Nonparametric Demand Estimation in the Presence of Unobserved Factors

Book Description

In many applications of discrete choice modeling, there exist unobserved factors (UFs) driving the consumer demand that are not included in the model. Ignoring such UFs when fitting the choice model can produce biased parameter estimates and ultimately lead to incorrect policy decisions. At the same time, accounting for UFs during estimation is challenging since we typically have only partial or indirect information about them. Existing approaches such as the classical BLP estimator make strong parametric assumptions to deal with this challenge, and therefore can suffer from model misspecification issues. We propose a novel estimator for dealing with UFs in the mixtures of logit model that is { em nonparametric}, i.e., does not impose any parametric assumptions on the mixing distribution or the underlying mechanism generating the UFs. We theoretically characterize the benefit of using our estimator over the BLP estimator. We then leverage the alternating minimization framework to design an efficient algorithm for implementing our proposed estimator and establish its sublinear convergence to a stationary point of the estimation problem. Using a simulation study, we demonstrate that our estimator is robust to different ground-truth settings, whereas the performance of the BLP estimator suffers significantly under model misspecification. Using real-world grocery sales transaction data, we show that accounting for product and store-level UFs can significantly improve the accuracy of predicting weekly demand at an individual product and store level, with an avg. 57% improvement across 12 product categories over a state-of-the-art benchmark that ignores UFs during estimation.

Principles of Nonparametric Learning

Book Description

This volume provides a systematic in-depth analysis of nonparametric learning. It covers the theoretical limits and the asymptotical optimal algorithms and estimates, such as pattern recognition, nonparametric regression estimation, universal prediction, vector quantization, distribution and density estimation, and genetic programming.

Nonparametric Curve Estimation

Book Description

This book gives a systematic, comprehensive, and unified account of modern nonparametric statistics of density estimation, nonparametric regression, filtering signals, and time series analysis. The companion software package, available over the Internet, brings all of the discussed topics into the realm of interactive research. Virtually every claim and development mentioned in the book is illustrated with graphs which are available for the reader to reproduce and modify, making the material fully transparent and allowing for complete interactivity.

Nonparametric Tests for Complete Data

Book Description

This book concerns testing hypotheses in non-parametric models. Classical non-parametric tests (goodness-of-fit, homogeneity, randomness, independence) of complete data are considered. Most of the test results are proved and real applications are illustrated using examples. Theories and exercises are provided. The incorrect use of many tests applying most statistical software is highlighted and discussed.

Nonparametric Function Estimation, Modeling, and Simulation

Book Description

Topics emphasized include nonparametric density estimation as an exploratory device plus the deeper models to which the exploratory analysis points, multi-dimensional data analysis, and analysis of remote sensing data, cancer progression, chaos theory, epidemiological modeling, and parallel based algorithms. New methods discussed are quick nonparametric density estimation based techniques for resampling and simulation based estimation techniques not requiring closed form solutions.

Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related Topics

Book Description

About three years ago, an idea was discussed among some colleagues in the Division of Statistics at the University of California, Davis, as to the possibility of holding an international conference, focusing exclusively on nonparametric curve estimation. The fruition of this idea came about with the enthusiastic support of this project by Luc Devroye of McGill University, Canada, and Peter Robinson of the London School of Economics, UK. The response of colleagues, contacted to ascertain interest in participation in such a conference, was gratifying and made the effort involved worthwhile. Devroye and Robinson, together with this editor and George Metakides of the University of Patras, Greece and of the European Economic Communities, Brussels, formed the International Organizing Committee for a two week long Advanced Study Institute (ASI) sponsored by the Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The ASI was held on the Greek Island of Spetses between July 29 and August 10, 1990. Nonparametric functional estimation is a central topic in statistics, with applications in numerous substantive fields in mathematics, natural and social sciences, engineering and medicine. While there has been interest in nonparametric functional estimation for many years, this has grown of late, owing to increasing availability of large data sets and the ability to process them by means of improved computing facilities, along with the ability to display the results by means of sophisticated graphical procedures.

Nonparametric Demand Estimation in Differentiated Products Markets

Book Description

I develop and apply a nonparametric approach to estimate demand in differentiated products markets. Estimating demand flexibly is key to addressing many questions in economics that hinge on the shape - and notably the curvature - of market demand functions. My approach applies to standard discrete choice settings, but accommodates a broader range of consumer behaviors and preferences, including complementarities across goods, consumer inattention, and consumer loss aversion. Further, no distributional assumptions are made on the unobservables and only limited functional form restrictions are imposed. Using California grocery store data, I apply my approach to perform two counterfactual exercises: quantifying the pass-through of a tax, and assessing how much the multi-product nature of sellers contributes to markups. In both cases, I find that estimating demand flexibly has a significant impact on the results relative to a standard random coefficients discrete choice model, and I highlight how the outcomes relate to the estimated shape of the demand functions.