winds as into forming stars. We then extend this model to a cosmological setting where the diffuse CR fluid proves capable of redistributing star formation within the forming disk, reducing the overly-peaked rotation curves in non-CR runs and producing thin, extended disks with visible spiral structure.

Understanding the Circumgalactic Medium Through Hydrodynamic Simulations and Hubble's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph

Book Description

My dissertation focuses on a relatively new field of study: the region immediately around galaxies known as the circumgalactic medium (CGM). The CGM holds vast quantities of mass and metals, yet its connection to galaxies is not well understood. My work uses cosmological hydrodynamic simulations and comparisons to data from Hubble's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) to understand the CGM's connection to galaxy evolution, gas accretion, outflows, star formation, and baryon cycling. This includes studies of the CGM's extent and physical conditions; the cause and nature of outflows; gas dynamics, including the first comprehensive study of tracers of inflowing and outflowing gas at low redshift (z=0.25); and direct comparison of theoretical results to observational data. Chapter 1 introduces my research and show its connection to galaxy evolution. Chapter 2 investigates hydrogen and metal line absorption around low-redshift galaxies in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. This chapter studies different models for stellar outflows, physical conditions, and dependencies on halo mass. Chapter 3 examines the flow of gas into, out of, and around galaxies using a novel particle tracking technique. This chapter examines the baryon cycle in detail for our preferred model of stellar outflows. Chapter 4 compares our model results, including two separate prescriptions for outflows, with data from COS. We contrast these wind models, showing how they cycle baryons differently, and show degeneracies in observational diagnostics. In Chapter 5, I summarize and discuss plans for future research in this field, and how it can be more fully leveraged to understand galaxy evolution.

Hydrodynamic Simulations and Tomographic Reconstructions of the Intergalactic Medium

Book Description

The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is the dominant reservoir of matter in the Universe from which the cosmic web and galaxies form. The structure and physical state of the IGM provides insight into the cosmological model of the Universe, the origin and timeline of the reionization of the Universe, as well as being an essential ingredient in our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Our primary handle on this information is a signal known as the Lyman-alpha forest (or Ly-alpha forest) -- the collection of absorption features in high-redshift sources due to intervening neutral hydrogen, which scatters HI Ly-alpha photons out of the line of sight. The Ly-alpha forest flux traces density fluctuations at high redshift and at moderate overdensities, making it an excellent tool for mapping large-scale structure and constraining cosmological parameters. Although the computational methodology for simulating the Ly-alpha forest has existed for over a decade, we are just now approaching the scale of computing power required to simultaneously capture large cosmological scales and the scales of the smallest absorption systems. My thesis focuses on using simulations at the edge of modern computing to produce precise predictions of the statistics of the Ly-alpha forest and to better understand the structure of the IGM. In the first part of my thesis, I review the state of hydrodynamic simulations of the IGM, including pitfalls of the existing under-resolved simulations. Our group developed a new cosmological hydrodynamics code to tackle the computational challenge, and I developed a distributed analysis framework to compute flux statistics from our simulations. I present flux statistics derived from a suite of our large hydrodynamic simulations and demonstrate convergence to the per cent level. I also compare flux statistics derived from simulations using different discretizations and hydrodynamic schemes (Eulerian finite volume vs. smoothed particle hydrodynamics) and discuss differences in their convergence behavior, their overall agreement, and the implications for cosmological constraints. In the second part of my thesis, I present a tomographic reconstruction method that allows us to make 3D maps of the IGM with Mpc resolution. In order to make reconstructions of large surveys computationally feasible, I developed a new Wiener Filter application with an algorithm specialized to our problem, which significantly reduces the space and time complexity compared to previous implementations. I explore two scientific applications of the maps: finding protoclusters by searching the maps for large, contiguous regions of low flux and finding cosmic voids by searching the maps for regions of high flux. Using a large N-body simulation, I identify and characterize both protoclusters and voids at z = 2.5, in the middle of the redshift range being mapped by ongoing surveys. I provide simple methods for identifying protocluster and void candidates in the tomographic flux maps, and then test them on mock surveys and reconstructions. I present forecasts for sample purity and completeness and other scientific applications of these large, high-redshift objects.

Unveiling the Circumgalactic Medium Using a Cloud-by-cloud, Multiphase, Bayesian Ionization Modeling Approach

Book Description

This thesis investigates the physicochemical nature of the gaseous structures in the vicinity of galaxies. Intervening absorption systems seen in the spectra of background quasars probe the circumgalactic medium (CGM) around galaxies and can provide insights into the nature of the gas. The CGM is a dynamic and multiphase interface between a galaxy and its surroundings. Unraveling the origin of the multiphase gas in the CGM is important because it potentially allows us to learn about the processes that supply inflowing gas to the galaxy, enrich the surroundings with metal-rich outflows, and send enriched material back to the galaxy as recycled accretion. First, I present a new method aimed at improving the efficiency of component-by-component ionization modeling of intervening quasar absorption line systems. I carry out cloud-by-cloud, multiphase modeling making use of CLOUDY and Bayesian methods to extract physical properties from an ensemble of absorption profiles. As a demonstration of the method, I focus on four weak, low ionization absorbers at low redshift, because they are multi-phase but relatively simple to constrain. We place errors on the inferred metallicities and ionization parameters for individual clouds and show that the values vary from component to component across the absorption profile. This method requires user input on the number of phases and relies on an optimized transition for each phase, one observed with high resolution and signal-to-noise. The measured Doppler parameter, b, of the optimized transition provides a constraint on the Doppler parameter of HI, thus providing leverage in metallicity measurements even when hydrogen lines are saturated. I present several tests of this methodology, demonstrating that I can recover the input parameters from simulated profiles. I also consider how the model results are affected by which radiative transitions are covered by observations (for example how many HI transitions) and by uncertainties in the $b$ parameters of optimized transitions. I discuss the successes and limitations of the method, and consider its potential for large statistical studies. This improved methodology will help to establish direct connections between the diverse properties derived from characterizing the absorbers and the multiple physical processes at play in the CGM. Next, I present an absorption line study of the physical and chemical properties of the Leo HI Ring and the Leo I Group as traced by 11 quasar sightlines spread over a ~ 600 kpc x 800 kpc region. Using HST/COS G130/G160 archival observations as constraints, I couple cloud-by-cloud, multiphase, Bayesian ionization modeling with galaxy property information to determine the plausible origin of the absorbing gas along these sightlines. I find absorption plausibly associated with the Leo Ring towards five sightlines. The absorption along these five sightlines is stronger in metal lines than expected from individual galaxies, indicative of multiple contributions, and of the complex kinematics of the region. Along three other sightlines, I find absorption likely to be associated with individual galaxies, intragroup gas, and/or large-scale filamentary structure. I also identify three sightlines within a 7° x6° field around the Leo Ring, along which I do not find any absorption. I find that the metallicities associated with the Leo Ring are generally high, with values between solar and several times solar. The inferred high metallicities are consistent with the origin of the ring as tidal debris from a major galaxy merger. Next, I analyze archival ultraviolet quasar spectra from HST/COS covering 47 absorption line systems produced by the CGM of galaxies that have galaxy imaging with HST with known impact parameters and orientations. I conducted a large statistical study with this sample to determine if the metallicities of any of the multiple structures depend on orientation. Cloud-by-cloud, multiphase Bayesian modeling was applied to provide constraints on metallicity, density, and temperature of multiple regions along the sightline. I find that the high metallicity clouds span a large range of velocities while the low metallicity clouds are found close to the systemic velocity of the galaxy. I also find that clouds close to the systemic velocity show a full range of metallicities. High-velocity clouds, on the other hand, show a tendency for tracing high metallicities. I do not find metallicity trends with azimuthal angle, inclination, impact parameter, or galaxy type. Despite the lack of a link between azimuthal angle and metallicity, the independent effects of inflows and outflows are seen in absorption systems using cloud-by-cloud modeling. Finally, I employ the same techniques that I have developed with real absorption systems to investigate absorption systems in cosmological simulations in order to assess the efficacy of the methods in extracting true properties from simulations. I find that the assumption of photoionization thermal equilibrium should be relaxed, particularly for the high ionization gas phases, and this assumption only holds in a particular regime of the CGM phase space. For a discrete distribution of clouds, the inferred posterior distributions contain the actual values in the simulations. For a complex and continuous distribution of clouds in simulations, I find that the properties of the best-constrained clouds agree well with the true values. These findings strengthen our confidence in reliably extracting the properties of the CGM from observational datasets.

Probing Galaxy Evolution Through Numerical Simulations

Book Description

Large observational surveys have compiled substantial galaxy samples with an array of different properties across cosmic time. While we have a broad understanding of how galaxies grow and build their observable properties, the details of galaxy growth and evolution pose a fundamental challenge to galaxy evolution theories. Nonetheless, galaxy evolution is ultimately regulated by the properties of the gas reservoir. In this thesis I use numerical simulations to answer key questions related to the galactic gas reservoir, and galaxy mergers: a major transformational process. In Chapter 2 I present an analysis of 28 simulated L* galaxies to understand the physical processes that shape the massive gas reservoir surrounding galaxies (i.e. the circum-galactic medium; CGM). I show that (1) the gas and metal content of the CGM is driven by galaxy growth and the strength/presence of feedback processes, and (2) the ionisation and internal structures of the CGM are shaped by galactic outflows, and active galactic nucleus luminosity. Albeit dependent on internal galactic properties and the physical processes that shape them, the CGM remains greatly diverse, thus posing a challenge for observational surveys. As a follow-up to my study of normal L* galaxy gas halos, in Chapter 3 I present a theoretical study of the effect of galaxy mergers on the CGM. I demonstrate that galaxy mergers can leave a strong imprint on the CGM's gas and metal content, metallicity, and size. The merger can increase (1) the CGM's metallicity by 0.2-0.3 dex within 0.5 Gyr post-merge, and (2) the metal covering fractions by factors of 2-3. In spite of the increase in the CGM's metal content, the hard ionising field during the merger can drive a decline in the covering fractions of commonly observed ions. In Chapter 4 I shift focus to star formation, particularly the effects of galaxy mergers on star formation. While the effects of galaxy mergers have been proven observationally, theoretical predictions are limited to small binary merger suites and cosmological zoom-in studies. I present a statistical study of 27,691 post-merger galaxies from IllustrisTNG to quantify the effect of galaxy mergers on galactic star formation. I report a dependence in the merger-induced star formation rate (SFR) on mass ratio, stellar mass, gas fraction, and galaxy SFR. I also track the evolution of the effects of galaxy mergers demonstrating their decay over ~500 Myr. In Chapter 6, I leverage galactic scaling relations to extend my work on the effects of galaxy mergers to resolved scales. However, before using the simulated resolved scaling relations, I first examine their existence and robustness. In Chapter 5, I demonstrate the emergence of the kpc-scale star forming main sequence (rSFMS) in the FIRE-2 simulations. Nonetheless, the slope of the rSFMS is dependent on the (1) star formation tracer's timescale, and (2) observed resolution, which I propose is caused by the clumpiness of star formation. I develop a toy model that quantitatively captures the effects of clumpy star formation. I then illustrate how the model can be used to characterise the mass of star-forming clumps. Having demonstrated the existence and robustness of known scaling relations in numerical simulations, I explore the effects of galaxy mergers on resolved scales in Chapter 6. I generate synthetic observations for 1,927 post-mergers in IllustrisTNG and examine the radially-dependent merger-driven SFR enhancement, and metallicity suppression in post-mergers. Galaxy mergers preferentially boost star formation in the centres and suppress metallicities globally. The effects of the merger depends on galaxy properties such as stellar mass, SFR, mass ratio, and gas fraction.

Interplay of Galactic Winds and Circumgalactic Media

Book Description

The flow of gas through the circumgalactic medium (CGM) regulates galaxy growth over cosmic time. Observations have recently revealed a complex multi-phase structure in the CGM that has challenged many of the established theories and highlights significant gaps in our understanding of this critical aspect of galaxy formation. The spatial scales relevant to the CGM span a huge range with its structure and evolution determined by small-scale processes—such as the launching of galactic winds by clustered supernovae and thermal instability in the hydrostatic halo—and large-scale processes—such as cosmological accretion. I will describe my efforts to use controlled numerical simulations to understand the details and interplay of these multi-scale processes in order to develop a coherent picture of the CGM that is consistent with observations.

Formation of Disk Galaxies in CDM Using Particle-based Hydrodynamics

Book Description

Over the past several decades, the current standard model of cosmology (CDM) has been established. Accurate measurements of cosmological parameters provide us a well defined initial condition where we can connect the tiny fluctuations in the early smooth Universe with the rich structures observed at more recent times using direct numerical simulations. Although the nature of dark matter remains elusive, its dynamic evolution can be well studied since gravity is the only force at play.On large scales, hierarchical structures form in the computer simulations which closely resemble the observed galaxy clustering properties. On small scales, how- ever, various tensions arise when numerical calculations are confronted with the observed galaxies. Nearby dwarf galaxies show significant systematic deviations from the computer calculations of CDM. Thin disk geometries and the lack of luminous classical bulge in many nearby galaxies pose additional challenges to CDM cosmology as well. While disk galaxies in the local Universe are ubiqui- tous, forming realistic disk galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations has proven to be a decade-long challenge.In this dissertation, I present my investigation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy formation using two particle-based methods. A particle-based code is naturally suited in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations because it offers an adaptive and flexible description to gas dynamics. Realistic disk galaxies are formed with both SPH and a new Gizmo code, which combines the strengths of traditional SPH and grid-based method.

Dynamics of the Milky Way

Book Description

This work presents a study of methods useful for modeling and understanding dynamical systems in the Galaxy. A natural coordinate system for the study of dynamical systems is the angle-action coordinate system. New methods for the approximation of the action-angle variables in general potentials are presented and discussed. These new tools are applied to the construction of dynamical models for two of the Galaxy’s components: tidal streams and the Galactic disc. Tidal streams are remnants of tidally stripped satellites in the Milky Way that experience the effects of the large scale structure of the Galactic gravitational potential, while the Galactic disc provides insights into the nature of the Galaxy near the Sun. Appropriate action-based models are presented and discussed for these components, and extended to include further information such as the metallicity of stars.

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality

Book Description

This book contains the elaborated and updated versions of the 24 lectures given at the 43rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course. Written by four eminent scientists in the field, the book reviews the physical processes related to star formation, starting from cosmological down to galactic scales. It presents a detailed description of the interstellar medium and its link with the star formation. And it describes the main numerical computational techniques designed to solve the equations governing self-gravitating fluids used for modelling of galactic and extra-galactic systems. This book provides a unique framework which is needed to develop and improve the simulation techniques designed for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Presented in an accessible manner it contains the present day state of knowledge of the field. It serves as an entry point and key reference to students and researchers in astronomy, cosmology, and physics.

Simulations of Galaxy Formation and Large Scale Structure

Book Description

In this work we use the N-body resimulation technique to address aspects of structure formation. In the first chapter we study the influence of the local environment of DM haloes on their properties. In the second chapter we address the so-called "substructure problem" which is one of the major challenges of the CDM model of cosmology. We perform ultra-high resolution simulations of the assembly of a Milky Way type dark matter halo within its full cosmological context and propose a new analytical fitting formula (SWTS) which provides a better fit to the simulated Milky Way halo than the NFW or Moore profiles do. In the third chapter we use our ultra-high resolution simulations to study the possible -ray signal from dark matter annihilation. If such a signal was detected, the nature of the dark matter, the answer to one of the most important questions of modern cosmology, would be known. (urn: nbn: de: bvb:19-16446)"